
Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Post by dorkmaster »

I hope I'm in the right section and this has not already been posted, but does anybody else ever get upset by atheists' comments? I was reading reviews for the Bible app on my iTouch and I couldn't help but be upset by the smarmy, hurtful comments by some people. Does anyone ales ever feel that way?
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Re: Atheists

Post by taylor1025 »

Ohhhh yeah. My mom's an atheist, and pretty much all I ever hear about is "Christians believe this" and "Christians believe that," all in an incredibly snarky tone. Most of it isn't even true, lol.

I'm very interested in other religions, and whenever I mention them she's always like "Oh, that's really neat!" When I talk about the (somewhat "out there") beliefs Mormons have, she's fascinated. Catholicism seems cool to her too, but when it comes to Protestants, forget about it. She will rant and mock me for all it's worth. Apparently, we ALL believe the Earth was created 6,000 years ago, and that dinosaurs walked alongside humans, etc. (The Bible specifically states the age of the Earth you know! *rolls eyes*)

Since I'm only 13, there's not really much I can do. I know she loves my brother and me more than anything in the world, but she doesn't understand that mocking me for my beliefs doesn't exactly boost my self-esteem any. I once told her that I was agnostic (I know, it isn't right...) just to shut her up, but it didn't seem to help any.

Then the other night she gets on me because I believe in micro-evolution but not macro-evolution. She said "You do realize that macro is just micro on a larger scale, right? No difference!" (Which is true, but a species evolving within its own species is different than a species evolving into a completely different one.) She ended the conversation there.

It's funny though, because whenever we really go at it, if I prove a point she gets real quiet. Then she'll make a typical atheist remark about the Flying Spaghetti Monster or something. (She spends about an hour a night sitting around giggling at message boards. (Either an atheist one or Rapture Ready.) It's so freaking annoying!

Well, that was quite a long post, lol.

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Re: Atheists

Post by dorkmaster »

I do feel sorry for you. I grow up in a household where I am the only one who really embraces any kind of denomination, but my family are all christians for the most part. I know I shouldn't let it get to me, but it does. lol.
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Re: Atheists

Post by J.Davis »

dorkmaster wrote:does anybody else ever get upset by atheists' comments?
Upset? Nahhhhh…

It gives us a chance to (get even!) minister to them and give them (HELL!!) the opportunity to drink (of the wine of the wrath of God) of God’s (anger which is mixed in full strength in the cup of His righteous justice) Love. No brother, be not angry, remember the words of Christ. If someone offends you, turn the other’s cheek (darn typos ..ahhh, I‘ll fix it latter, hey!, stop reading my thoughts). :P

God loves the atheists...(Just joking with you guys)!

Welcome to the forum dorkmaster and taylor1025..Merry Christmas!
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Re: Atheists

Post by charlie »

One needs to realize that theists and atheists are both humans and will react in similar ways. When an atheist writes a hurtful comment they do so for a variety of reasons. These can include but are not limited to humor, impatience, lack of respect, or lack of understanding. The same can be applied to theists. A problem in our society is that we see theists and atheists as groups where the individuals are all the same. By looking at society one can see that individuals are unique and have their own ways of living. Perhaps instead of seeing a group as a stereotype you should see them as a group of individuals with differing levels of education and experience. The one atheist you know is not a very accurate example of the whole. It is also wise to keep in mind that many atheists do not speak in hurtful terms. There may be comments on the Bible application, but it doesn't show you the numerous people who did not post comments. Anger is a very strong emotion and when someone says something hurtful perhaps consider they may be angry. Atheists have to struggle in an environment where the majority of people do not agree with them. They struggle to find certainty as everyone does. And like theists once they find their certainty they find the passion to share their opinions. Some people do this in an immature way while others actually do seek to be empathetic. This does not excuse the comments but grants one at least an understanding. Be empathetic of your fellow men and women who are struggling in life just as you are.

As for your mother you might want to realize that she is also continuing to struggle. She is imperfect and not aware of every consequence of her actions. Be honest with your mother and tell her that her words are hurtful. Try to express that you do believe in god and you would like her to respect that.
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Re: Atheists

Post by narnia4 »

I don't like it at all. I don't know if "upset" is the right word, or "disappointed" maybe. Unfortunately you get used to it, and I really try to avoid internet trolls now. Arguing with them don't help things, and paying attention to their Bible-bashing and Christian-bashing really isn't beneficial.
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Re: Atheists

Post by zoegirl »

I know it can be frustrating and I certainly am not perfect at doing this, but I remember well in grad school being very very gentle (not meaning that I didn't talk about it, but very unemotional and just tried to be cool under pressure) about what I believe and amazingly enough, it really threw them off. It was as if they didn't know what to do about it. As much as possible, remember that "a gentle answer turns away wrath". They are lost, they are without discernment. Matthew 10:16
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Re: Atheists

Post by MarcusOfLycia »

The one atheist you know is not a very accurate example of the whole.
I know five or six atheists fairly well (I don't have a huge circle of friends). Unfortunately, they all fit the description that the OP stated. "Snarky" is a good term. I contrast that with the majority of my friends who are Christians, and those I know who are agnostic, and the difference is staggering. The only people who consistently mock those of other beliefs are the atheists, and they defend each other persistently and sometimes almost (verbally) violently. And yet, they claim to be the most open minded, the most reasonable, the most honest people out there.

It gets irritating because of how absolutely shallow their knowledge of anything religious is and at the same time how absolutely enormous their pride is about what they think the know.
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Re: Atheists

Post by believ3r »

It is upsetting sometimes, yes. You just have to learn to live with it, and not worry about it. Also remember, some do it specifically just to upset you. By getting upset, you only give them more power over you.
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