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Experience with Atheist forums

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 1:52 am
by Telstra Robs
Within discussions on the board, sometimes an Atheist will come in. Has anyone had experience with registering on Atheist forums?

Re: Experience with Atheist forums

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 8:54 am
by Canuckster1127
I did several years ago. Overall, it's not something I would recommend or particularly look to do.

I have a lot of interactions with atheists and people of different spiritual perspectives in the context of other boards I participate on, mostly on my facebook account or boards related to my book reviewing hobby on

"Atheist boards" tend not to be places that welcome discussion. It's almost like you're entering into their lair as it were and they're waiting for you and it's more about entertainment than real discourse. To be fair, some atheists may feel the same way coming onto a board like this.

I've found I have some productive discussions and interactions with atheists, agnostics and other backgrounds when we begin in the context of something we have in common (like book reviewing) and build a little but of respect and relationship first and then discuss the other elements when we're willing to listen to each other and show some respect back and forth.

Most of the atheists on dedicated atheist boads are militant or so-called "new" atheists and they're just looking for someone to unload upon. I don't volunteer for that anymore and steer clear of them. I suppose if someone I was discussing with invited me to participate in an open discussion I might consider it, but I don't go looking for such boards just for the purpose of getting into an argument. There's too many other opportunities in other venues that to me are just more effective.

Re: Experience with Atheist forums

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 8:46 pm
by 7777777
I signed up for an Atheist site once. I didn't like the site too much because I didn't find too many Christians there. It's no fun reading posts that just bash Christianity. I think most Christians get scared away due to all of the insults. But, one thing I did notice while I was there....some Christians are so ignorant. I mean, even a simple basic question from an Atheist, like, "what do I need to do to get to heaven?". I read so many posts of Christians hemming and hawing..." long as you're good and serve mankind...". Or, my favorite answer....."I don't know. Only God can judge". I felt like screaming at the monitor, "TELL THEM THEY NEED TO ACCEPT JESUS CHRIST YOU IDIOT!!!". It's truly amazing the ignorance of some Christians on the basic principles of Christianity.

Re: Experience with Atheist forums

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 8:19 am
by zoegirl
true...of course, who knows, perhaps those posts are the ones that are allowed :-)

Re: Experience with Atheist forums

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 8:37 am
by Seraph
I used to argue with Atheists on Youtube quite often but stopped. Ultimately nobody's mind is going to be changed and it just leaves a bad feeling in the stomach. It is especially bad on an Atheist forum where it becomes a 20 vs 1 arguement and it starts to feel like trying to eat your way through a brick wall.

Re: Experience with Atheist forums

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 6:13 pm
by Dudeacus97
Seraph wrote:I used to argue with Atheists on Youtube quite often but stopped. Ultimately nobody's mind is going to be changed and it just leaves a bad feeling in the stomach. It is especially bad on an Atheist forum where it becomes a 20 vs 1 arguement and it starts to feel like trying to eat your way through a brick wall.
Same here. Once I got in an endless flame war on youtube. (Still getting e-mail saying somebody replied to me.) There must be 10 or so "pages" of just people yelling at me.

Re: Experience with Atheist forums

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 6:47 pm
by Lux Aeterna
I've stopped by atheist websites, but I tend not to stick around because of the sheer amount of anger that just drips off the page. I'm not saying that all atheists are riled up, but many of the atheists I see online seem like they have a chip on their shoulder about Christianity and all Christians.

Re: Experience with Atheist forums

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 8:14 pm
by Proinsias
I found this place via an atheist forum. I was posting there for a few years when someone pasted my replies over here and I followed, I'm glad I did. I found that site when I was googling for why atheists are atheists, I never figured that out but I did meet some wonderful people I'm still in touch with long after the forum died. I came here in response to an argument and decided to stay to figure out why Christians were Christian, I've not figured that out either but I have met some wonderful people, and I'm glad Jac's back.

As someone who can argue about the same thing with both Christians and atheists I don't see a huge difference between Christian & atheist forums, but I know a good forum when I see one.

Re: Experience with Atheist forums

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 4:13 am
by Reactionary
Lux Aeterna wrote:I've stopped by atheist websites, but I tend not to stick around because of the sheer amount of anger that just drips off the page. I'm not saying that all atheists are riled up, but many of the atheists I see online seem like they have a chip on their shoulder about Christianity and all Christians.
Same here. The amount of anger and hate I find on such forums never ceases to surprise me. The amount of swear words proves it. Yet they want me to believe that they are happy and content. Sorry, content people don't get fired up about a deity they don't believe in.
Canuckster1127 wrote:"Atheist boards" tend not to be places that welcome discussion. It's almost like you're entering into their lair as it were and they're waiting for you and it's more about entertainment than real discourse. To be fair, some atheists may feel the same way coming onto a board like this.
I think you're being too respectful towards a majority of their boards. At least that's my personal observation - I have yet to find an "atheist board" that isn't disrespectful towards Christianity. I realize, however, that you're more than twice as old as I am, and experience and wisdom that comes with age has certainly made you more level-headed. I know that when someone attacks my beliefs or something I identify myself with, I usually respond with an even heavier "barrage", to put it figuratively. I don't resort to insults and swearing though, but I don't spend much time defending my Christian beliefs - rather counter-attacking the materialist position, trying to remove the basis for objective judgement within the materialist framework and point out the self-refuting nature of atheistic materialism.

Re: Experience with Atheist forums

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:41 am
by Lux Aeterna
Reactionary wrote:
Lux Aeterna wrote:I've stopped by atheist websites, but I tend not to stick around because of the sheer amount of anger that just drips off the page. I'm not saying that all atheists are riled up, but many of the atheists I see online seem like they have a chip on their shoulder about Christianity and all Christians.
Same here. The amount of anger and hate I find on such forums never ceases to surprise me. The amount of swear words proves it. Yet they want me to believe that they are happy and content. Sorry, content people don't get fired up about a deity they don't believe in.
The narrative I see on atheist websites is that atheism is this enlightened philosophy that would bring peace to the world. Then I see the amount of rage that's associated with atheism and I'm like, yeah, you have a really peaceful thing going here... *backs away slowly*

Re: Experience with Atheist forums

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 9:09 am
by Reactionary
Lux Aeterna wrote:*backs away slowly*

Re: Experience with Atheist forums

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 9:33 am
by Proinsias
Another point to consider is that these boards often provide a vent for a cathartic process. Most atheists or agnostics I know, who were Christian for many years previously, went through a period of Dawkins-esque religion bashing before settling down to a more dismissive, as opposed to aggressive, attitude towards religion. If you've been an evangelical pastor for 10 years and come to the realisation that it's a load of sweary words you're going to want to tell somebody, much like those irritating people standing shouting in the street about Jesus.

Re: Experience with Atheist forums

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 9:52 am
by Philip
The thing is, that by the time one JOINS and frequently contributes to an atheist forum, they are often so blind, their hearts so hard, that they make sure their mental filter is continually set to "reject all Christian input, no matter how compelling." So not only will atheists/agnostics ("dishonest" atheists) not listen, it will usually be all you can do to not get angry and begin stooping to their low-brow tactics.

I used to do a lot of debating on YouTube, but quickly learned that the limitations of posting length aren't conducive to quality conversations.

What someone here suggested, and which I think is a much better option, is to engage commentors in the comments sections on books. Whether it's a book on a spiritual or philosophical topic, or something else, there are many excellent opportunities there. But what I really love about comments discussions is that it does not limit you to any comment post length you might write (not that I have found). Also, the comments/reviews on are a terrific way to see how various people interpret facts and knowledge, and to find out what people are thinking out there.

Re: Experience with Atheist forums

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 8:03 am
by Callisto
Reactionary wrote: Same here. The amount of anger and hate I find on such forums never ceases to surprise me. The amount of swear words proves it. Yet they want me to believe that they are happy and content. Sorry, content people don't get fired up about a deity they don't believe in.
That's exactly right and I always thought it was fun to point that out to them when they challenged me on Youtube or wherever. I'd say something like, "What are you so worried about, why are you so upset? You're wringing your hands over a God you don't believe in and actions that mean nothing if naturalism is true." I tried to get them to realize that the fact that they WERE upset pointed to something other than naturalism. Humans are a very religious lot, even if we deny it. We worship money and we worship our own pride because we want to be "right" all the time. That's what the new atheists are doing, essentially. Worshipping naturalism and their sense of "rightness".

I stopped answering people who have said extremely callous things about God, Christianity, or any other theist out there. Mostly for my sanity. Also because it's not worth it - most of those people have blocked off their hearts and as we all know, hell is locked from the inside.