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Worshiping God and being male

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 2:10 pm
by derrick09
Hey guys, this question has to do with worship. Now I do have a tremendous love for God but for quite sometime I've had trouble trying to channel my love for God. To put it more bluntly, as a guy, how do you get yourself to fall more in love with a Being that is mostly perceived to be a male, especially a male who has long hair and a beard? This not only goes for Christ since pretty much all images of Christ are featured like this, but even for God the Father (i.e. the image of God and Adam on the ceiling of the Cestine Chapel). It seems that women find worship to be more attractive and are more into it than men, and I was thinking it's much easier for women to express love for men (no matter what the relation) than it is for men to do the same thing, but to other men. Like for example, I have a great relationship with my dad. But since I'm pretty much a grown man in my mid 20's I don't hug and kiss on him like I would if I were a woman in my mid 20's. That sort of how it is with me and God. Is that wrong or is that ok? Let me know what you think. Thanks and GB. :wave:

Re: Worshiping God and being male

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 3:30 pm
by zackabba1
As far as I know, God doesn't have a gender (sex). He's called the Father so that we can identify with Him, as part as His perfect plan.

We see the Word came to earth in Jesus Christ, a human and God, a man.

I think once you really get used to praying and saying you love Him, you get used to it.., it's hard to explain. I have wondered tihs myself, and I'm sure no expert on this, but all I can say is that God gives you infinitely times more love than any person (or women) her on earth can give you. He gives you more than affection.

Hope that helped a bit.

Re: Worshiping God and being male

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 8:22 pm
by Gman
derrick09 wrote:Hey guys, this question has to do with worship. Now I do have a tremendous love for God but for quite sometime I've had trouble trying to channel my love for God. To put it more bluntly, as a guy, how do you get yourself to fall more in love with a Being that is mostly perceived to be a male, especially a male who has long hair and a beard? This not only goes for Christ since pretty much all images of Christ are featured like this, but even for God the Father (i.e. the image of God and Adam on the ceiling of the Cestine Chapel). It seems that women find worship to be more attractive and are more into it than men, and I was thinking it's much easier for women to express love for men (no matter what the relation) than it is for men to do the same thing, but to other men. Like for example, I have a great relationship with my dad. But since I'm pretty much a grown man in my mid 20's I don't hug and kiss on him like I would if I were a woman in my mid 20's. That sort of how it is with me and God. Is that wrong or is that ok? Let me know what you think. Thanks and GB. :wave:
This is funny that you mention this.. I just ordered a book on this very subject. Yes, God is genderless. His attributes are both male and female, Genesis 1:27, and for the most part he is known more here on earth in His authoritative "male" attributes but the Spirit of God also posses female attributes as well. Anyways, I'll explain this more later.

Re: Worshiping God and being male

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 12:43 am
by J.Davis
Hi derrick09!!!

You are really after a closer relationship with God, to the point were there can be no (zero) doubt .…Awesome!!! If there is more then you want it…Amen! I was that way as well. I am certain that if you keep your attitude then you will get every bit of what God has for you.

Yes, Jesus is God in man form..

Jesus most definitely (when we see Him) does not want anyone (man or woman) having the type of human relationship with Him that involves hugging, kissing and a passionate need to unite in order to fulfill a desire to incorporate the essence of the one we love into our own essence (< This uses God‘s definition of the right reasons and right way to take a wife or husband and deals with only our feelings, not all details concerning why we marry).

I am sure that Jesus would not mind hugs given with the type of affection we would give to parents, siblings and friends combined with the type of love that we have for the one and only God He is. And that brings me to how we love God. We love God as a human (man or woman) should love a God, with everything in us, with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength (Mark 12:30), that is scripture.

God consist of the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost. Jesus has a human male body and He is God but God also dwells outside of Jesus’ body.

The Holy Ghost inhabits your body, this happened when you accepted Jesus as your God. The Holy ghost is what embraces you, ministers to you and wraps you in a type of love that motivates you to return some measure of that same love. It is your comforter and intercedes on your behalf, It teaches you and is your link to God. All these things are of a spiritual nature and are not to be seen as fleshly things (not saying that you have committed some kind of sin at all). The affections, actions and role of the Holy Ghost (concerning it’s relationship with us) is similar to the purpose, actions and role of a wife or husband. What people really show the intimate type of love to (crying, I love you Jesus and other forms of worship) is the Holy Ghost, who is not a human man or woman. God said that we are to accept Jesus as God, He is the Human God and our representative and no human is saved without Him saying so. All matters concerning humans (including filling us with the holy ghost) is given to Jesus.

So, we all praise and worship Jesus because he is the human God but what we have affection for that exceeds any measure of the proper (not perverse) affection a man could have for a man or woman is the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost loves our spirit (which is also genderless) and we bond with it forever. Men can love their wife’s deeply, more and more as time goes by, no matter how old she gets, all the memories, everything she did for us, how she loved us and if we out live her, we still love her, always. She is not there anymore but the love is just as real as ever. How can a man still be in love with his wife when she is gone?

Her body was only part of her, even without her body the man is still in love with her essence, all that she was and all that she gave. We are not talking about loving the physical body of Jesus here or even falling in love with a man. We are talking about returning some measure of the type of love that was shown to us, no physical human male (or female) bodies involved, just two genderless spirits who have shared the type of love that spirits share.

So, people (men and women) say I love you Jesus (with deep affection) but no one living has physically met Jesus, they speak of the relationship and feelings they have for the Holy Ghost but Jesus gets the credit. So, in this way we can love God with every type of love there is. The Father, Son and Holy Ghost all get different types of love and respect and each is God and all part of each other.

If it’s any consolation, worshiping God really makes it easy to charm the heck out of the ladies (I talk from experience here)..LOL!!! No, never let that be any kind of motivation…But worshiping God is 100% pros with zero cons. Through it you learn more and more of the heart. You learn true humility, you learn how to focus on God and not yourself, you learn true honesty, you learn how to forgive yourself, how to make yourself go to God no matter what you have done and make things right. You learn various, awesome methods of worship, you gain true confidence, faith, are given more and more of God’s essence and power etc, etc and etc.

In short, worshiping God does way more for you then it does for God, though God REALLY loves it.

In any case God said this…Deuteronomy 6:5 “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. 6 “These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart.

All God’s children love and worship God as a God and like it, so suck it up pal…(just plain selfish) LOL! :P

It’s AWESOME derrick! Pour yourself into it, I assure you, it is the most natural thing there is and you want this. The Holy Ghost will have you loving God properly (and you are well on your way). Just put the effort into showing love in this way (praising and worshiping) and the Holy Ghost will show you the type of love to return.

Re: Worshiping God and being male

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 2:32 pm
by derrick09
zackabba1 wrote:As far as I know, God doesn't have a gender (sex). He's called the Father so that we can identify with Him, as part as His perfect plan.

We see the Word came to earth in Jesus Christ, a human and God, a man.

I think once you really get used to praying and saying you love Him, you get used to it.., it's hard to explain. I have wondered tihs myself, and I'm sure no expert on this, but all I can say is that God gives you infinitely times more love than any person (or women) her on earth can give you. He gives you more than affection.

Hope that helped a bit.
Hey zackabba1,

Yes that helped quite a bit, I was wondering, how do you feel the "infinite" love of God? Now a few times in the past, while praying I would get feelings of warmth, love and peace but nothing that really blows me away or something that feels infinite. In your experience does God give you these feelings of love or give you experiences or close encounters with Him that produces this love? Or is this more of a thing where you think about God's love for you and for humanity in a deep sense, and then from that, experience love? Either way, how do you get yourself more in tune to God's love? Thank you for your time and God bless. :wave:

Re: Worshiping God and being male

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 3:57 pm
by derrick09
Hey J.Davis,

Just like when I asked zackabba1, what do you do to get yourself to experience God's presence and His love? You mentioned the
(crying, I love you Jesus and other forms of worship), now I have noticed this kind of thing from chrismatics and since those people tend to be flaky and many of them from my own experience are somewhat heretical as far as doctrine goes, I find it hard to think that they are tapping into something that is from God, maybe something either in their imagination or their emotions (ie getting themselves worked up into an emotional fix) but nothing that's exactly from God. Or then again I guess I could be wrong, but I would have to investigate further into each specific instance. But anyway let me know what you do to get yourself to experience God so I can try it out and see if it works for me. Thanks. :wave:

Re: Worshiping God and being male

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 1:51 am
by J.Davis
Sorry for the delay derrick09, I did not forget about you..

I’ll do my best to get my response to you sometime during the day tomorrow (east coast time). I already have a few pages written up on this topic so I just need to dig it up and edit it a bit.

Re: Worshiping God and being male

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 6:49 pm
by J.Davis
Hey derrick09!

Check your PM’s..

Re: Worshiping God and being male

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 10:38 pm
by 7777777
i used to feel the same way when I was younger. I just felt strange saying, "Jesus, I love You so much", knowing I was saying this to another "male". I used to feel strange saying that to my earthly father too when I got older, even though I loved him a lot. It must be because of the culture where men don't say these things to other males. But, I got over it by mostly realizing God is neither male or female. The Holy Spirit is neither male or female. I think if God had created a third sex in the beginning , a neutral sex, Jesus probably would of been that but God only had two choices. When I tell Jesus I love Him, I don't look at Him as a male. I look at Him as God.

Re: Worshiping God and being male

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 10:40 am
by Canuckster1127
THe greek words for "love" (there are 4) are more specific than the English word that covers a much greater span.

God like sacrificial love is agape.
Brotherly love is phileo.
Physical, including sexual love, is eros.

There's a 4th but it's not used in the NT. If you're concerned about any of this, when you see the word Love in the NT, use a concordance or interlinear or some other form of reference and you'll see the word used and be able to understand the connotations without the confusion we have about this in the English language and American Culture.

Re: Worshiping God and being male

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 4:36 pm
by mandelduke
derrick09 wrote:Hey guys, this question has to do with worship. Now I do have a tremendous love for God but for quite sometime I've had trouble trying to channel my love for God. To put it more bluntly, as a guy, how do you get yourself to fall more in love with a Being that is mostly perceived to be a male, especially a male who has long hair and a beard? This not only goes for Christ since pretty much all images of Christ are featured like this, but even for God the Father (i.e. the image of God and Adam on the ceiling of the Cestine Chapel). It seems that women find worship to be more attractive and are more into it than men, and I was thinking it's much easier for women to express love for men (no matter what the relation) than it is for men to do the same thing, but to other men. Like for example, I have a great relationship with my dad. But since I'm pretty much a grown man in my mid 20's I don't hug and kiss on him like I would if I were a woman in my mid 20's. That sort of how it is with me and God. Is that wrong or is that ok? Let me know what you think. Thanks and GB. :wave:
This question brings two scriptures to mind. To love God more then anything is foolishness, unless you understand how much God loves you. Once you understand that, you will have no problem loving God.

Luke 17:11-19 On the way to Jerusalem Jesus was going through the region between Samaria and Galilee. As he entered a village, ten lepers approached him. Keeping their distance, they called out, saying, "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!" When he saw them he said to them, "Go and show yourselves to the priests." And as they went, they were made clean. Then one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice. He prostrated himself at Jesus' feet and thanked him. And he was a Samaritan. Then Jesus asked, "Were not ten made clean? But the other nine, where are they? Was none of them found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?" Then he said to him, "Get up and go on your way; your faith has made you well."

Now one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to have dinner with him, so he went to the Pharisee's house and reclined at the table. 37 When a woman who had lived a sinful life in that town learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee's house, she brought an alabaster jar of perfume, 38 and as she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them. 39 When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, "If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is--that she is a sinner." 40 Jesus answered him, "Simon, I have something to tell you." "Tell me, teacher," he said. 41 "Two men owed money to a certain moneylender. One owed him five hundred denarii,