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Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 8:14 pm
by zackabba1
What are some weird, strange "coincidences (*ahem* not really *ahem*)" that you've had recently, or in the past?

Off the top of my head, I can think of a few. One happened last night, and I'm not to happy about what I did for it to happen, but here it is. I was just acting rude towards my ma', not really talking or paying attention to her or anything. I was up in my room, just about to go to bed, when she came in. She started asking why I didn't care about how she felt or anything (she was feeling sorta down), and I can't exactly remember the rest, but she eventually just walked out.

So, I sighed and grabbed my Bible by my bedside. Now, what happened next doesn't suprise me...I mean, I thank the Lord for it, but it's happened so many times to me.

I randomly opened up the Bible to start reading it. Know the first verse my eyes landed on when I opened it up?

Ephesians 6:1

"Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. "

Re: "Coincidences..."

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 3:45 am
by CeT-To
Yep this stuff has happened to me and one did recently but it was sort of through long period of time. I remember early this year i was reading quite a bit of the books that Solomon authored in the old testament which was all about wisdom. And i remember this one part ( i forgot which book in the bible it was) where God asks Solomon when he newly became king if he wanted riches and a long life etc etc all that stuff but Solomon replied that he only wanted the wisdom so that he could rule Israel as a king that pleased God. So i think by the end of that night i prayed to God to receive wisdom from him, and i still do ask him from time to time for him to continue teaching me and giving me wisdom.

Well these past couple of months i have been really feeling sick to my stomach as through this past year i had been searching in my heart, I found it so black and filthy as i realised that even my purest thoughts of charity would have a hint of sin inside such as hoping to get something in return & stuff like that. I began to see myself as such an empty vessel who is filthy in every way possible, i found life to meaningless such as daily routines, i was having trouble applying that wisdom to my daily life, i became absolutely bored of my life, i saw that any happiness that came from this world was only a momentary glitter which when i went back home or the fun ended i just went back into a depressive mood - NOTHING can and could satisfy my hunger for happiness or even more.. satisfaction in life, i still felt empty even when i tried doing all these things while i see people who are totally ignorant of what their heart is like yet they are extremely happy and successful in the things they do.... i tell you something though ..i say these things casually but when i thought of these things it felt there was a black hole in my heart or that my chest would be completely empty.I found everything that i did in my life so utterly meaningless..

Two nights ago i was explaining to my agnostic gf what sin was and verses from bible about sin and love and on that night i found a particular book that Solomon authored called Ecclesiastes that i had actually herd what it was about but i never went to actually look for it on my own. I was absolutely astounded the more i kept reading the book ... it was exactly what was in my mind .. ( except for the kingly parts) as if Solomon wrote my thoughts down thousands of years prior to what i was born .... i felt the same way he did . Now I'm not saying I am as wise as Solomon but the things he wrote in that book that was like it was coming from me.

Anyway i had always thought that the more knowledge i had of wisdom the more i could apply it and be more happy as God was giving me such wisdom thus pleasing Him. But then this verse hit me like a brick....

Ecclesiastes 1: 18
Gosh... i think i need the Holy Spirit in my right now i feel like such a mess hahahaha :(