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funny vid

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 9:24 am
by zoegirl

Re: funny vid

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 3:08 pm
by CeT-To
HAhahahaha i definitely want one of those LOL with a Mr T voice xD

Nice find Zoe!!

Re: funny vid

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 6:00 pm
by zoegirl
But what I want to it really that hard? For all of their examples, one would think that pretty quickly one would understand the meanings of the other gender. Being single, perhaps I don't really have that was funny, but rather incomprehensible that we could be that....blind to the other person.

Re: funny vid

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 1:43 am
by CeT-To
Well its not too hard LOL the video exaggerates a lot hahaha the guys in that vid all look errh dopey and oblivious...

Here is a funny video i found :P It's a tad rude but hilariously funny and cringe worthy !

Re: funny vid

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 5:30 pm
by J.Davis
zoegirl wrote:But what I want to it really that hard? For all of their examples, one would think that pretty quickly one would understand the meanings of the other gender. Being single, perhaps I don't really have that was funny, but rather incomprehensible that we could be that....blind to the other person.

Yes, it is that hard for a lot of guys, mainly because they are not serving God as they should. Ladies like to talk and express things in a metaphoric manner sometimes and they have minds that put together a much longer series of events to draw a conclusion concerning the current event (but due to emotions their logic can be flawed sometimes, not saying that men don‘t have flawed logic, they work different and have an instinct to fight certain emotions).

Most often, when a man (not necessarily one God has trained) is in an argument with a woman and he is making excuses or raving, it is because he is not where or what he wants to be/ feels he needs to be. He can become defensive and in his confusion he can become hurtful. He can not see past the need to justify his inability to be what his instincts demand (strong, supportive, sacrificial etc). He is a man and sees things from a mans perspective and believes that the woman understands the nature of men (she does not unless she learns, same for men knowing the nature of women). So he defends his male nature against the female nature, saying why he failed to live up to what his instincts demand (that is what he is really saying) but all the women hears is why it’s her fault or other excuses.

The man feels that the most important thing is to make it clear that his weakness was a fluke so that the male perspective the woman must have of him can be trusted, wanted and respected. But all the women really wanted was an apology, make it better…lol!

Serving God, studying and understanding the word, worshiping and all that God requires accomplishes many things at once. For one, It teaches us how to decipher God’s metaphors, if you men can decipher God’s metaphors and riddles then guess what? Yes, womens metaphors are beyond easy.. Understanding the word of God requires discernment and you often have to string together a long, (sometimes very long) series of events to find the truth or understand a particular event. If you can string together a sequence of events setup by God and find the truth, understanding that it is simply in God’s nature to do things as he did for reason that make sense to him, then guess what? Yes, again… understand the women’s mind and nature is beyond easy.

Your mind will be able to consider long sequences of past events in a manner that is necessary to understand one of God’s conclusions and when your ladies say something that would normally make no sense you will think. Ok, these events happened , she’s feeling this way, her nature is.. whatever your girls nature is so therefore she is upset about (whatever it is)…and using the knowledge and understanding of God’s heart which you learned from God training you to be like Him and studying and worshiping Him, you know her heart (God made it) and know the exact response to give in order to reassure her.

And then comes what it takes to make God happy concerning worship. I said this in another thread…Through it you learn more and more of the heart. You learn true humility, you learn how to focus on God and not yourself, you learn true honesty, you learn how to forgive yourself, how to make yourself go to God no matter what you have done and make things right. You learn various, awesome methods of worship, you gain true confidence, faith, are given more and more of God’s essence and power etc, etc and etc.

It just so happens that women like all that stuff as well…If you can really, REALLY get the Holy Ghost fired-up (and I mean for real) making it always press you for more and more…intensely. Then women are way beyond easy. It starts with their mind and heart first, whatever kind of love or relationship we think we have is a serious joke compared to the relationship a couple could have under God's plan. God does not just show us how to love him, he shows us how to properly love each other in everyway.

But yeah, at default, I will say that the average guy thinks about what is going on then and there. If a lady says that something is ok then he really, sincerely thinks it’s ok. He’s not thinking about anything form the past and you would have to tell him what you really mean and why, it needs to make (male type) logical sense as well if there is to be no conflict. But as I said, men who have been trained by God can see deeper.

Re: funny vid

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 6:02 pm
by zoegirl
...hey you date someone, married to someone for x number of years....would you suppose a reasonably intelligent person of either gender would seek to understand/communcate as clearly as possible? I mean "you do whatever you want" said in a sarcastic or diffident tone should clearly send the alarm bells of "you better *want* to stay here with me"

of course, men and women shouldn't use these vague answers anyway...they make for funny videos but it shows a sad want of clarity....

take for example when the video turns it around and the guys says "I'd like to see a movie with the guys" and the translator says "you are a wonderful woman who meets all of my needs but for this night, i simply want to see the movie"....goes to simply assuring her.

Can't stand the notebook...though....blech...

Re: funny vid

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 8:53 pm
by J.Davis
zoegirl wrote:...hey you date someone, married to someone for x number of years....would you suppose a reasonably intelligent person of either gender would seek to understand/communcate as clearly as possible? I mean "you do whatever you want" said in a sarcastic or diffident tone should clearly send the alarm bells of "you better *want* to stay here with me"
Yes, the more you stay together the more you learn, but a ridicules number of marriages do not make it far enough to learn each other well. And one major reason for that is that the couple does not understand the nature of the other. And it goes deeper than that, they need what God gives to truly be in the type of love God would have for them. Even the people that do make a marriage last, many of them are not truly happy and just remain together out of some selfish need, fear or out of necessity, struggling to find any particle of happiness they can come across once in a blue moon.

The video has actors and is exaggerated, the feelings expressed are not genuine or close enough to what you get in real life. But here is what happens in a real life situation like that. The lady will have her, as you said, “I mean "you do whatever you want" said in a sarcastic or diffident tone” concerning what the guy wants to do. The guy can hear the tone but it sounds different to him….To him it sounds like this…..

Man thinking to himself: She would have preferred a different situation (whatever it may be) but she is willing to sacrifice, grin and bare it for me and it’s not a big deal to her at all.

He thinks with the nature of a man…fight tender emotions, sacrifice…. And he has no clue that the woman does not have his nature. He ask the question, he will make sure first but a confirmation that it is ok means that it is really ok regardless of the sound which only meant that the woman was repressing tender feelings, sacrificing and has no problem doing it because that is what he has done most of his life and expects that women understand the process and need to do it because their instinct must demand it as well. The guy can just blow it off without a second thought because it really is not a big deal for someone to do what he has done most of his life.

The woman would absolutely have to say what she really means and why. And arguments will come because both sides assume that the other understood what they were doing and why but they really didn’t. And then the matter is often not resolved and the next fight is fueled by the pervious one and so on.

Of course, we are talking about the default man here, many things can change a guy, abuse, how he was raised and a women if both can deal with each other long enough to learn the other. But the relationship will never even be close to what it could be if it is done God’s way, not even if they spend an entire lifetime together. No one is wise enough to figure out God’s way without his help, no matter how much time they have.
zoegirl wrote:of course, men and women shouldn't use these vague answers anyway...they make for funny videos but it shows a sad want of clarity....

take for example when the video turns it around and the guys says "I'd like to see a movie with the guys" and the translator says "you are a wonderful woman who meets all of my needs but for this night, i simply want to see the movie"....goes to simply assuring her
Yes, but as you can see, he never said that. And Guy’s don’t think like that…lol! He believes that but that is not what would run across his mind in a situation like that. The translator is just decent (not that great really) at translating the guy’s innocent desire and inability to accurately judge female gestures into something the woman finds acceptable. But that video is made by people who do not know very much of the heart God created. Someone who was trained by God can setup his relationship so that situations that cause arguments or even disappointment almost never happen.

Re: funny vid

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 9:13 pm
by zoegirl
I think he just really wanted to play golf :esurprised: :lol:

Seriously though, you do make it sound like he is always wanting to be the sacrificing party and then she doesn't have that ability....a little extreme

Re: funny vid

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 9:35 pm
by J.Davis
zoegirl wrote:I think he just really wanted to play golf :esurprised: :lol:

Seriously though, you do make it sound like he is always wanting to be the sacrificing party and then she doesn't have that ability....a little extreme
That’s not what I am saying, I am saying that he thinks she is sacrificing and is sincere about it. I agree, he did just want to play golf, I don’t think I suggested he didn’t want to.

Re: funny vid

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 7:42 am
by zoegirl
I gotcha....

Re: funny vid

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 7:53 am
by CeT-To
zoegirl wrote:Can't stand the notebook...though....blech...
Zoe.. this is one aspect that if a woman has a man will be go crazy with joy HAHAHA.

Re: funny vid

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 11:11 am
by zoegirl
eh....I hate what I call "lifetime" movies....I don't mind the romantic comedies, I love Jane Austen....but most lifetime movies and just so...over the top emotionally that i can't stand them. Give me Mel Brooks, Jane Austen, Doctor Who, or Indiana Jones...

Re: funny vid

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 9:56 am
by Gman
That was funny zoe... Thanks for sharing that. :P :pound:

Re: funny vid

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:33 pm
by Mary
zoegirl wrote:Can't stand the notebook...though....blech...
I am with you on that one. :lol:
I have never watched it and I don't plan on it.