Population Explosion

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Population Explosion

Post by 7777777 »

I was listening to a debate the other day with William Lane Craig and Christopher Hitchens. Lane brought up a counter point when Hitchens tried to make the point that God waited too long to send Christ to earth. "Why would God wait 100,000 years to send His Savior?", Hitchens sarcastically stated. Well, Lane brought up an excellent counter point by saying that at the time of Christ the worlds population was only 150 million. So, the "wait" Hitchens is critical of is not as bad as it sounds. But, this point made me think. Isn't it interesting that the earth's population starts to explode just at the time of Christ? Is that a coincidence? There were 150 million people on the planet at the time of Christ; now there are almost 7 Billion! In just 2000 years! How is it possible for man to be 100,000 years old and only populate the earth to 150 million in 100,000 years and then add 7 billion in just 2000 years? Could the flood have something to do with this? In order to accept this answer you would need to believe the Bible.
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Re: Population Explosion

Post by zoegirl »

well, that actually is a typical population curve. Exponential growth of a population will show a dramatic "turning point" where the number just explodes.

You do see this turning point and then there is a dramatic little blip in the population around the plague and then the surge continues.

It is really cool to see that not only the population growth, but also the population advancements made the growth of Christianity...Roman roads, trading routes, shipping routes, all made the new church ripe for growth. Cool stuff.
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