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did god manifested through jesus only?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 2:04 am
by rajanpunj
did god manifested through jesus only? if this is what we think, then same stands true for fanatics in other relegions about their prophets and demi gods. does the world not deserve a god which can not be contained in relegious books,or ideas of personalised god?

Re: did god manifested through jesus only?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 8:50 am
by Canuckster1127
I'm tempted to respond with an old saying,

"i'm a fool for Jesus, Whose fool are you?"

I don't believe that God can be contained in religious books, not even ultimately the Bible itself. The Bible points toward God and Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ contains all of God because Jesus Christ is God.

To answer your question, the world doesn't "deserve" anything. God's revelation through Christ is given to us on the basis of God's Love for us and God's Grace and Mercy to us. Without that, then God would simply be a transcendental force, without any personal elements. I suspect that is the direction you are coming from in your statements.

Tell us a little about yourself please raja. It's nice to know who we're speaking with, what your beliefs are and where you are coming from in your own views and experiences.

Re: did god manifested through jesus only?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:50 am
by jlay
I thank God everyday that I do not get what I deserve.

That does bring up a great point. What do we deserve? Specifically, what do we deserve? If God were to judge you according to His glorious standard, how would fair?
(I am only saying, "if." And His when I speak of His standard, I am talking about the standard of righteouness.)

If God is real, then we need revelation to know Him. The revelation of scripture is not a restriction or containment. In fact the bible is exclusive in this regard; That God through Christ can be revealed to us. (John 14:21)

Re: did god manifested through jesus only?

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 2:13 am
by rajanpunj
as asked by friends. i am a doctor by profession,human in all aspects having all the good and bad points in me. i firmly beleive in god but dont beleive in personalised gods which are there in all relegions. i went through many books on many relegions including christianity, hinduism,muslims,sikhism and buddhism. i tried to find out what made the great men known to mankind think and profess what they did despite coming from different cultures. they all had very similar ideas, allmost everybody wanted peace among all, wanted wrong beleifs to be removed from society. most of the relegious books are not written by these men themselves,they were all written by followers who had heard the great men, interpreted according to their own understandings, analysis power, many a words have changed their meanings with time. as many a scholars in western world beleived in soul and rebirth, the same idea was prevalent in almost whole of the world and is still prevalent in all relegions.philosophers are able to prove the existence of conciousness through logical discussions,there are others who disapprove it,its up to us what to is difficult for me to just start following any body what he considers is good or right or truth. as socrates said' life not analysed is not worth living' i firmly beleive that. i think nobody is wrong when he follows his relegion. i dont critisise anybody or any relegion. all are there for betterment of human race. it is only relegious intolerence and failure to understand what others point of view is the cause of many miseries.why cant all of us unite and find and reach god.all the tracks go towards god.its not what christians follow is the only right path. if u are able to make enough endorphins in you and live in peace with yourself and the world around you, you have acheived the target and found god, because god wants you to be happy.

Re: did god manifested through jesus only?

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 4:35 pm
by jlay
i think nobody is wrong when he follows his relegion.
Chrstianity says that Christ the only way to the Father and salvation. And that those who reject God's provision through Christ will stand condemned. Do you still maintain that statement?
i dont critisise anybody or any relegion.
You follow up this statement with a critique. Christianity, by its very nature is exclusive and is not tolerant of accepting other religions as equal or a different path to God.
because god wants you to be happy.
Earlier you said God is not personalized. If God is not personalized, then why would he/she/it be concerned with your happiness.
all the tracks go towards god
This an arbirtrary thought and one that makes a common fallacy that all religions are fundementally the same and only differ in small areas. The reality is that the major faiths are similar only in small areas and are fundementally different.
why cant all of us unite and find and reach god.
You see all paths converging. But your own question defeats your claims within your post. If all paths are converging then we are uniting. The reality, as I hope you can see, is that we are not moving together but apart. That means that either all people are moving in the wrong direction, or only some are on the right path.
philosophers are able to prove the existence of conciousness through logical discussions,there are others who disapprove it,its up to us what to choose.
This is also a self-defeating and contradictory view. How can you disprove the laws of logic? As soon as one even attempts to prove something, they enter into using the laws of logic and reason, and thus verify logic, and defeating their argument. Saying you can choose reality is nonsensical. If you really think the existance of logic is a choice, then you are wasting your time here. It is through logic and reason that we can quickly eliminate many of the religions from consideration. That is if we are sincerely interested in finding the right path.
it is only relegious intolerence and failure to understand what others point of view is the cause of many miseries.why cant all of us unite and find and reach god.

You fail to understand Christianity. And it is very intolerant of you to say that the Christian faith is wrong for failing to understand others points of view, and for lacking tolerance for ideas opposed to it. I say that only to point out the self-contradiction in your thought. If you own idea contradicts itself, it is probably a good one to abandon.