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Post by Alpha~Omega »

So i have been asked what the christian thinks of this subject today. I was unable to tell this person a good godly answer on my own. She asked me multiple situations in which i think it may or may not be ok to kill said person. They are as follows:

1. If this person has a terminal illness (cancer, etc), and they cant take the pain, and ask for assisted suicide, is this ok?
2. If this person is a vegtable and unable to express his or her will, and live's off a machine, is it ok pull the plug?

My answers were:
1. No (but i could not give a good godly answer as to why i thought this)
2. Yes.

This is what i have to support my answers so far, but i dont think its quite enough:

Now i know there are many experianced Christians here, and i want to hear all your thoughts and any sort of scriptural evidence you can give for your answer's.

I look forward to seeing your answers dood's. :D
The Neurotic Saint.
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Re: Euthanasia

Post by Byblos »

We shouldn't be playing God, period. None of us is up to the task.
Let us proclaim the mystery of our faith: Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.

Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.
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