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Celibacy in a Priesthood?

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:02 pm
by Colin2000
Hi All,

It has occurred to me that a Priesthood in a Church could be a refuge for homosexuals and paedophiles?

Could it be said that the only difference between the active homosexual and a paedophilia is the age of the victim, true or false?

Does anyone here know of any statistical evidence which might support either of these assumptions or none of them perhaps?

Yours in Christ,


PS. I am only interested in a cool scientific type answer here and hope that this is not to be used as a promotion drive please for any or one account!

Re: Celibacy in a Priesthood?

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 2:54 am
by hugh raymond
Do not judge people by their way of life especially homosexuals. You speak like homosexuals are comparable in nature with paedophilia. I have a lot of homosexual friends and they do not differ from other people I know. Their way of life is not that different from the norm. And yes, do not generalize all homosexuals. You speak as if homosexuality is a bad thing. God created each and every one of us in his own image and likeness, so based on your argument God is gay. Before you post comments, I suggest you think about it first.

Hugh Raymond

Re: Celibacy in a Priesthood?

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 9:23 am
by Colin2000
Hi Hugh Raymond,

God Created a homosexual, did He now, are you sure of that?

I was told He Created a man and a woman, where do you get a homosexual from?

Faulty genes perhaps created a homosexual, Original Sin perhaps, but why should He create something that is faulty like a homosexual?

God has the faulty image of a homosexual you imply, I think you are imagining things Raymond perhaps??? ....

Yours in Christ,


Re: Celibacy in a Priesthood?

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 9:53 am
by Seraph
That is, assuming that homosexuals are flawed people or are inferior to heterosexuals, which I do not think they are. Genesis may not say that God created gays but it also doesn't say that He created everyone to be straight. I'm personally in a state of uncertainty regarding the (a)morality of homosexuality but that's for a different thread...

Pedophilia isn't wrong because it involves someone of the same sex, but rather that it involves sexual acts with someone who is far too young to make a decsion like that and might not necessarily even be a person of the same sex. There are many moral implications that are different from (and in my opinion, far worse than) homosexuality.

I do not support forced celibacy for priests/pastors in churches. It isn't biblical and it's unnecessary torture that I think stems from a medieval style of thought that pleasure in all forms is sinful. Plus, from a psychological standpoint, being forced to remain celebate for decades can cause severe sexual frustration and cause the repressed sex drive to resurface in other uglier ways that the pastor doesn't intend. It's fine to choose to be celebate, but to have it has a job requirement for clergy is unnecessary.

Re: Celibacy in a Priesthood?

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 4:59 am
by mandelduke
Homosexuality is a major cause of priestly pedophilia in the church. ... crisis.htm

Health risks of the homosexual lifestyle ... o0088.html

What the bible says about homosexuals.

Corinthians 6:9-10

Romans 1;27

Leviticus 20:13

Re: Celibacy in a Priesthood?

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 5:18 am
by Colin2000
Hi All,

1 Corinthians.6:9,10


Interesting, together with Leviticus.20:13 "Do we have, not only parts of Christendom, but The Lord Almighty now tolerating a sin perhaps??? .... !"

Yours in Christ but which Christ I wonder,


PS. Good one Mandelduke. Hope you do not mind a few extra commas etc.!