9/11 Inside Job

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9/11 Inside Job

Post by mitchco »

Who believes that the government orchestrated 9/11 to have a reason to attack resource rich nations so America and the Elite can hold onto power.Look at building 7 how can that just come down without anything hitting it. Nero did the same he torched Rome and blamed the christians made them an example so he could hold onto power.
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Re: 9/11 Inside Job

Post by Byblos »

mitchco wrote:Who believes that the government orchestrated 9/11 to have a reason to attack resource rich nations so America and the Elite can hold onto power.Look at building 7 how can that just come down without anything hitting it. Nero did the same he torched Rome and blamed the christians made them an example so he could hold onto power.
:shakehead: Please not that again huh?
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Re: 9/11 Inside Job

Post by puritan lad »

The amazing thing about these conspiracy theories is that so many truck drivers, waitresses, and construction workers seem to have access to this "top secret inside information". Isn't the internet wonderful?
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Re: 9/11 Inside Job

Post by Gman »

mitchco wrote:Who believes that the government orchestrated 9/11 to have a reason to attack resource rich nations so America and the Elite can hold onto power.Look at building 7 how can that just come down without anything hitting it. Nero did the same he torched Rome and blamed the christians made them an example so he could hold onto power.
That was a bunch of baloney.. This is what the Iranian president wants us to believe. I refuse to support his beliefs that have no validity..

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Re: 9/11 Inside Job

Post by taylor1025 »

No, no and no. I do not believe 9/11 was an inside job. The evidence points farrrrrrrrrrr away from that.
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Re: 9/11 Inside Job

Post by Kenzel »

My dad's a conspiracy theorist so I hear this stuff all the time. I wouldn't be surprised if it was an inside job, but it probably wasn't.
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Re: 9/11 Inside Job

Post by Seraph »

The people who advocate the 9/11 conspiracy theories often seem to be people who spout "You need to question everything you're told! Wake up America!"
but fail to discern between "question" and "reject". Just because people in authority aren't always right doesn't mean everything they say can be disregarded.

If the government, who apparently is capable enough to re-route planes and demolish the buildings themselves without anyone knowing except for a small group of "enlightened" people on the internet, had brought down the WTC in controlled explosions, why would they be sloppy enough to simply demolish Building 7 without having anything hit it to give it the appearance of a terrorist attack? It makes more sense that it was considerably smaller than the other WTC buildings and was damaged enough from the debris of the Twin Towers collapsing that it eventually fell on its own.

Plus, when stuff like this happens, the word gets out somehow. The recent events with WikiLeaks are a good example. Even if the government was diabolical enough to pull off such a heinous act, they should know that it is unrealistic to think that everyone involved will cooperate with the plan and avoid any loose ends. It is simply too big of a plan to keep a secret, especially when it involves an event that anyone can observe directly.

While not impossible, there is virtually no way that it was an inside job.
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Re: 9/11 Inside Job

Post by Telstra Robs »

http://www.tms.org/pubs/journals/jom/01 ... -0112.html

Here is an interesting article that explains how the towers collapsed. Basically, what happened was the fire from all of the fuel in the planes weakened the steel (it didn't melt it, because the fire would have only been about 750-800 degrees Celsius, no where near the 1500 degrees required. But it did weaken the steel, and caused inconsistencies. Because of this, the 10 or so floors where the fire was happening gave way. Those floors crashed down onto the one below them, the weight too much for one floor to handle. Then those floors crashed down to the next one. The process was repeated until there were no more floors left.
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Re: 9/11 Inside Job

Post by DannyM »

Telstra Robs wrote:http://www.tms.org/pubs/journals/jom/01 ... -0112.html

Here is an interesting article that explains how the towers collapsed. Basically, what happened was the fire from all of the fuel in the planes weakened the steel (it didn't melt it, because the fire would have only been about 750-800 degrees Celsius, no where near the 1500 degrees required. But it did weaken the steel, and caused inconsistencies. Because of this, the 10 or so floors where the fire was happening gave way. Those floors crashed down onto the one below them, the weight too much for one floor to handle. Then those floors crashed down to the next one. The process was repeated until there were no more floors left.
I haven't read your link but I know you're right. This is precisely what happened. Those who cry 'conspiracy' have no idea of the damage the impact could cause with such a ferocious heat chomping away at the steel. All prior tests, all hopes and ambitions for the structure itself literally melt away in the teeth of such ferocity.

Conspiracy-theorists, you'll find, would love their little story to be true.
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Re: 9/11 Inside Job

Post by Silvertusk »

Apparently we did not land on the moon either.

Oh and Jesus married Mary and lived in India

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Re: 9/11 Inside Job

Post by Christian2 »

mitchco wrote:Who believes that the government orchestrated 9/11 to have a reason to attack resource rich nations so America and the Elite can hold onto power.Look at building 7 how can that just come down without anything hitting it. Nero did the same he torched Rome and blamed the christians made them an example so he could hold onto power.
No, I do not believe 9/11 was an inside job. Since when does the US need a reason to attack anyone? ;)

About Building 7 not being hit, you might find the following article informative:


http://www.popularmechanics.com/technol ... ade-center
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