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Questions and concerns about Bart Ehrman's work...

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 8:17 pm
by derrick09
Hey guys I've been doing some catching up on my reading. I've been reading one of my Lee Strobel books The Case for the Real Jesus and I'm currently reading over the part where the topic is about Bart Ehrman's work. I was wondering since TCFRJ came out around the time Ehrman was in the limelight but now since his books have been reviewed and he has participated in debates with people such as William Lane Craig I was wondering do Ehrman's works pose much of a overall threat? Basically since Ehrman are we seeing more and more scholars lean more towards his views or further away from them? Also how does Ehrman views stand up in debates? Anyway thank you all for your time, God bless. :wave:

Re: Questions and concerns about Bart Ehrman's work...

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:44 am
by Noah1201
Here is WLC basically answering your questions: ... r_embedded

Re: Questions and concerns about Bart Ehrman's work...

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 6:03 am
by Canuckster1127
Ehrman is an agnostic (now, but he came up acedemically from Moody Bible Institute and then from Princeton where he studied under Bruce Metzger who is probably the leading voice in Biblical Criticism (as a technique.) Ehrman gets more attention because he writes his books primarily to a general audience rather than academic circles. In terms of what Ehrman has to say, there's really not a whole lot of new or ground-breaking work. He's saying things that more liberal Bible Scholars have been saying for years and for which there are plenty of equally skilled scholars who disagree and see the Bible in a much more positive light. Academically, I'd say Ehrman is just another voice. He's well studied. He's not all that unique however in that regard.

I'd say Metzger is far more influential in terms of acedemia and the impact of his views.

Re: Questions and concerns about Bart Ehrman's work...

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 12:36 pm
by derrick09
Something I noticed when I was reading the viewer comments to these videos, many of the atheists were saying that Craig being a conservative fundamentalist uses only or mainly conservative fundamentalist scholars to cite while making points about something. Is it just me or aren't atheists really trying to polarize people and put as many people against each other by either saying if you believe in God that automatically makes you a conservative, republican, redneck,young earth creationist or if you are a atheist that automatically makes you a liberal, hippie, communist, environmentalist? It's like atheists along with both ends of the media (and many other groups ) are almost trying to create the next civil war it seems. Am I the only one noticing this?