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Gods plan and Purpose

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 7:06 am
by mitchco
Gods plan and purpose is to make man in his own image and likeness. We know that god created the tree of knowledge of good and evil. It is his tree and his will. Christ was crucified before the foundation of the earth. Just like an architects ideas start in his mind it is then drawn and once draughted as far as the architect is concerned it is finished time is then needed for completion. The Lord subjected man deliberately to temptation because man has to experience good and evil exercising his own free will. All in Adam die all in christ shall be made alive. God created evil for the evil day. God the master potter subjects man into a world which is currently governed by satan. God gives us his precious word his son and the gift of faith to live and exercise the gifts of his spirit that we through suffering might attain to that heavenley calling that we may become overcomers in this world. How are we going to rule and reign with him in the millenium unless we have been tested in all things. I believe Gods plan to make man in his image stands sure but to say that 95% of mankind created is doomed to an eternal hell means satan has won. God is love satan is just a tool in which god uses for his purpose. In the old penal system a prisoner was dressed in black and white it was said the prisoner was in his intermediate state . On completion of his time he was released in a white uniform. If a prisoner died he was released from his guilt. I believe there is a hell but for an aion an age or period. The last enemy to be destroyed is death. Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega it all starts with him and it all finnishes in him tha he may be all in all glory be to his name.

Re: Gods plan and Purpose

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 8:10 am
by jlay
I believe Gods plan to make man in his image stands sure but to say that 95% of mankind created is doomed to an eternal hell means satan has won.
I wasn't aware that the bible or denominations broke it down into statitics like that.

I fail to see how one person, or all people going to Hell means Satan won

If God is good and He created evil, then ultimately evil is good. Lying is evil, therefore lying is good. Since God created it, and it ultimately he created evil to serve His plans. So, If God breaks His promises, then He isn't being evil, and therefore we should have no hope for eternal glory.
This also means that our own actions are arbitrary. We don't actually commit sins of evil. We, like the devil are just tools, puppets having our strings pulled by some transcendent puppetier.

Interesting theory you have there.

Re: Gods plan and Purpose

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 8:42 am
by Canuckster1127
The Lord subjected man deliberately to temptation because man has to experience good and evil exercising his own free will.
How do you square that against this scripture?

James 1:13 When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone;

Re: Gods plan and Purpose

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 8:50 am
by B. W.
mitchco wrote:Gods plan and purpose is to make man in his own image and likeness. We know that god created the tree of knowledge of good and evil. It is his tree and his will. Christ was crucified before the foundation of the earth. Just like an architects ideas start in his mind it is then drawn and once draughted as far as the architect is concerned it is finished time is then needed for completion. The Lord subjected man deliberately to temptation because man has to experience good and evil exercising his own free will. All in Adam die all in christ shall be made alive. God created evil for the evil day. God the master potter subjects man into a world which is currently governed by satan. God gives us his precious word his son and the gift of faith to live and exercise the gifts of his spirit that we through suffering might attain to that heavenley calling that we may become overcomers in this world. How are we going to rule and reign with him in the millenium unless we have been tested in all things. I believe Gods plan to make man in his image stands sure but to say that 95% of mankind created is doomed to an eternal hell means satan has won. God is love satan is just a tool in which god uses for his purpose. In the old penal system a prisoner was dressed in black and white it was said the prisoner was in his intermediate state . On completion of his time he was released in a white uniform. If a prisoner died he was released from his guilt. I believe there is a hell but for an aion an age or period. The last enemy to be destroyed is death. Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega it all starts with him and it all finnishes in him tha he may be all in all glory be to his name.

Hi mitchco, scripture interprets scripture – does your hypothesis stand the test of scripture?