Forgiveness for our past sins

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Forgiveness for our past sins

Post by ocarina_boy »

I have lived a messy life. I have done so many horrible, disgusting things, detestable things, just plain wrong things. I so wish I did not do them, and would do anything to start my life again with a clean slate. I have been on a long journey of learning, and for a while, I was a devoted believer in David Icke and alot of the New Age philosophies that he was preaching. But I have gotten out of that, and turned to the teachings of Christianity and the Bible, of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am trying my hardest to believe, to seek salvation through Christ.

The thing that ever haunts me, however, is that I wonder if I will ever be forgiven for my past indecencies. Even if I accept Jesus Christ into my life and follow God and reject my past selfish tendencies, will I still end up in Hell? Am I too far gone? Too corrupted? I don't think that to be so (although I'm in no position to think so) because I must say, the positive, pure feeling you get when you turn to Christ is very pleasant. You feel alot better, like you've cleared yourself of unneccessary garbage.

Please give me your thoughts. I know hardly any Christians so I'm pretty much alone with all my multitude of questions.
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Re: Forgiveness for our past sins

Post by CeT-To »

Congrats!!!!!!!!!!! :D No, my friend ALL of your sins are forgiven .. from the smallest to your greatest!! i tell you even if Hitler had repented and accepted the Lord just before he died he would have gone to heaven!! So do not put this burden on yourself now, start reading the bible regularly such as the gospels and the letters to the churches and ask God for forgiveness after you've sinned when ever you can so that you're relationship with God will grow stronger, pray earnestly too for people, wisdom and to have a greater relationship with the Lord. Remember we all come dirty, corrupt and evil to Christ but he is the one that changes us for the better, which might be slowly or fast but dw it all depends on God's plan for you and the people around you. Oh and if you ever have doubts come back to this forum and we will do our best to help you :)

God bless you Ocarina_boy for you have chosen the path of Truth and Life for eternity!!!
But joy and happiness in you to all who seek you! Let them ceaselessly cry,"Great is Yahweh" who love your saving power. Psalm 40:16

I Praise you Yahweh, my Lord, my God!!!!!
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Re: Forgiveness for our past sins

Post by B. W. »

ocarina_boy wrote:I have lived a messy life. I have done so many horrible, disgusting things, detestable things, just plain wrong things. I so wish I did not do them, and would do anything to start my life again with a clean slate. I have been on a long journey of learning, and for a while, I was a devoted believer in David Icke and alot of the New Age philosophies that he was preaching. But I have gotten out of that, and turned to the teachings of Christianity and the Bible, of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am trying my hardest to believe, to seek salvation through Christ.

The thing that ever haunts me, however, is that I wonder if I will ever be forgiven for my past indecencies. Even if I accept Jesus Christ into my life and follow God and reject my past selfish tendencies, will I still end up in Hell? Am I too far gone? Too corrupted? I don't think that to be so (although I'm in no position to think so) because I must say, the positive, pure feeling you get when you turn to Christ is very pleasant. You feel alot better, like you've cleared yourself of unneccessary garbage.

Please give me your thoughts. I know hardly any Christians so I'm pretty much alone with all my multitude of questions.
Greetings ocarina!

I see that your heart is broken over the things you have done; that you are crying out for forgiveness and not knowing what to do. You ask if Jesus could ever forgive you. In this, you sought well for the Lord Jesus Christ see and knows your heart. The answer is Yes, Micah 7:19, Psalms 103:12, and Isaiah 43:25 – The Lord promises to blot out your sins as Isaiah 1:18 states.

This comes thru Chris t work alone upon the cross. I take it, you know of the cross and what Christ has done. Others can speak and tell you as they are lead too but for now the good news is that Christ the Lord will forgive you. All that is required is but believe that He will as it says in Romans 10:13 – whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Do you believe this – know it, that one so great as the Lord will forgive you, releasing you from the hold of sin, and death and everlasting recompense? How could He, you ask? Jesus took your place, and died for you – in your place. He alone paid the price for yours and mine sins, and was raised from the dead to seal us to be forever his.

We will always have regrets over the things we have done, but rest assured – by calling out to the Lord – believing that he has washed you clead – the Lord remembers these no more and the memories will fade: so I ask you to just pray this simple prayer:

Help! Dear Lord Jesus – Help, Father forgive me for I am done much that I am ashamed of, have mercy on me, I am a sinner. Cleanse me and fill me, make me born again of your Spirit (spoken of in John 3). Save me help me never let me go - this I pray.

Others will help you on this forum as well. Know that you are in my prayers and welcome to the Kingdom of God my friend! If you have to weep – weep and we’ll weep with you!
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Re: Forgiveness for our past sins

Post by August »

Not only are your past sins forgiven, but also your future sins. As Christians we have grace, past, present and future. So thank God for His grace, allow His Spirit to take over and help you on the path to His Kingdom.
Acts 17:24-25 (NIV)
"The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. [25] And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else."

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Re: Forgiveness for our past sins

Post by jlay »

But I have gotten out of that, and turned to the teachings of Christianity and the Bible, of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am trying my hardest to believe, to seek salvation through Christ.
You say 'our Lord.' And if you trust that He is so, then you are a child of God. (John 5:24) Not only forgiven in full, but sealed with a promise. As you say, you want to seek salvation through Christ. And that is where it lies. In Christ. As Acts 4:12 teaches us, salvation is in no other name. In Christ. 2 Cor 5:17Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

What you must understand is that your past is what we call, under the blood of Christ. Those sins, transgressions and evils have all been dealt with through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. That when He died, He took all those things to the cross and paid them in full. And when He rose to life, He conquered the grave, affording us a new life as well.
So, now when we stand before the judge, we are righteous. Made so In Christ! And so that is where we must place our trust. In Christ.

You have been very honest about your sin, and it would seem very clear that the depths of your sin are a reality to you. And it also seems that the reality that God is real to you as well. And you seem to understand that these sins, in light of who this God is, have dire consequences and for good reason. And thus you are ready to see and receive the beauty and grace of the cross. It is yours. A gift from your heavenly Father. You can't earn it. Only trust and believe that it is done and complete. Just say, "yes!"
will I still end up in Hell? Am I too far gone? Too corrupted?
Isaiah 59:1
Rom. 10:13
Acts 2:21
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Re: Forgiveness for our past sins

Post by Gman »

ocarina_boy.. Consider yourself fortunate. Why? Because not many people reach or come to the conclusion you have come to (not even some Christians). ;)

You are RARE...

Follow the things of God and your life will most certainly change.. Guaranteed. When you follow God, it's a rebirth.. And you truly turn into the person you were meant to be. In other words, when you find God, you will actually find your true self! Matthew 10:39

Blessings.. y@};-
The heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects as false - Galileo

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Re: Forgiveness for our past sins

Post by Canuckster1127 »

Welcome Ocarina_boy,

As others have said, yes, your sin is forgiven. God looks at you and no longer sees your sin, he sees the Righteous of Jesus Christ.

That is true regardless of how you feel about things.

I think what I'm picking up is that you, of course, remember these things from the past and you also know that you are capable of doing such things again (even as a Christian, although if the Spirit of Christ has come to dwell in you, and you grow in that you'll find you're less inclined toward the things of your past).

What you're feeling is shame and guilt over that past and regret. When Christ comes into our lives we're given a clean slate and as Qugust said, even the future is covered. There's nothing we could do to earn our salvation, it is a gift from God of Grace, and there's nothing we can do to take it away. God is the one who saves us and maintains us.

Even though that is true, if you're like most of us, you're going to have times when you remember that past or there may even be consequences from that past that are going to come up.

Let me give you a passage straight from the Bible that helps me with those things.

Rom 8:1 So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.

In fact, if you want to read a passage of Scripture that speaks right to you where you are now, read the entire chapter of Romans 8. It deals with exactly what you're feeling and worried about.

God doesn't keep score in your life in terms of your salvation. It's all or nothing. You're saved or you are not. Once you are saved, you no longer have to worry ever about God's acceptance of you.

Let that soak in. Meditate on it. Remind yourself of it whenever the doubts and condemning thoughts come. Over time, they'll diminish and you'll find the peace you're looking for.

Be encouraged. Be joyful. We aren't promise easy lives from here on out, but we are promised we'll never walk alone. Christ indwells us and the Holy Spirit walks alongside us as a comforter and giver of peace.

Welcome to the family!
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Re: Forgiveness for our past sins

Post by zoegirl »

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me...I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see.

It's both incredibly humbling and awesome and yet so wonderful to realize that we have been cleansed, we are clean and He did it. It's amazing...
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Re: Forgiveness for our past sins

Post by jlay »

Wretch: a person of despicable or base character.

Zoe, you ever wonder how many people sing that song and don't even know what that word means?
Jesus is Oxi Clean for the soul!
-“The Bible treated allegorically becomes putty in the hands of the exegete.” John Walvoord

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Re: Forgiveness for our past sins

Post by zoegirl »

yes, it's unfortunate, but it's a rather curious development that the more we understand how we truly *don't* deserve His gift, the more we appreciate it. And it's scary, too, that the guilt we feel often keeps us from Him. THere is nothing we can do to clean ourselves before He cleans us.

ONe of my favorite New Testament accounts is that of Christ washing the feet of His disciples. How perfectly we can feel their surprise and revulsion to the sight of Him washing the feet. But how absolutely necessary and wonderful.

It's one of my favorite images from The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, that of Eustace the Dragon having his skin removed by Aslan, it's an absolutely lovely story that so fits what He must do.
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Re: Forgiveness for our past sins

Post by ocarina_boy »

Thankyou my brothers and sisters, your replies have not gone unnoticed and they have helped me alot. :wave:
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