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can god not influence human mind?

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 5:18 am
by rajanpunj
can god not influence human mind? if he can then he had no need to come to earth and proove his existence. if no then he is not omnipotent and he need not be there.

Re: can god not influence human mind?

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 6:23 am
by Canuckster1127
You present two choices as if they are the only choices. They are not. The possession of power is not the exercising of it. God is omnipotent and yet there are many things He chooses not to do. The choice not to do something is not necessarily evidence of incapability. Further, God will not do anything that contradicts His character. God has chosen to prove His existence in a manner that still requires faith on the part of the one accepting that and establishing a relationship with Him.

Re: can god not influence human mind?

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 6:26 am
by August
You also assume that humans only consist of mind. Maybe you need to define what mind means in this context.

Re: can god not influence human mind?

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 9:53 am
by jlay
Can a parent influence a child's mind? Does this remove the child's autonomy?

Re: can god not influence human mind?

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:00 am
by rajanpunj
my dear friends, i know god only wants every thing to be the best for mankind, peace allaround and no misery for anyone. if god is omnipotent and his intentions are good why is he letting so much misery to be there in this world? if he realy can influence human mind why he does not do anything? what is the use of a power which when required is not used that too if it is for the only jesus was son of god rest all are humans so god should be able to do something.

Re: can god not influence human mind?

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:14 am
by Byblos
rajanpunj wrote:my dear friends, i know god only wants every thing to be the best for mankind, peace allaround and no misery for anyone. if god is omnipotent and his intentions are good why is he letting so much misery to be there in this world? if he realy can influence human mind why he does not do anything? what is the use of a power which when required is not used that too if it is for the only jesus was son of god rest all are humans so god should be able to do something.
Why is it misery if there is no god? It's all part of nature, no misery, no evil, no right, wrong, or moral values. Just a bunch of chemicals interacting.

You need to brush up on your philosophical arguments my friend, the problem of evil in the world is actually a good argument FOR the existence of God.

Re: can god not influence human mind?

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:39 am
by jlay
my dear friends, i know god only wants every thing to be the best for mankind, peace allaround and no misery for anyone.
You shoudl pay attention to what Byblos just said. But also, if you are not going to address things you've brought up on past threads, then why bring up new ones?
In one thread you claimed "there is certainly a god in a form which is not known to us."
That is a contradictory statement in itself. And now you claim to have revelation from this God. That is to know his/her/its mind. How did you receive this revelation, and why should we trust you as a prophet??
if he realy can influence human mind why he does not do anything? what is the use of a power which when required is not used that too if it is for the only jesus was son of god rest all are humans so god should be able to do something.
Do you understand the difference between a computer and a human mind? What makes a human human? would you even be human if you were forced/programmed to do things without any control over your thoughts and actions? I'd say no. God can make us do what He wants us to do. But the probelm is, you are no longer you. In fact, you aren't and you weren't.

God does have the power to influence us. And do so in such a way that does not reduce us to less than the humans He made us to be. And He revealed that plan to mankind, that if implemented ends suffering, one by one. Read John 14-15

Re: can god not influence human mind?

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 11:13 am
by rajanpunj
dear jlay i dont get any revelations.i have just made my mind to know the truth. my mind is like a child's mind. i have lot of queries, i am seeking truth, tales and scriptures are not going to satisfy me, they can only guide me.all great men only tought and guided us how to live a good and just life(again as i always say there is no absolute, so the degree varied). kindly dont get offended by my questions,my intentions are to get some knowledge from wise people like you who use this site.

Re: can god not influence human mind?

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 1:04 pm
by jlay
No offense has been taken.
Please do not expect that if there are inconsistencies in your thinking and logic that they will not be pointed out.
You are in fact claiming to know something about God, and in the same breath claiming not to really know anything.
i have just made my mind to know the truth.
Here is a good starting point. Not real sure what you are saying here. Are you saying that you have made up your mind to know the truth, (in other words, you have set your mind on pursuing truth) or, that you made you mind to know the truth? There is a difference.

In another thread you said,
"there is certainly a god in a form which is not known to us."
Let's clarify what you are saying here because it seems to be self-defeating. You say, there is certainly a God. That means you are certain there is a God. Next you say, in a form which is NOT known.
It could be that I don't know what you mean by form, and you are welcome to clarify. But without clarifcation you seem to be saying that God is not known to us, but we are certain there is a God. And then in this thread you go on to say,
"i know god only wants every thing to be the best for mankind, peace allaround and no misery for anyone."
You say that you KNOW what God wants. How?

This is a valid question,
if god is omnipotent and his intentions are good why is he letting so much misery to be there in this world?
The reason I ask these things, (And I would like an answer) is how can we be expected to explain suffering and misery if you in fact have invalid and faulty conceptions of who this God really is?

The 2nd part of the question has do to with influence. And I think that is best answered in what I have addressed here regarding misconceptions about God's character, and about what makes us, us.

Re: can god not influence human mind?

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 3:16 pm
by Canuckster1127
rajanpunj wrote:dear jlay i dont get any revelations.i have just made my mind to know the truth. my mind is like a child's mind. i have lot of queries, i am seeking truth, tales and scriptures are not going to satisfy me, they can only guide me.all great men only tought and guided us how to live a good and just life(again as i always say there is no absolute, so the degree varied). kindly dont get offended by my questions,my intentions are to get some knowledge from wise people like you who use this site.
rajunpunj, help me out here. You want help and to discuss things, and that is fine. Would you please tell us a little bit about who you are, where you live, what you do (student, work, retired etc.) and what your beliefs are. That will help us to know as much about you as you can find about many of us by checking profiles and past threads.

Your name and the nature of some of your comments suggest to me that you are coming from a perspective that is eastern or Hindu. I ask to understand you better not to label you.

Re: can god not influence human mind?

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 4:58 pm
by puritan lad

If the problem of evil perplexes you, this may help, though I would suggest that your problem is much deeper.

The Problem Of Evil Answered
rajanpunj wrote:i dont get any revelations.i have just made my mind to know the truth. my mind is like a child's mind.
If you don't get ay revelations, how do you account for your ability to know anything?
rajanpunj wrote:i have lot of queries, i am seeking truth, tales and scriptures are not going to satisfy me, they can only guide me.
Argumentum ad circulum. Why do you assume that the Sciptures aren't truth? If you don't know what truth is, how will you know when to start looking, and why will you exclude the Scriptures?
rajanpunj wrote:all great men only tought and guided us how to live a good and just life
On what authority will you make this claim? Don't we first have to have a standard by which we can judge "great men" as well as define a "good and just life"?
rajanpunj wrote:(again as i always say there is no absolute, so the degree varied).
Are you absolutely sure that there are no absolutes?
rajanpunj wrote:kindly dont get offended by my questions,my intentions are to get some knowledge from wise people like you who use this site.
I hope that this is true. As Bart suggested, we need to know both your starting point and your standard for your search for truth.