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dimensions and god!

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 12:19 am
by jimmy999
OK I'm new here and I'm going to take a shot at this.and please keep an open mind. has any one ever noticed that verses of the book of genesis describes the theory of dimensions? examples 1st dimension 1side is seen no height no width and no depth. the second has height and width but has no depth.and the third describes definite shape. and ok there is alot of debate over whether the fourth dimension is time or not. now the verses I'm talking about are genesis 1 verses 3 through 23. on the 1st day god created light, witch light is one dimensional. on the second day god created the ferminant witch is translated sky or space witch has height and width but no depth like the second dimension.and on the third mountains and land masses objects of definite shape like the third dimension.and finally on the fourth day he created the moon and the sun witch tells us our night and day witch kinda points to referencing time to me. any way,any thoughts on this are welcome!

Re: dimensions and god!

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 12:28 am
by B. W.
jimmy999 wrote:OK I'm new here and I'm going to take a shot at this.and please keep an open mind. has any one ever noticed that verses of the book of genesis describes the theory of dimensions? examples 1st dimension 1side is seen no height no width and no depth. the second has height and width but has no depth.and the third describes definite shape. and ok there is alot of debate over whether the fourth dimension is time or not. now the verses I'm talking about are genesis 1 verses 3 through 23. on the 1st day god created light, witch light is one dimensional. on the second day god created the ferminant witch is translated sky or space witch has height and width but no depth like the second dimension.and on the third mountains and land masses objects of definite shape like the third dimension.and finally on the fourth day he created the moon and the sun witch tells us our night and day witch kinda points to referencing time to me. any way,any thoughts on this are welcome!
Hi Jimmy - I am not sure I am following what you are saying and you give a few more detials?

Re: dimensions and god!

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 1:09 am
by Silvertusk
I get it, and it is kind of interesting - but I don't think there is too much in that. I think it is like the way you can read in YEC, OEC,day age and Theologic Evolution into the first chapters of Genesis.


Re: dimensions and god!

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:06 am
by WOB
Hey Jimmy! I feel that the description of the creation of the universe is analogy. I don't believe that God created light in one day as we think of light, or that the universe was created in 7x24. Of all the bible, I think, the creation account given to us is meant to make us think the most. There's a deep paradox in the story that I like to believe is deadly intentional by the Father.
God is telling us that it took him 6 days to create the Universe. Well, this is obviously not 6 of our days. It is God letting us know that the universe was not easy to make. It was an act of craftsmanship, that took effort, sweat & concentration, even for him. God is asking you to respect and admire the universe as his creation, and to simply understand that it took something out of him to make it. The 7 days is given for us to relate to our own life & understanding of about how much effort it took for God to Make it, & one thing seems to be certain, we are not meant he made it easily. So if we think about ourselves working on a project that takes a solid 6 days of our life, requiring us to rest on the 7th, then we initially have some indication of His effort ov the Universal creation. But the paradox comes when you realise that Gods life span is, um, longer than 90 years, & that the size of the Universe measures the same length of a piece of string. Nothing in our world or the Universe is without reason. All around us may be an incredible & congruent scientific marvel, but buried deep within everything is very purposeful analogy. So that We can understand God's position with us, our own will, and our choice of destiny, so God has placed us in a system where where are the creators of our children, who are born fully willful and who will remain loyal or rebel against us. Do we love our children unconditionally? Must we teach them discipline? Must we punish them? Our children is one of the most obvious analogies, but I feel that the creation story is wonderful and clear analogy given to us by the Father.