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"No 'Creator' Needed for Life to Appear in the Universe"

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 11:27 pm
by Swimmy

No 'Creator' Needed for Life to Appear in the Universe

Scientists recently published the results of a new analysis, showing that the appearance life has here on Earth may be inscribed in the very laws of nature and reality. This, the team says, happens because of the way life is coded to emerge and develop, and also due to its basic components.

A mathematical analysis of the ingredients needed to obtain precursor chemicals for basic lifeforms has demonstrated that deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a compound that is destined to occur any place it can occur.

There are serious reasons to support such a claim, the group reveals. First of all, it's very important to know what DNA is made of. Its basic constituents are 2 amino-acids, the basic building blocks of life, combinations of which also produce proteins and enzymes.

Of these 20 amino-acids, 10 can form in a variety of combinations to produce prebiotic lifeforms, that are not very complex, but which can be defined as living, to some extent. The fate of the other ten is even more rigorously planned.

It would appear that these molecules can appear anywhere the thermodynamical balance of the environment is suitable. Therefore, it makes no difference if the conditions are met here, on Venus, or on the recently-discovered, Earth-analog planet Gliese 581g.

This was proven in the new mathematical model, which was developed as an energy analysis by the director of the McMaster University Origins Institute, theoretical astrophysicist Ralph Pudritz.

He shows in the new work that 10 of the amino-acids can effortlessly form at low temperatures and pressures. In other words, it looks that the laws of physics can put life together easily.

This discovery is nothing but bad news for religions that try to pin the origin of life on a Creator. The study shows that this is not needed in order for life to appear, here or elsewhere in the Universe, Daily Galaxy reports.

The implications that this work has for the way we look at the Cosmos are also mind-boggling. If the equations check out, then we could find ourselves living in a galaxy where life abounds.

Naturally, that is no guarantee that advanced, intelligent lifeforms exist nearby, or even at all, but the work does solve some long-standing, mostly-philosophical debates about the origin and spread of life.

Now I'm no scientist..But I don't see how they can come to such a conclusion based off this..Last time I check they haven't made life in a lab. Opinions?

Re: "No 'Creator' Needed for Life to Appear in the Universe"

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 11:35 pm
by MarcusOfLycia
One thing that stood out is their assumption that "This discovery is nothing but bad news for religions that try to pin the origin of life on a Creator. The study shows that this is not needed in order for life to appear, here or elsewhere in the Universe, Daily Galaxy reports. ".

The 'study' does nothing to show why the laws, the matter, or the conditions exist. The problem for scientists isn't in showing that life can exist, it is showing why there is anything instead of nothing. Although I agree with your uncertainty as well - I've never heard of life being spontaneously produced in a lab... ever.

Re: "No 'Creator' Needed for Life to Appear in the Universe"

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 6:08 am
by Canuckster1127
What's the source? That looks more like agenda driven journalism than anything that would be published even in a scientific context.

Re: "No 'Creator' Needed for Life to Appear in the Universe"

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 6:46 am
by jlay
These type of things usually defeat themselves in their own foolishness. It didn't even take three sentences for this one to do it.
This, the team says, happens because of the way life is coded to emerge and develop, and also due to its basic components.
Life is coded?
That is like saying that Windows 7 exists because software is coded to emerge and develop, and due to its basic components.
A mathematical analysis of the ingredients needed to obtain precursor chemicals for basic lifeforms has demonstrated that deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a compound that is destined to occur any place it can occur.

Destined? This is a philosophical statement.

Re: "No 'Creator' Needed for Life to Appear in the Universe"

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 7:22 am
by puritan lad
There is a big difference between the formation of amino acids and the formation of even the simplest living organism. They been trying to establish this for a long time. Nothing new here.

Re: "No 'Creator' Needed for Life to Appear in the Universe"

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:53 am
by derrick09
I sent a question about this to RTB. I'll let you know if I hear back from them or if they decide to include this on a podcast.

Re: "No 'Creator' Needed for Life to Appear in the Universe"

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 8:46 am
by Seraph
The author of the article seems to be very much unaware of the ideas of theistic evolution and the fine-tuning arguement.

Plus, the wording seems to suggest that scientists have discovered how abiogenesis occurs though they don't actually say that. It's just an Atheist making an old arguement.

Re: "No 'Creator' Needed for Life to Appear in the Universe"

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 9:26 am
by derrick09
Very good point, Seraph, great to see you here again. See you at the other place later.

Re: "No 'Creator' Needed for Life to Appear in the Universe"

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 2:03 pm
by joejmz
Where was this article published? Can you provide a link?

Re: "No 'Creator' Needed for Life to Appear in the Universe"

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 6:56 pm
by dorkmaster
I really like how every science story i read thats meant to disprove God uses the word 'believes'.

Re: "No 'Creator' Needed for Life to Appear in the Universe"

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:57 am
by shernajwine
dorkmaster wrote:I really like how every science story i read thats meant to disprove God uses the word 'believes'.
LOL Isn't it great!

I also like this status I saw on FB

"Isn't it ironic that the first thing an atheist probably thinks about is God, when they think about themselves?"

For not believing he exists they spend a lot time talking about and hating him.

Atheist Poem
God isn't good, God isn't great. God doesn't exist, yet it's God that I hate.

Re: "No 'Creator' Needed for Life to Appear in the Universe"

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 11:18 pm
by tomkitch2
This merely shows life can exist, which we don't need scientists to tell us. If God created life, it makes sense that he would do it by making a universe that results naturally in life, the same way he created the force of gravity to hold us to the earth.
As an atheist myself, I am always baffled by scientists and reporters who think any scientific discovery could be evidence for the absence of God. An all-powerful being can create the earth in six days complete with belly buttons, fully-grown trees, fossils, and layers of sediment. Science long ago proved that the world does not appear to be the one described in Genesis, e.g. the apparent age of the sun, moon, and stars conflicts with the Biblical timeline. But did the God of Genesis create undivided chick cells, unhatched eggs or winged birds? It only makes sense that he would create half-decayed carbon-14 and cosmic microwave background radiation.
The debate over religion will be much more rewarding when science ceases to be considered.

Re: "No 'Creator' Needed for Life to Appear in the Universe"

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 7:35 am
by Byblos
tomkitch2 wrote:This merely shows life can exist, which we don't need scientists to tell us. If God created life, it makes sense that he would do it by making a universe that results naturally in life, the same way he created the force of gravity to hold us to the earth.
As an atheist myself, I am always baffled by scientists and reporters who think any scientific discovery could be evidence for the absence of God. An all-powerful being can create the earth in six days complete with belly buttons, fully-grown trees, fossils, and layers of sediment. Science long ago proved that the world does not appear to be the one described in Genesis, e.g. the apparent age of the sun, moon, and stars conflicts with the Biblical timeline. But did the God of Genesis create undivided chick cells, unhatched eggs or winged birds? It only makes sense that he would create half-decayed carbon-14 and cosmic microwave background radiation.
The debate over religion will be much more rewarding when science ceases to be considered.
With all due respect you have no clue what you're talking about. This very website was founded on the premise that there is complete harmony between the Genesis account and science. Please read some of the articles on the main page.

Re: "No 'Creator' Needed for Life to Appear in the Universe"

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 12:16 pm
by Noah1201
Byblos wrote: With all due respect you have no clue what you're talking about. This very website was founded on the premise that there is complete harmony between the Genesis account and science. Please read some of the articles on the main page.
But that is an extremely minority position. Most people, including most Christians, who read Genesis, see a conflict with science. This would suggest that even if it is not correct, his position is a reasonable one.

Also, are you suggesting that evolution is not science?

Re: "No 'Creator' Needed for Life to Appear in the Universe"

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 2:19 pm
by Canuckster1127
Noah1201 wrote:
Byblos wrote: With all due respect you have no clue what you're talking about. This very website was founded on the premise that there is complete harmony between the Genesis account and science. Please read some of the articles on the main page.
But that is an extremely minority position. Most people, including most Christians, who read Genesis, see a conflict with science. This would suggest that even if it is not correct, his position is a reasonable one.

Also, are you suggesting that evolution is not science?
Evolution when used narrowly is science. Evolution when it goes beyond direct observation and measurement then transcends into the realm of Philosophy and Religion, and part of the issue I have at times with the use of the term is that because it is also used in the realm of science the two are easily confused.