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Messianic Judaism

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:08 pm
by Gman
I attended my first ever Messianic Judaism church today some 25 miles from my house. It's the only one in my area.

I found the experience to be very interesting.. It's much more interactive than other church's I've attended... Also when people sing the congregation get's up and dances in circles.. The songs are done entirely in Hebrew mixed with some English. Very interesting..

The best part is when the Torah is presented. It is paraded around the congregation like a human with a King's crown on it. Then people come up to it and touch it to bless it or kiss it.

After the teaching the children come up to the front to be prayed over by the congregation under a tent. If you ever want to encounter a church like these, give it a try sometime. You might learn something.. :P


Re: Messianic Judaism

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 12:40 am
by B. W.
Gman wrote:I attended my first ever Messianic Judaism church today some 25 miles from my house. It's the only one in my area.

I found the experience to be very interesting.. It's much more interactive than other church's I've attended... Also when people sing the congregation get's up and dances in circles.. The songs are done entirely in Hebrew mixed with some English. Very interesting..

The best part is when the Torah is presented. It is paraded around the congregation like a human with a King's crown on it. Then people come up to it and touch it to bless it or kiss it.

After the teaching the children come up to the front to be prayed over by the congregation under a tent. If you ever want to encounter a church like these, give it a try sometime. You might learn something.. :P
Yes, these are good services to be a part of. As they move the Torah around the room - it is the truth of John 1:1, 2, 3, 14c, come alive...

In some Eastern Orthodox churches they use the same procession using Bible and Show-Bread - interesting... once these EO members get it - they dance around too... if not - the service is as somber as any other church on worship day...

Re: Messianic Judaism

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 7:41 am
by Gman
B. W. wrote:
Yes, these are good services to be a part of. As they move the Torah around the room - it is the truth of John 1:1, 2, 3, 14c, come alive...

In some Eastern Orthodox churches they use the same procession using Bible and Show-Bread - interesting... once these EO members get it - they dance around too... if not - the service is as somber as any other church on worship day...
I found it to be very rich and MUCH more interactive. They were very friendly to me and even came up to me and asked me my name. And yes, they believe in the Trinity too which correlates to what you are saying... It's all coming together now.

Bryan, have you been to one yet?

Re: Messianic Judaism

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 10:18 am
by B. W.
Gman wrote:...I found it to be very rich and MUCH more interactive. They were very friendly to me and even came up to me and asked me my name. And yes, they believe in the Trinity too which correlates to what you are saying... It's all coming together now.

Bryan, have you been to one yet?
Yes, in fact around 1984-86 I was one of the founding members of one in the city which I currently live. I was part of the praise band. I left there to help out another Church and to begin a 10 year prision minstry thru the other church I became involved in before being hired as paid staff at the Jail I ministered at. Lots of growth during those days...

Re: Messianic Judaism

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 8:16 pm
by Gman
B. W. wrote:
Yes, in fact around 1984-86 I was one of the founding members of one in the city which I currently live. I was part of the praise band. I left there to help out another Church and to begin a 10 year prision minstry thru the other church I became involved in before being hired as paid staff at the Jail I ministered at. Lots of growth during those days...
Wow that must have happened right after your near death experience.. Do you ever go back?

Re: Messianic Judaism

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:23 pm
by B. W.
Gman wrote:
B. W. wrote:
Yes, in fact around 1984-86 I was one of the founding members of one in the city which I currently live. I was part of the praise band. I left there to help out another Church and to begin a 10 year prision minstry thru the other church I became involved in before being hired as paid staff at the Jail I ministered at. Lots of growth during those days...
Wow that must have happened right after your near death experience.. Do you ever go back?
About 4 years after that.

As for going back to that particular group - I visited from time to time but moved on to other things.

Re: Messianic Judaism

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 10:26 pm
by Canuckster1127
I haven't been to Messianic meetings. I have been to traditional Jewish services though. When I was younger I spent a year working in a Jewish Residence Hotel in South Florida. I took residents to Temple services on Friday nights. The first few times I sat in the bus outside. The people knew I was Christian and studying for the ministry. They invited me the third week to come in with them and they took me under their wings to keep from making any embarrasing mistakes in the service.

The neat things was after a while of this, they asked if I would like to take them to something Christian to return the favor. I took them to a presentation of Handels Messiah in Palm Beach and it is one of the fondest memories that I have of people being open and respectful of one another accross faiths in that manner.

A Church I served too, as an assistant pastor, after that spent a year as the guest of a Jewish Temple that allowed us to use their facility while our new one was under construction. A christian UMC church had given them a place to meet when their temple burned down and was being reconstructed. They looked for a church in the community to whom they could return the favor. The Rabbi brought our congregation into their sanctuary and gave us a presentation and orientation and answered questions. We usually me in their fellowship hall area after that. I have some fun stories from that time as well. Very fond memories and not typical of relationships between orthodox/conservative Jews and Evangelicals.

I'm glad for both of them however.