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Post by Kenzel »

I'm sure topics like this pop up all of the time here, but I digress. Today in school, the subject of movies was brought up. I told my friends that I saw "The King's Speech" and how I thought it was a good movie. My friends start talking to me about how I shouldn't have seen the movie because it has swear words. So my question is, what are your opinions on movies that have swear words (or anything else that's negative)? Should we stay away from these movies? Where are we supposed to draw the line between what movies are ok to watch and what movies aren't?
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Re: Movies

Post by Maytan »

I look at it like this: If it's got content that will promote me to sin, I'll stay away from it.

When it comes to swearing, I usually let it slide. There's really no way to get away from it, unless you stay away from all forms of media. And hearing someone swear doesn't make me feel inclined to swear. That said, I think your friend is perfectly right in choosing to avoid a film because of swearing. Sometimes it's just overdone to the point where you feel, "Who would even write this?"

Now, if it's something sexually explicit, promoting lust or hate, etc., that's something I think one should avoid.
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Re: Movies

Post by zoegirl »

lol, I loved that movie. but not because of the swear words. But they hardly ruin the movie. In the movie, there is one 30 second stretch of him using the swear words because his therapist notices he doesn't stammer when he uses the. Later on, when he practices his speeches, you seem him mouthing the swear words but not speaking them. It's not using them flippantly or overly so. The rest of the movie is ridiculously tame and IMO it really shouldn't have been rated R (it's by far one of the tamest R movies I've ever seen, not that I see many :-)

In my opinion there are some R movies that are far better than most PG-13 movies. Certainly swear words are not great and there is a reason why R movies are rated R with regard to the age. But it's weird that there are many more PG-13 movies that I would not go to because they are far worse with innuendo, light swear words but far more of them to compensate, and more immature subject matter.

Don't get me wrong, that vast majority of movies use far too many and the use of them in general society is rather sad and pathetic. My students laugh at me when I simply say "bother" but you know? it works. And I would say in general movies that use more swear words are not usually the ones you should watch. However, unfortunately, the coding system int he movie system often means that movie-makers, in an attempt to include a broader audience, will attempt to keep a movie PG13 and still retain its "coolness" factor with the words and innuendo. That often makes them worse overall than some R movies, which, one they have the rating, have nothing to prove to its audience.
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Re: Movies

Post by Kenzel »

Thanks for the replies! Do you think movies like Harry Potter are ok? I understand that there's magic in it, but does that ruin the entire movie?
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Re: Movies

Post by Canuckster1127 »

If that were the standard then there's some passages of scripture that people should stay away from as well.
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Re: Movies

Post by Silvertusk »

Kenzel wrote:Thanks for the replies! Do you think movies like Harry Potter are ok? I understand that there's magic in it, but does that ruin the entire movie?
To be honest I like the Harry Potter movies and fantasy movies in general. They are stories that provide entertainment. As long as they do not take their position above your life with God and like it was said - does not cause you to sin and you realise that they are just stories then I dont see a problem. Look at Lord of the Rings and the Chronicles of Narnia - they are fantasy movies with magic in it - but they are watched by Christians everywhere.

(I of course could be totally wrong here). For the record I also like vampire movies - Buffy,Angel, Twilight. Although I tend to stay away from the gory ones now like True Blood and Being Human as they feel wrong and evil. I like actions films, I like Sci-fi films - these are just good stories.

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Re: Movies

Post by narnia4 »

Personally, I'm more willing to excuse R-rated content if it's clearly there to give a better idea of reality or the picture the filmmakers are trying to paint. If it's a movie that paints a realistic picture of the life of a gangster, what he does right and what he does wrong (if done well it's a worthwhile thing to look into), it's pretty hard to do that effectively without profanity, because that's the way those people talk. I'd have a very hard time if I made movies, being aware of content issues AND trying to paint a picture that people can identify with and is true to reality.

What some people will say, and I think it's a good point, just look at the content in the Bible! It wouldn't be rated pg if you put all the content onto the screen. In my mind there's a HUGE difference between servicing the story and "maintaining verisimilitude", and including things just for the thrill of it or because you need it to be "cool". Often gratuitous nudity/sexual content isn't there to service the story at all, but just to titillate. In my mind, that's wrong. If it's there for a better purpose (like in the Bible), then that's a different situation.

One more example, Sylvester Stallone made his last Rambo sequel (yeah, I'm a sucker for Stallone movies) with the intent of making the most violent movie of all time. It didn't QUITE get there, but it's close and it is a VERY heavy R with its violence. The goal he expressed, however, was to make people aware of a very real situation in Burma where all the violence and worse was really happening. So he made a MUCH more bloody and violent movie than any he'd made before... on the one hand, he created an accurate picture and he can be commended for that. On the other hand, were people going to see that movie to become aware of the situation in Burma/Myanmar or to be shocked by all the gore?

So yeah, I'm a sucker for fantasy, action, and sci-fi movies (I think Harry Potter is "ok", but that could be a very long discussion). I think most of us can discern (as long as we're listening for guidance from the Holy Spirit) what is appropriate for us. I actually have a much bigger concern for anti-Christian philosophy in movies. I'm a fairly big movie buff, people would be surprised to know what movies have Christian ideas behind them and what movies have little extreme content but preach a very anti-Christian message. To be honest, I often find R rated, extreme content movies portray ideas that fit better into a Christian worldview than those that many families are comfortable watching.
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Re: Movies

Post by Seraph »

I saw The King's Speech and thought it was amazing. :D
The cursing scene is pretty brief and in the context of the movie, is funny rather than angry and hostile.

I don't really flinch at swearing in movies. Ultimately, though I don't swear, the idea that swearing is horrible is a social construct rather than something that is drawn from the Bible. In fact, the Bible existed before the English language existed. If you think about it, what is the real difference between being called "stupid" and being called a "stupid a-hole"? Only that our society has built up that second word to have a shock-factor to it.

Like narnia4 said regarding (portrayed, not encouraged) violence in movies, seeing something portrayed is different than being tempted to do it yourself. When you're young and impressionable it could easily be harmful, but when you're an adult I think you're beyond the point of being that highly influenced by a movie. Sure, you may become somewhat desensitized to seeing violence, but really, thats life. You probably aren't going to have an urge to go and inflict violence on as many people as you can.
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Re: Movies

Post by Dudeacus97 »

Kenzel wrote:Thanks for the replies! Do you think movies like Harry Potter are ok? I understand that there's magic in it, but does that ruin the entire movie?
I don't think that magic in a movie is a very big deal. Harry Potter, at least I thought, was less of the occult and more towards Christianity. In the books, it says that the characters pray, they say "Oh My God", they celebrate Christian holidays, they sing "O Come, all ye Faithful" at Christmas, Harry's parents have a bible verse carved on their graves, there's a plant called the Devil's snare, it just goes on and on. Plus, the book's themes are sacrifice, loyalty, friendship, perseverence, and other things. Also, nobody is ever said to worship the devil and the Dark Arts are clearly shown to be evil and only used by Dark Wizards.

As for movies about the occult, I don't mind them as long as they don't openly say "Devil worship, witchcraft, and new age stuff is AWESOME!" and just treat it as something normal.

When I see people sin in a movie, I think "Wow, those people are bad." When I see a movie where sinful behavior is constant, I think "Wow, ALL of those people are bad." I don't think watching a movie where people do sinful behavior will purmit sinful behavior. I like to play Borderlands and Call of Duty, but I'm not going to go outside and start to shoot people for no reason. Many war games now actually have "War is hell" as a constant theme.

However, as a Christian, I noramlly think "How is Christianity portrayed in this film/game/book?" I think I'm going to start a thread on that.
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Re: Movies

Post by Callisto »

Dudeacus97 wrote:
Kenzel wrote:Thanks for the replies! Do you think movies like Harry Potter are ok? I understand that there's magic in it, but does that ruin the entire movie?
I don't think that magic in a movie is a very big deal. Harry Potter, at least I thought, was less of the occult and more towards Christianity. In the books, it says that the characters pray, they say "Oh My God", they celebrate Christian holidays, they sing "O Come, all ye Faithful" at Christmas, Harry's parents have a bible verse carved on their graves, there's a plant called the Devil's snare, it just goes on and on. Plus, the book's themes are sacrifice, loyalty, friendship, perseverence, and other things. Also, nobody is ever said to worship the devil and the Dark Arts are clearly shown to be evil and only used by Dark Wizards.

As for movies about the occult, I don't mind them as long as they don't openly say "Devil worship, witchcraft, and new age stuff is AWESOME!" and just treat it as something normal.

When I see people sin in a movie, I think "Wow, those people are bad." When I see a movie where sinful behavior is constant, I think "Wow, ALL of those people are bad." I don't think watching a movie where people do sinful behavior will purmit sinful behavior. I like to play Borderlands and Call of Duty, but I'm not going to go outside and start to shoot people for no reason. Many war games now actually have "War is hell" as a constant theme.

However, as a Christian, I noramlly think "How is Christianity portrayed in this film/game/book?" I think I'm going to start a thread on that.
It's interesting people still think Harry Potter is about witchcraft, when J.K. Rowling is a Christian and writes extremely Christian themes in the Harry Potter books. Why people got upset about them 10 years ago (or whenever that was) was beyond my understanding, apparently. It just seemed ridiculous. In fact HP teaches children and teenagers so much more than other books aimed at them right now (I'm looking at you Stephanie Meyer, "Twilight" is just awful). Of course the Lord of the Rings and The Chronicles of Narnia were also written by Christian writers. Madeline L'Engle is also one. I suspect there are quite a few out there, but it's not as obvious as maybe Lewis was.

As for movies, I'll watch most stuff as long as the message is decent. So I'd watch "Juno" because it's pro-life, even if shallowly so. I watch some movies with violence, some with cursing (well nearly every movie has that except for Disney/Pixar movies anymore). The main thing to me is, "what is the message"? Does it promote morality? If not I may avoid it or I may see it just to find out. I can't say I have a perfect score. No one does. :)
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Re: Movies

Post by Stygian »

I'll answer by taking a look at two of my personal favorite "questionable" flicks.

No Country for Old Men
There's no question this movie is a violent one. What I think matters is what I got out of it: "getting involved with black market by stealing drug money is dangerous." It doesn't waste time glorifying violence or profanity (not so much swearing in the movie as a while), and sexuality and substance abuse are not-so prominent at all, minus the fact it is money from a drug deal gone bad, after all. Overall, you feel the weight of every death, and the creators (the ever-so brilliant Coen Brothers) show you the tragedy of the situation.

This film involves a rivalry between the music composers Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Antonio Salieri. Mozart is a vulgar, immature man, who often makes sexual remarks (even getting a little touchy-feely with his wife [though nothing that explicit] and there's one reference to him cheating on her) and issues some of the only swear words in the film, as well as getting drunk. Salieri, on the other hand, is more respectable, but soon grows to hate Mozart, with an increasingly deep and bitter passion. He even blames God for giving him the talent to write music, but making him unable to out-do someone as sinful as Mozart. Neither of these people are glorified, as the final message is one that directly opposes a worldly lifestyle (Mozart) or one of vengeful bitterness (Salieri).

Just some thoughts.
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