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Teenage boys kissing

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:40 am
by RickD
This morning my son was watching a show on "Teen Nick". A commercial came on for a show called "Degrassi", or something like that. The scene on the commercial showed two teenage boys kissing in one's bedroom, and one's Mom walked in unexpectedly. I must be old fashioned, because I don't remember this kind of crap on tv when I was a kid. Whatever happened to Leave it to Beaver? I guess I was a little surprised that they would show this garbage on a kids channel in the morning. There's stuff that I would expect, but that went too far IMO.

Re: Teenage boys kissing

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:51 am
by zoegirl
Degrassi is known to be a junk show...unfortunately Nickolodeon itself has some infortunate shows....shows that have characters that, even at 12, are seen being teased at not having been kissed. It's a sad state of our society that kids and not allowed to kids.

Re: Teenage boys kissing

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 11:29 am
by jlay
Why they hey aren't parents in an uproar? This is ridiculous. Nick promotes itself as children friendly. I don't think adding the 'teen' is license to lure people into this depravity.

Re: Teenage boys kissing

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:42 pm
by Seraph
There is a lot more sexual content in TV today, but on the flipside there is far less racism and sexism present in TV than there was in the 60s. Rather than there being a general increase of sin in our culture, I think it is mainly just exchanging some sins for others. So I don't really buy that we live in an age that is more deprived and sinful than previous ones.

I might get flamed by some members for this but I encourage displays of tolerance toward people who practice lifestyles that many would consider sin, not in a way that promotes the lifestyle, but in a way that discourages hatred and discrimination against those people. There wasn't as much televised sexual tension in the past, but there were more lynchings and public beatings...

Re: Teenage boys kissing

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:50 pm
by Proinsias
Seraph wrote:There is a lot more sexual content in TV today, but on the flipside there is far less racism and sexism present in TV than there was in the 60s. Rather than there being a general increase of sin in our culture, I think it is mainly just exchanging some sins for others. So I don't really buy that we live in an age that is more deprived and sinful than previous ones.
Beautifully put

Re: Teenage boys kissing

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:27 pm
by Canuckster1127
Nickelodeon is owned by MTV I believe. You think there might be some conditioning going on to prepare them to move to the next channel?

Re: Teenage boys kissing

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:20 pm
by RickD
There is a lot more sexual content in TV today, but on the flipside there is far less racism and sexism present in TV than there was in the 60s. Rather than there being a general increase of sin in our culture, I think it is mainly just exchanging some sins for others. So I don't really buy that we live in an age that is more deprived and sinful than previous ones.
I don't remember any shows when I was a kid that had sexism and racism. "All in the family" had both, but it wasn't a kid's show. What kids shows 20 or 30 years ago had racism and sexism? Shows geared toward a teen and preteen audience nowadays IMO are a lot more open to things that I find offensive as a parent of a 11 year old. Maybe it's because I'm a parent now, and I have to monitor what my son watches. I just don't remember this garbage aimed at kids when I was younger. Has society deemed two teenage boys kissing as normal?

Re: Teenage boys kissing

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 7:47 am
by jlay
I watched part of the Degrassi show last night. It was repulsive. I can't believe parents aren't up in arms in revolt. I've already written letters to DirecTV and Nick. DirecTV because they are being duped into packaging this in with there children's programming.

I think parents are unaware of what is out there. I have a ten year old. So, I talked to her about it last night. Degrassi doesn't come on when she watches TV, but she had seen these commercials, as Teennick also shows Spongebob and other programming in the day. So, we immediately blocked that channel with our program guide. I'll go in and look at the program guide and think, Phineus and Ferb, SpongeBob, OK. Not really thinking about what other shows might be getting promoted during that programming.

Re: Teenage boys kissing

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:42 am
by RickD
It bothers me that these kinds of shows are on kids channels. But, at least I can keep him from watching the show itself. What gets me, is I can't keep him from watching the garbage commercials during shows I let him watch. I have a difficult time even watching an NFL football game with my son because of the commercials. I remember watching a game with him a while back when a commercial for erectile disfunction came on. How do you explain that to a 9 or 10 year old?

As far as teen nick goes, I might just have to block it as well.

Re: Teenage boys kissing

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:48 am
by Seraph
RickD wrote: I don't remember any shows when I was a kid that had sexism and racism. "All in the family" had both, but it wasn't a kid's show. What kids shows 20 or 30 years ago had racism and sexism? Shows geared toward a teen and preteen audience nowadays IMO are a lot more open to things that I find offensive as a parent of a 11 year old. Maybe it's because I'm a parent now, and I have to monitor what my son watches. I just don't remember this garbage aimed at kids when I was younger. Has society deemed two teenage boys kissing as normal?
Well, there was quite a lot of it: ... re=related ... re=related

Re: Teenage boys kissing

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:10 am
by RickD
Seraph wrote:
RickD wrote: I don't remember any shows when I was a kid that had sexism and racism. "All in the family" had both, but it wasn't a kid's show. What kids shows 20 or 30 years ago had racism and sexism? Shows geared toward a teen and preteen audience nowadays IMO are a lot more open to things that I find offensive as a parent of a 11 year old. Maybe it's because I'm a parent now, and I have to monitor what my son watches. I just don't remember this garbage aimed at kids when I was younger. Has society deemed two teenage boys kissing as normal?
Well, there was quite a lot of it: ... re=related ... re=related
Seraph, do you really see those cartoons as racist? In the context of each cartoon at its own time, I don't see racism. A rabbit is poking fun at a redneck yosemite Sam. That's just funny. Elmer Fudd as a dopey dark skinned person is racism, but when he's a dopey light skinned person, it's ok? I just saw funny stereotyping, not racism.

Re: Teenage boys kissing

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:48 pm
by Seraph
Well, the dopey black hunter has traits that are considered the sterotypical black person, especially given the time period it came out. The fact that the episode was later censored shows that even the creators believed that it had racist undertones. You can see similar things in a lot of old disney movies (Dumbo and the Black Crows for example). Also in the 50s and early 60s, it was common for women to be portrayed as second class citizens and it was heavily implied that that is the way that things "should be".

The main point is that there was never a time when media was spotless or even, I would argue, better than it is now.

Re: Teenage boys kissing

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:17 pm
by Canuckster1127
There are things today that 50 years from now will be considered taboo Not defending racism or sexism. Society progresses and changes and judging the past by today's standards is always going to find issues.