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Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 12:05 pm
by Hyperdrive

What are your opinions on extraterrestrial beings? As far as I know, the only kind of beings mentioned in the Bible are spiritual beings. Thus the Bible doesn't have much to say for or against aliens.

If we find non-sentient aliens on another world, what would you think? What if we find sentient aliens?

Hyperdrive (aka the "new guy" on this site)

Re: Aliens

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 12:25 pm
by jlay ... ens#p93695

Here is a recent active thread on the subject.

Re: Aliens

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 12:31 pm
by Seraph
I think aliens probably do exist in the universe somewhere, but I very highly doubt that we've been visited by them. If aliens existed in our galaxy we humans would've probably found them by now. An advanced alien race in our galaxy would've discovered us a long time ago since we pour radio waves out into space constantly. So there probably isn't a race as advanced as we are in our galaxy our we probably would've seen the same thing, unless they found out how to generate power from sea moss or something radically different than how huma technology evolved.

As for if the exist in other galaxies, who knows?

Re: Aliens

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 12:47 pm
by Hyperdrive
How would the existence of aliens effect theology, belief in God, salvation, etc?
Aliens are often attributed to evolution, but from a Creationist perspective God made the aliens.

Re: Aliens

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:24 pm
by Seraph
I don't think the existence of intellgent extraterrestrials in itself should really affect belief in God. God could have different relationships and covenants with different races of different planets. If the entire alien race was atheistic and never had any concept of God though, that might be an issue. It definately would seem unfair that they would be judged while having no chance of repenting. In that case, it would seem to me that God never offered a personal relationship with that species. One needs to be reminded that God doesn't have to create a personal relationship with all of his creation. Maybe the alien race is like a race of unintelligent space ants.

It seems silly (to me) to look at the billions of galaxies found in every direction around us and say that God made all of that for tiny little us, on our planet orbiting our sun which is just one of quadrillions of stars. It definately seems like the universe was made for many purposes aside from us. Aliens seem almost like a necessity.

Re: Aliens

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:43 pm
by Maytan
Seraph wrote:It seems silly (to me) to look at the billions of galaxies found in every direction around us and say that God made all of that for tiny little us, on our planet orbiting our sun which is just one of quadrillions of stars. It definately seems like the universe was made for many purposes aside from us. Aliens seem almost like a necessity.
I don't mean this in an offensive way at all, but what's so hard to believe about God caring enough about us to create such a vast and beautiful place? In fact, I'd say that what he created is a small-fry compared to the other things He's done for us. (the crucifixion)

Re: Aliens

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:59 pm
by Seraph
Because the part of the universe that we can actually see from Earth is only a millionth of the universe in it's entirety. There is so much out there that we will plain and simply never see or experience because there is too much of it. Our solar system compared to the universe makes a grain of sand look enormous when compared to a beach.

Check it out: ... 9_001.jpeg

Even in that picture, the Supercluster is only a microscopic portion of the universe.

Plus age is another factor. The universe has been around for 14,000,000,000 years, human civilization has been around for about 10,000. To put that in perspective, if the age of the universe was shrunk down to an hour, humanity has only been around for the last second. For all of the rest of that time, there was no humanity. The universe existed without us for all that time.

When looking at the unimaginable size and age of the universe, I really don't get the impression that we are the sole focus of it. It would be like renting out the country of China so that you have a nice place to play checkers with someone.

Re: Aliens

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 7:45 pm
by Maytan
We'll have to agree to disagree. ;) The Bible seems to make the Earth out to be the main focus of everything from my perspective. Just because the Universe is large and old doesn't make me feel inclined to believe in a greater purpose. Just that God was quite wise, good, and amazing in his works.

Your checkers analogy seems rather silly, though. God doesn't think like man, after all. Nor would he have any troubles renting the entire country of China; especially considering he already owns everything. If I could 'rent' the entire country of China without a single difficulty or fee, you can bet I would. :P

I'm not doubting the existence of some other life-form out there, it'd be silly to doubt something incapable of being proven or disproven. However, I don't currently believe there are sentient beings out there.

Re: Aliens

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 9:06 pm
by Hyperdrive
Maytan wrote:The Bible seems to make the Earth out to be the main focus of everything from my perspective.
I would say that God is the focus of the Bible. :amen:

My opinion on aliens is that God can do whatever he wants, so if wanted to create aliens that's fine with me. When I read scifi with aliens in it, I accept the aliens themselves but not an evolution-based explanation for their origin.

If sentient aliens have problems with sin, I'd say that Jesus' death would provide salvation for them all, even though He was in human form. Another way to think of Him is that He took on physical form.

As for non-sentient aliens, I put them in the same catagory as animals, and spirituality doesn't concern them.

If we make contact with sentient aliens, I'll be quick to preach to 'em.

Re: Aliens

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:38 am
by Maytan
Hyperdrive wrote:
Maytan wrote:The Bible seems to make the Earth out to be the main focus of everything from my perspective.
I would say that God is the focus of the Bible. :amen:
Oh, of course! I was talking in terms of inside creation.

Re: Aliens

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:35 pm
by Proinsias
Hyperdrive wrote:If we make contact with sentient aliens, I'll be quick to preach to 'em.

Re: Aliens

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 8:16 pm
by Gman
Not sure why people have such an obsession with aliens.. I believe the Bible answers this question. Aliens are actually angels...

Re: Aliens

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:00 am
by Silvertusk
Seraph wrote:Because the part of the universe that we can actually see from Earth is only a millionth of the universe in it's entirety. There is so much out there that we will plain and simply never see or experience because there is too much of it. Our solar system compared to the universe makes a grain of sand look enormous when compared to a beach.

Check it out: ... 9_001.jpeg

Even in that picture, the Supercluster is only a microscopic portion of the universe.

Plus age is another factor. The universe has been around for 14,000,000,000 years, human civilization has been around for about 10,000. To put that in perspective, if the age of the universe was shrunk down to an hour, humanity has only been around for the last second. For all of the rest of that time, there was no humanity. The universe existed without us for all that time.

When looking at the unimaginable size and age of the universe, I really don't get the impression that we are the sole focus of it. It would be like renting out the country of China so that you have a nice place to play checkers with someone.
If you read "Why the Universe is the way it is" by Hugh Ross - he talks about the fact that the universe needs to be this big in order to have enough stars and time to produce the heavier elements needed for intelligent life to exist. Several generations of stars are required and with that comes the size and age of the universe. Infact we are leaving in a period of time where life is possible - and earlier or later and it would not be possible. Even scientists like Brian Cox would agree with that. When you add to that the multitudes of fine tuning elements for require for life just to exist on this planet alone it becomes virtually conclusive in my mind that we are alone.

Re: Aliens

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:02 am
by Silvertusk
Also size is irrelevant when considering the importance of something as well. The size of the universe is irrelevant to God as can be seen by the fact that he sent his son to die on an infinitesimal spec on an infinitesimal spec.

Re: Aliens

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:50 pm
by Hyperdrive
I remember reading something about a potentially habitable exoplanet. It was on PopSci, about Gliese 581 g. ... 2011-maybe
The comments turned into a Religion vs Science debate. That was annoying.
For some reason a few of the commentors have the view that religion is opposed to the existence of aliens.

In my mind, the questions "Can this planet have life?" and "Did life evolve on this planet?" are two completely separate questions. People seem to mix these very often.