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Bible says to hate homosexuals?

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 10:58 pm
by dorkmaster
In a debate with an atheist friend of mine, he said the Bible tells Christians to hate homosexuals. I searched and searched but couldnt find it. That's not really in there is it?

Re: Bible says to hate homosexuals?

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:52 am
by CeT-To
Ask him where it is then.

Re: Bible says to hate homosexuals?

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:07 pm
by Silvertusk
dorkmaster wrote:In a debate with an atheist friend of mine, he said the Bible tells Christians to hate homosexuals. I searched and searched but couldnt find it. That's not really in there is it?
No it does not. The Bible says homosexuality is a sin - but no greater than promiscuous relationships, or lying or stealing or gossiping or murder or adultery or lustful thoughts or pride etc..... All sins are sins regardless, and all of us are guilty. We are taught to love the sinner and hate the sin - there is a big difference. And that applies for all sins.


Re: Bible says to hate homosexuals?

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 7:54 pm
by MarcusOfLycia
You'll hear a lot of "God/Christians think [insert something here]. Its in the bible" things from atheists; at least I do. It's a misleading approach, because what they're really demanding is that you search through the entire thing to find their claims (typically). The best thing to respond with is "tell me where you think that is". Let them do all the work, since they're making a claim.

On this particular topic, Silvertusk is dead on. God never says He 'hates' homosexuals in Scripture. He destroys Sodom and Gemorah because of their wickedness, but the depth and breadth of their wickedness is not possible to summarize... it was bad. That's usually the event atheists refer to about homosexuality, but that misses the point of the thing. God specifically -does- say in Scripture that He loves the whole world, but that He hates sin with a passion.

Re: Bible says to hate homosexuals?

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:13 pm
by Murray
Quick correction,

I believe "love the sinner Hate The Sin" Was stated by ghandi and it is not actually found in the bible