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Tall el-Hammam (Sodom and Gomorrah site)

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:49 pm
by Gman

We have compelling new evidence that the traditional sites of Sodom and Gomorrah often thought to be located in the southern region of the land of of the Dead Sea are actually located in the NORTHERN part of the Dead Sea!! This makes perfect sense as well since the inhabitants of that region would have needed large amounts of water to survive in that desert.. Also Genesis 13:1-12 talks about the plain or disk of the Jordan. This fits very well with the Tall el-Hammam area which is also shaped like a disk.

Please view this video here..

The Search for Sodom & Gomorrah



"Neither the Early Bronze Age nor the Middle Bronze Age is well-documented in the southern Jordan Valley on the east side of the river. The excavation of Tall el-Hammam is filling in significant elements in our knowledge gap for both the Bronze Age and Iron Age in the Jordan Disk. There is no doubt that in every period of occupation the inhabitants of Tall el-Hammam sat astride a strategic location commanding broad views of the southern Jordan Valley (lying almost wholly to the west), and were able to control and/or influence the flow of commodities traveling north/south along the main trade route on the east side of the river and along the eastern shore of the Dead Sea, and east/west from the direction of Cisjordan Jericho and from the Transjordan Highlands. Any city, thus situated, would have had more than trivial impact on the local/regional economy. Indeed, during the Bronze Age Tall el-Hammam flourished at the epicenter of a major city-state with numerous satellite towns, villages, and hamlets within its hegemony."

The official website for the Tall el-Hammam project here..

Re: Tall el-Hammam (Sodom and Gomorrah site)

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:15 pm
by cubeus19
Let's see is there any evidence for the fire that was rained down on the two cities at the sites?

Re: Tall el-Hammam (Sodom and Gomorrah site)

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 10:35 pm
by Gman
cubeus19 wrote:Let's see is there any evidence for the fire that was rained down on the two cities at the sites?
Yes there is evidence of this ... "This event is attested by a meter of ash and destruction debris in Field B where the MB juglet, along with MB storage jars, were unearthed just recently." In fact some of the clay pots appeared to get so hot that they practically melted and turned to glass. ... ery_10.pdf

More here. ... -City.aspx

Re: Tall el-Hammam (Sodom and Gomorrah site)

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 8:49 pm
by Swimmy
Is this ash all over the site? Or just that one area?I don't think one area qualifies as as evidence of events in the Bible since it would be every where. It simply could have been a house fire.