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A few questions about astrology

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 9:58 pm
by Kenzel
Hi, everyone! I recently started listening to a paranormal talk radio show and last night they invited an astrologer named Dr. Louis Turi to talk on the show. He predicted a mass evacuation/migration of people to happen in April between the 8th-10th..I think :/ Now, I know that the Bible condemns astrology and I obviously don't consult astrologers or astrology, but it did raise a few questions for me. First, can predictions from astrologers come true (I guess we'll find out in April though)? Second, what draws the line between astrology and looking for signs in the sun, moon, and stars? Luke 21:25

Re: A few questions about astrology

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 11:47 pm
by neo-x
I haven't been much into astrology, but from what I know, yes the signs and prediction do tend to be true sometimes...not always. Just like palmistry. It is a separate question though, who is predicting what? since all the astrological prediction tend to be vague without specifics. But honestly you don't need an astrologer to tell you about migration, for example right now because of the middle east problems, hundreds of thousands of people have migrated already.

so to answer your questions
First, can predictions from astrologers come true (I guess we'll find out in April though)?
Yes they can (not always, since a lot of factors are involved, including the possibility of the astrologer himself being in error), if properly calculated.
Second, what draws the line between astrology and looking for signs in the sun, moon, and stars? Luke 21:25
No this is not astrology. astrology is calculated and thus not everyone can learn and decipher it without the proper interest and patience. Jesus is talking about general observations, visible signs. naked for the world to view and see.

Re: A few questions about astrology

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 5:48 pm
by Kenzel
I totally forgot about this until I saw it in the news. He also predicted that on the 4th-6th of April that the Long Island serial killer would either be caught or kill another victim. I was flipping through the channels and saw that, right when he predicted, 3 more bodies were found. What are your thoughts on this?

Re: A few questions about astrology

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 10:06 pm
by neo-x
I cant very well say unless I see the astrological chart he would have drawn to predict this, but here it is what I wanted to show you...look he is not sure, he said either he will be caught or he will kill another victim. now apparently it looks as though the astrologer knows the fate of the serial killer and the reason he is giving out two predictions is because the factor of chance and error is involved. but in truth it is what we call a predictable guess. All the astrologer knows is that something can happen, but there comes the vagueness I talked about. it is not decisive. I know for a fact that very accurate predictions can be made as well. but no one has seen more proof since the days of Nostradamus. Also to make a prediction about someone precisely you might have to see their hand, birth dates. and other tiny details sometimes the information about their parents as well.

the 3 magi that came to Jesus in Bethlehem on Christmas eve knew that a king was born but that was the extent of their knowledge. to make more precise predictions, one might need a lot more data