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New Westboro "Baptist" Church Video

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 12:52 pm
by Sharna

Re: New Westboro "Baptist" Church Video

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 10:07 am
by secretfire6
This is a perfect example of those who read the Bible and see what they want to see rather than what is really there. They found no truth in the direct statement of God's love for all the world in john 3:16 yet found "truth" in deduced possibilities in statements like "God loves the redeemed, the rest are condemned. Does God love the condemned?..." They imply that the answer would be no, that God doesn't love the condemned. Any true believer who has ever read even moderate portions of the Bible would imediately answer: YES, God loves even the condemned. If this concept seems outrageous and foreign to them I would give them this example:
Does a parent, who decides to stage an intervention or cut off/ kick out, a child with an addiction problem love that child? Even if jail, rehab or the possibility of homlessness seems so awful and condemning, it is still out of love. If that child chooses the right road, they will be helped, restored and healed. This is the love that comes from our spirit, made in the image and likeness of God. The only difference is that God offered us all the help, the healing, the rehab, the wakeup call For free BEFORE the condemnation and plenty of warnings. Secondly, like above with the parent and Child, WE CHOOSE if we go down the hard road and into eternal seperation from God, or whether we Believe and abide by him and are saved. It's not like there is anything out there making the right choice impossible and that we are destined to be destroyed.
The excuse that "God made me this way, so I have to do it" is just someone wanting a justification to go on continuing to be a sinful person. Each one of us has the power to obey or deny God or any other spirit good or bad, no excuses. Honestly, anyone who stages large, loud, hateful protests at a funeral has some majorly bad issues with their spirit. I agree with the lot on myspace saying that this is a cult wearing the label of christian and that their leader has some huge personal issues he needs to deal with before things get out of hand.

Re: New Westboro "Baptist" Church Video

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 11:39 pm
by Sharna
Completely agree!

Re: New Westboro "Baptist" Church Video

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 8:10 pm
by Murray
People will come to christ through love and grace not hate.