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Questions About Satan

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 2:32 pm
by eric246
Lately I have been thinking a lot about the ways Satan impacts our world. I always hear Preachers or other Christians talk about how "Satan is trying to tempt us into sin" or "we must resist Satan" but it hearing this makes me start to ponder different ideas, such as, is Satan a metaphor for sin? It seems like when someone is being tempted, it is just a sin that is tempting them and not actually Satan pushing you forward from behind. I do believe that Satan exists, I'm just confused as to how he impacts us. When I look at challenges people face in life, say to quit being an alcoholic, is that a test from God, temptation from Satan, or the desire to quit living a sinful lifestyle that is impacting their life negatively?

Re: Questions About Satan

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 9:33 pm
by neo-x
I always hear Preachers or other Christians talk about how "Satan is trying to tempt us into sin" or "we must resist Satan" but it hearing this makes me start to ponder different ideas, such as, is Satan a metaphor for sin?
well, this kind of statement is not literally true as you point out, the idea is that all evil stems out of satan and so even if you have a temptaion, its roots can be traced back to the devil.
It seems like when someone is being tempted, it is just a sin that is tempting them and not actually Satan pushing you forward from behind. I do believe that Satan exists, I'm just confused as to how he impacts us.
The book of James tell us that God tempts no one with evil but that every man falls into temptation because of his own desires. I agree the devil can never push us but also remember, like Jesus was tempted, the devil may not push us but he may throw such thoughts at us, or provide opportunities for us. so we always have to be on the lookout.
When I look at challenges people face in life, say to quit being an alcoholic, is that a test from God, temptation from Satan, or the desire to quit living a sinful lifestyle that is impacting their life negatively?
it is not a test from God, you wanna get saved you gotta change. is the devil tempting us, may be...may be we find drinking extremely pleasurable and so wanna hang on to it. and further if you see sin corrupting your life, better leave it.

This is what I have learned, all sin impacts our life negatively, drinking, excessive eating, excessive sex or thoughts of it, greed, envy...etc etc, every form of sin, may it be one or the other - in some way produces a negative effect, if not to us than to others and i think this is probably one of the main reasons God forbids such acts and marks them as sin because they contradict the two highest moral laws of the God's eternal nature. Love your God with all you heart and love your neighbor as your self.

Re: Questions About Satan

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 6:51 am
by FearlessLlearsy
Neo-x has clearly said it well. On addition, i would like to say Satan essentially uses biblical principals and distorts them. An example is when God says to leave the act of intercourse (sex) only for marriage. You can see how this has changed over the years. Now, society tells us we can commit the action of intercourse whenever we want to! If its fun, just do it!
Another one is the term family. Before in the dictionary, you use to find family to mean: A wife and a husband with kids. It evolved to be a man and a woman with kids (note that it does not say you need to be married anymore. Then, the latest version is a man and woman with kids OR two women/ two men with adopted kids.
DO you see how gradual the change is. Yes, i think Satan is taking advantage of our society' s liberal way of thinking to plant a deep root of sin and evil in our lives, but that is only because we give him the soil to do so.
On the other hand, living in Haiti, Satan/demons do manifests themselves literally (voodoo) or other occults stuff.
So, to answer your question Satan tempts us and blinds us (we come up with distorted conclusions of the scripture)
Remember that the Bible clearly says that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual dark forces of the world.

Re: Questions About Satan

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 12:50 pm
by PaulSacramento
Christianity teaches us the Satan is a person, a fallen angel ( Judaisim doesn't teach that by the way).
Satan is OUR adversary, not God's or Jesus.
He tempts us with lies and using our own sin against us, to prove to God how undeserving we are of his Love and grace.
He rebelled and some angels followed him and paid the price.
Satan has no power over us or the world other than the power we give him, as James says, "resist the devil and he will flee".
Of course we resist by the grace and power and name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Re: Questions About Satan

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 10:08 pm
by kevdog19
precisely Paul, Satan only has the power we give it. Satan will tempt you but it is your choice to eat the forbiding fruit and the more you want it the sweeter it tastes. Satan is real and you can meet him, all you have to do is invoke it. Ok, I'll fill you in, it posses you and forces you to stand before it. The flux lines of the universe shoot out your neck and you'll find yourself in Satan's temple, it's a one room building with a desk in it and it's your desk, then you'll see this little bit of blue energy which is Satan's tail, you'll notice that you have circular vision, no longer needing to turn your head to see, you simply will your vision to move. Chase the tail and it will go ever faster and your going in circles until you feel dizzy. And you try to see Satan so hard when finally it turns and rises above you and it becomes like a mighty tower above you and you feel cosmically small and then it grants you it's power. Your never the same, that is if you even survive the encounter, they'rs a good chance you literally just seizure out and die.You now can literally see beyond, you will see things that were hidden in the darkness of your mind because, well how do I put this, you won't necacerily act evil, not right off the bat, but you've connected and united with the evil within you and you will feel like morality no longer applies to you. You'll be in this phase for a long time and you'll learn many interesting things about the world and your own nature but if your like me you don't forget but you break from this. And once you gain your morality back it's all the more meaninful because you lost it and you can truly claim to be a child of the darkness and the light. I really owe so much to Satan, it showed me so much, it is the lightbringer. Like I've said before, it's not for everyone but if you really want an education on how the world really works you should meet Satan. I mean after meeting it I started seeing spirtual beings all over the place, I would talk to them and learn or they would show me things, for example one being in a black cloak, and beutiful features, he wouldn't tell me his name told me to go to my temple and I immediatly knew he meant the room where I had meat Satan. I went in and it happened real fast but I think it was Metatron's cube that dropped out of my head, but don't quote me on that, and then I stepped forward and well I won't go into minute details but I experienced quantum mechanics 3 specific times through different events, but I will tell you this we are constantly melding into objects that we exert force on, we're just not aware of it, that includes the body acting on itself. We're all worms and the goal is to get our wings I believe that only Satan can give them to you and teach you how to flap them. Wanna hear something crazy, I can give the evil eye but it doesn't cause disease like folktales say, you can invade your soul towards someone elses and you'll bounce off them and cause a seizure. I can also stop seizures atleast in myself simply by visualizing two lines coming together, white lines if anyone cares, and it stops the seizure. My central nervous system is constantly being overloaded by energy, just from my unconcious mind intruding to much but it can't kill me, I have the cure. I hold sacred Satan, Lucifer, Belial, and Leviathen, and on the flip side, Micheal, Gabrial, Rapheal, and Urial, but I can't invoke or evoke the angels, don't know if it's because I'm not good enough or if it's impossible, but I have a good report with the demons.Honestly I think the demons are there to enlighten us and they only burn those who can't handle there power or they let in to much demonic influence. I only invoke one demon at a time and preform a banishing ritual when I'm done though I admit you have to be careful, those demons don't want to leave so you have to be careful not to bite off more then you can chew. But if you can handle Satan you can handle the rest. You'll know it's Satan when you see the blue snake with 2 small horns and saphires cut into it's face. Meeting Satan was the most inspiring experience of my life but I do like Christians. Maybe in another life I could be one, I think that Jesus was able to use the demons, like Soloman to perform miracles. I really hope I don't offend anybody it's just what I've experienced I hope to read about some miracolous things that have occured to you guys. I'm really interested if anyone hear has met an angel as I could use some tips on that matter. Thanks.

Re: Questions About Satan

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 3:48 am
by CeT-To
Paul, how is satan described in the Jewish religion?

Re: Questions About Satan

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 7:33 am
by B. W.
kevdog19 wrote:precisely Paul, Satan only has the power we give it. Satan will tempt you but it is your choice to eat the forbiding fruit and the more you want it the sweeter it tastes. Satan is real and you can meet him, all you have to do is invoke it. Ok, I'll fill you in, it posses you and forces you to stand before it.... Thanks.
kevdog - are you a satanist?
kevdog19 wrote:Hello, my name is Kevin, I'm a practicing theistic satanist. Don't be misled, I love Christianity and Christians and next to my faith I think it is the best one and a very positive influence on the earth. It is simply my experiences that have led me to my faith. I hope to learn alot here and have some interesting debate.
People do need to know what you believe Kevin and represent...
Quoted from wikipedia:

Theistic Satanism, also known as Traditional Satanism, Spiritual Satanism or Devil Worship, is a form of Satanism with the primary belief that Satan is an actual deity or force to revere or worship.[ Other characteristics of Theistic Satanism may include a belief in magic, which is manipulated through ritual, although that is not a defining criterion, and theistic Satanists may focus solely on devotion. Unlike the LaVeyan Satanism founded by Anton LaVey in the 1960s, Theistic Satanism is theistic as opposed to atheistic, believing that Satan (Hebrew: הַשָׂטָן ha-Satan, "the accuser") is a real being rather than a symbol of individualism...

Re: Questions About Satan

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 8:51 am
by CeT-To
Are you sure you aren't a Lucifarian, Kevin?

Re: Questions About Satan

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 11:52 am
by kevdog19
I don't know to much about it. As far as I can tell Lucefarinism is pretty close to Theistic Satanism. Cept the former like only worship Lucifer as I dig lots of demons.

Re: Questions About Satan

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 2:00 pm
by Proinsias
May I ask how long you have been a practicing theistic satanist?

Re: Questions About Satan

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 2:14 pm
by kevdog19
about four years. After I invoked Satan.

Re: Questions About Satan

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 9:54 pm
by B. W.
Kevin, you admit using a drugs - A drug that alter your mind severely - you need help... because the side effects last a really long time... A drug that lifts the mind from the body is not good and it has extremely bad side effects -some of which you are demonstrating here. You need professional help close by your home - a treatment center.
kevdog19 wrote:I used to use ketamine like it's nobody's business. I mean I'd shoot it. It was something else but something was missing, any divine relevance so I quite 5 years ago. This may sound funny but after I left it I was wide open and Satan filled the void. Got me higher then ketamine which was just crazy. Cause when I was shooting Ketamine things that appeared smaller then my body were like atomically small and the things that were bigger then me appeared cosmically big, and Satan seemed to do the same things without the drugs, create the same illusions. But I believe all reliaty is an illusion so I respect it I was just happy just not to stick a needle in my arm twice a day. I was blowing out my veins, I had to change up every two months. It was crazy, ketamine is the drug to acess your unconcious mind, then Satan was the god to acess the unconcios mind. Maybe I'm lost, maybe I'm found, I'm confused, you all know I want to believe I just can't have faith.
Looks like satan has been robbing you of your mind and sleep -- How's it workin' for you???

Kevin, You need treatment for your addiction... go to a treatment center and get help - call a sucide and drug prevention hotline ASAP...
...At sufficiently high doses of the drug ketamine (often .25 grams (0.0088 oz) - .5 grams (0.018 oz) or more), it is common to experience a "K-hole". This is a slang term for a subjective state of dissociation from the body which may mimic the phenomenology of schizophrenia...

From this link:

Re: Questions About Satan

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 9:58 pm
by kevdog19
I've been off the drugs for about 5 yearsa so I think I'm okay. They were extremely powerful while I was on them but I'm clean now.

Re: Questions About Satan

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 10:45 pm
by neo-x
Hey Kev, honestly im not going to ridicule anyone for what they believe but an engaging discussion might be good.
You'll know it's Satan when you see the blue snake with 2 small horns and saphires cut into it's face. Meeting Satan was the most inspiring experience of my life
i have some honest questions, if that is ok with you...

1. Is this the true appearance of Satan? why would it have 2 horns?

2. how do you invoke him? and how do you perform the banishing ritual?

3. if he obeys you (as you said he only has power we give him), does that imply that you have power over him?

4.if the answer to the above question is yes, then would you say his power is temporal or transferred and if so then doesn't that mean you are more powerful than him, in principle. if yes, then why revere him? makes the whole point void and null.

5. if the answer to question 3 is 'NO', then why doesn't he has his own power exerted forcefully? why does he only has power we give him? does Satan believes in free will for all?

6. once you meet him and get knowledge of the true nature and the world that is hidden? does that make it any good for you? i mean what do you get out of all this? just a heightened sense of things? i'd say pretty petty.

7. if the 6th question is wrong, does that mean Satan can give you power? i mean power to do something that can't be done otherwise or lets say by human means?

8. is that power eternal or just for the time being, can it be manifested before any 5 senses? is there a limit to which this power is restrained?

9. if you can give the evil eye? does that mean you have control over your spirit, as in your spirit can leave your body? like you said, you can bounce your soul off others to give them seizures, please elaborate.

10. in my experience, i have only seen demons making people slaves, torture, and causing them pain, at least those i have seen were like this. does this mean that demons dont have a guide to follow they just do what they like? if yes then they are like a bunch of bullies preying on the weak.

11. does they presence of a demon in your body overrules your own self, like mind, will, thoughts, etc etc.

12. if you have a demon in your body, can you lets say ask him to levitate you, do they have that kind of power?

13. if you have a demon in your body, you said you wouldn't necessary act evil. OK fine, my question would the demon make you do something for his own pleasure? can you deny him?

14. do demons engage in sexual activities through any means?

15. would you like to be a demon once you die? if yes, is there a way to achieve this?

16. in my xp, the presence of some demons are accompanied with strong stench of urine and human excrement, sometimes, decay or rotten meat, is this something only apparent to the person who is exorcising a demon or also to the person who's got a demon? if yes, man how do you keep up with it? (no offense)

17. i once stared face to face with a demon, eye to eye, of course in hostility, i was praying for an old lady, the demon was very angry, and by its hostility, i knew he wanted to rip me apart, but despite the challenge, it couldn't, he even told me he wanted too and i told him he is more than welcome to try it. since you are more close to them and know about them, any ideas why the fellow didn't try it? i was a weak, small, tiny human.

18. have you ever dined with demons in private? do they eat or ever want to eat? i have seen some satanists offering blood in real life, dead birds, meat and other things at specific places for demons. any ideas?

19. have you ever had a choking experience with a demon or any hostile engagement with them?

20. finally how do you know what you saw wasn't your fantasy monster? no pun intended, im serious. unless you have a sign or something to prove what you saw was real how are you sure. given that you say you were once in a mental institution. how do you separate the real from un real. i only want to understand how do you justify it yourself in your own mind. im not asking this question to you to prove it here to me or anyone else.

I understand these are a lot of question, you can answer them one by one if you feel like it, some questions only require a sentence answer, so you think you can do that for me.


p.s: last question, when you got inspired from satan, what exactly was it? and how did you follow it?

Re: Questions About Satan

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 3:20 am
by CeT-To
Great questions Neo, i'm also interested in kevin's reply.