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Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:57 pm
by Murray

Re: My Brother

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 1:58 pm
by zoegirl
Just being a good brother and doing things with him. Going out to lunch, playing some games, supporting him, asking him about his life.

You already have a relationship, in any on of the above it's the simple questions that can really open up the conversations. "You know, over the past two years, I've really been thinking more about spiritual things....." or "you know, really would like to share with you how the last year has affected me".... which can easily lead to "I 'd love to share with you Who is the reason for these changes!!"

A relationship is the best way to help him see your relationship with Christ.

Chances are, he's noticed!!

Continue just being a good brother to him, joke around with him, talk to him, ask him his worries, be the good brother that you have been.

Re: My Brother

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 7:09 pm
by mandelduke
What I do when I know someone and I’m not sure if they are saved, is ask them are you born again. I have always got one of two responses, either yes or they try to blow it off. If they say yes, I ask them how do you know. At this point the answer will either be Jesus died for my sins, or they will start talking about how good they are, that’s when I lead them to Christ. If they try to blow me off, I tell them I care about them and it is very important to me that they get saved. And I lead them to Christ.