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Laws of an Atheist Utopia

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 6:04 am
by neo-x
Guys, an excerpt from my blog about the stupidness of the atheist proposed system.

In the atheist view, the laws of a sweet blissful utopia could be:

1. There is no God, ‘Yipeeeeee!’ so anyone can do whatever they want without feeling sorry.

2. Do not teach your children about God, they may develop schizophrenia and split personalities.

3. Love your neighbor (but you can screw his wife, provided he doesn’t find out.)

4. Do no kill. (this rule makes an exception for people who have religion or called spiritualists or think science is probably not the best way to a future, there goes the innocent peace loving agnostic as well. Also, if the mass killing of some of the above useless, less than human creatures is needed to achieve the ultimate utopia – then by all means it can be carried out without guilt or remorse since the end result will be far more peaceful. Also note that this has been done in the past as well.)

5. Also as a precaution, keep away the books from them that teach “do not kill, do not steal, respect your father and mother, love each other as you love your self, turn the other cheek if you are hit, forgive those who hate you” Such written content is extremely poisonous for their young minds and can make them dangerous. As an extension, people found to be reading such materials will be institutionalized in the sate mental asylum on emergency basis. *all expense to be paid by the government.

6. Teach your children how they could have been a naked, lice-rich, hairy fur ball with a large red bottom - had they been born before the last ice age. You can even show them illustrations, they tend to help them understand our animistic sides and traits.

7. Do not discriminate on race, gender, nationality or scientific beliefs. However if you see someone remotely showing any signs of faith, dogma or religion as well as dressing as a nun, you must take them as complete idiots – prone to cause universal doom and the extinction of the human race. In case they are educated you are to simply throw that fact in the basket and assume they are insane.

8. Since all wars in the past had been caused by religion and because it was the greatest threat to humanity, (surpassing the 20,000 nuclear warheads that could still blow earth to smithereens) all wars from now on will be fought on the basis of science, until and unless we make sure the future looks big enough for a small community of intellects. And please do not go to war if the other country thinks of you as “low level atheists”.

9. Any philosophy other than the atheist philosophy, is deemed heretic and will have to be proved scientifically for the acquittal of the offender.

10. All atheists should never swear by the name of “god” or anything resembling to it, phrases like

Holy god,
Holy mother of God,
oh Jesus!,
I swear to God,
God-damn it
O my God
Holy [poop]

are to be replaced by

dear Aristotle,
dear mother of Aristotle
I swear to the earth’s gravitational pull
Darwin-damn it
O my electrons
Archimedes’ [poop]

etc, etc and anything else that you can substitute with it. Avoid using scientists names like Blaise Pascal, Johann Wolfgang Dobereiner, Louis Pasteur, Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman, Galileo Galilei, Thomas Alva Edison, Leonardo da Vinci -as they may twist the tongue in a long sentence and make you sound shutoo-pid, sorry!
So guys, to conclude is to say that the atheist morality is a twisted breed of common sense morals that atheists neither proposed nor they seem to follow them. They get them from us and they are never grateful. They propose false teaching in the name of reason, which I humbly have touched in this post. I think the atheist needs to stop blindly trusting his doctrine and do some digging into it.
A blind atheist and a blind religious person are equally at a disadvantage, the only catch is, at the end of time there is a slight – one in a million chance – that the religious person was right.
Will be back with more soon, folks
Take care

sorry if i posted this in the wrong place. I wasnt sure where'd I post it.

Re: Laws of an Atheist Utopia

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 6:56 pm
by Echoside
Maybe it's because I'm agnostic, but I read that with the same painful sarcasm many atheists use when talking about Christianity. It was full of the same logical fallacies, straw man tactics, stereotypes, etc. You could probably place this topic in the philosophy forums somewhere if it was serious, but judging by the tone the humor/jokes section would probably be more appropriate.

Re: Laws of an Atheist Utopia

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 9:55 pm
by neo-x
there is no painful sarcasm, these very traits above are what the modern atheists harbor, most of them at least. They do think teaching children about God and religion is immoral, even quoting in books that such practices are dangerous for future and limits man's over all progress and should be stopped. I did a general scoop on everything I found. Please read about atheism's history and you will find that they did think of exterminating religious followers (any religion), read about Saloth sar and many other examples - in search of their blissful utopia. Sorry but I do not feel that much sympathetic towards atheism's moral lessons and its philosophies. To me most sound absurd and painfully funny.

Re: Laws of an Atheist Utopia

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 2:18 pm
by Reactionary
I must admit that I had a little laugh here. Thanks, neo-x! :D

I'd also point you to this video, in case you haven't seen it yet:
neo-x wrote:4. Do no kill. (this rule makes an exception for people who have religion or called spiritualists or think science is probably not the best way to a future, there goes the innocent peace loving agnostic as well. Also, if the mass killing of some of the above useless, less than human creatures is needed to achieve the ultimate utopia – then by all means it can be carried out without guilt or remorse since the end result will be far more peaceful. Also note that this has been done in the past as well.)
The rule also makes an exception for the unborn - they aren't people. An atheist told me so, literally. y#-o
neo-x wrote:5. Also as a precaution, keep away the books from them that teach “do not kill, do not steal, respect your father and mother, love each other as you love your self, turn the other cheek if you are hit, forgive those who hate you” Such written content is extremely poisonous for their young minds and can make them dangerous. As an extension, people found to be reading such materials will be institutionalized in the sate mental asylum on emergency basis. *all expense to be paid by the government.
Religion is a dangerous delusion. It causes people to fly planes into buildings. :lol:
neo-x wrote:6. Teach your children how they could have been a naked, lice-rich, hairy fur ball with a large red bottom - had they been born before the last ice age. You can even show them illustrations, they tend to help them understand our animistic sides and traits.
Tell a man that he descended from monkey and he'll behave like one.
neo-x wrote:7. Do not discriminate on race, gender, nationality or scientific beliefs. However if you see someone remotely showing any signs of faith, dogma or religion as well as dressing as a nun, you must take them as complete idiots – prone to cause universal doom and the extinction of the human race. In case they are educated you are to simply throw that fact in the basket and assume they are insane.
I believe that a new phenomenon is very close to occurring - "heterophobia". In 2050, we'll read about the brave men who came out of the closet and publicly admitted - "We are attracted to women!" :pound:
neo-x wrote:So guys, to conclude is to say that the atheist morality is a twisted breed of common sense morals that atheists neither proposed nor they seem to follow them. They get them from us and they are never grateful. They propose false teaching in the name of reason, which I humbly have touched in this post. I think the atheist needs to stop blindly trusting his doctrine and do some digging into it.
A blind atheist and a blind religious person are equally at a disadvantage, the only catch is, at the end of time there is a slight – one in a million chance – that the religious person was right.
Will be back with more soon, folks
Take care
Atheists will never stop to fascinate me. I just can't understand - if you're so sure that there is no God or the afterlife, then why do you care about what other people believe? They're gonna die anyway! If I was an atheist, the last thing I would do is studying evolution or even worse, trolling on Internet forums. I'd probably give up my college and arrange a 24/7 drunk-fest full of easy women, (trying to) enjoy it while it lasts. Prominent militant atheists have an agenda, that's certain, but as for the online ones, the only conclusion I can come up with is that they're unsure about their position.
Echoside wrote:Maybe it's because I'm agnostic, but I read that with the same painful sarcasm many atheists use when talking about Christianity. It was full of the same logical fallacies, straw man tactics, stereotypes, etc. You could probably place this topic in the philosophy forums somewhere if it was serious, but judging by the tone the humor/jokes section would probably be more appropriate.
These "laws" are a bit distorted, but they were only meant to prove how contradictory system atheism is. Atheists constantly spread misinformation about Christianity, which they combine with intense anger, mockery and insults. Examples are everywhere, you can check the video I linked above to see some. To be honest, I'm growing fed up with their bigotry and I don't hesitate to fight back. I have no objections against agnostics, in fact some of my friends are agnostic and very good people, but I'm always cautious with atheists - I don't want to sound like I'm generalizing, but experience has taught me that most of them have a tendency, no matter how small, to mock and disrespect religion. That's just my observation.

Re: Laws of an Atheist Utopia

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 7:01 pm
by dorkmaster
I couldn't agree more Reactionary lol. by the way, when you start your big beerfest, shoot me an invite XD

Re: Laws of an Atheist Utopia

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 9:34 pm
by neo-x
Thanx for sharing that video... :clap:
The rule also makes an exception for the unborn - they aren't people. An atheist told me so, literally.
lol...I forgot that one out. thnx for sharing :ewink:
I believe that a new phenomenon is very close to occurring - "heterophobia". In 2050, we'll read about the brave men who came out of the closet and publicly admitted - "We are attracted to women!"
but I'm always cautious with atheists - I don't want to sound like I'm generalizing, but experience has taught me that most of them have a tendency, no matter how small, to mock and disrespect religion. That's just my observation.
I agree with you that is a good observation y*-:) Take my word friend, atheists are not defending atheism, they are waging war on every religion there is, I actually come from an atheistic mindset and I can assure you atheists are almost full of hate towards any system (not talking about every last good behaving atheist there is). You go to any atheist forum, you will find it filled with nonsensical philosophies and humor lines to out right blasphemies and insults.

to what Echoside wrote, all I can say why should Christians feel sympathetic when responding? or why do we have to be good and not make fun when it is painfully obvious.

Jesus rocks,

God bless all

ps: the excerpt was from my blogpost "The Atheist Morality: A Parasitical Existance", ... existence/

also you may find a nice debate going on "Why Atheism is not more moral than religion", ... -religion/

let me know if you guys wanna add something to it

Re: Laws of an Atheist Utopia

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 3:03 am
by Reactionary
dorkmaster wrote:I couldn't agree more Reactionary lol. by the way, when you start your big beerfest, shoot me an invite XD
As soon as you reach 18 :ebiggrin:

Re: Laws of an Atheist Utopia

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:43 am
by achillies000
These "laws" are a bit distorted, but they were only meant to prove how contradictory system atheism is. Atheists constantly spread misinformation about Christianity, which they combine with intense anger, mockery and insults. Examples are everywhere, you can check the video I linked above to see some. To be honest, I'm growing fed up with their bigotry and I don't hesitate to fight back. I have no objections against agnostics, in fact some of my friends are agnostic and very good people, but I'm always cautious with atheists - I don't want to sound like I'm generalizing, but experience has taught me that most of them have a tendency, no matter how small, to mock and disrespect religion. That's just my observation.

Re: Laws of an Atheist Utopia

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 3:36 pm
by Murray
i think south park had the best view of an atheist world; Our view of atheism is better!

Re: Laws of an Atheist Utopia

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:06 pm
by SnowDrops
Moral? By what measure?
It's true, atheists stole the idea of morality from religion. :shakehead:

Re: Laws of an Atheist Utopia

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 5:39 am
by CeT-To
Lol speaking of atheist utopia - anyone read 'Brave new world'?

Re: Laws of an Atheist Utopia

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 4:28 pm
by ChrisB
neo-x wrote:oh NEWTON!
I swear to the earth’s gravitational pull
"Atheism is so senseless & odious to mankind that it never had many professors. Can it be by accident that all birds beasts & men have their right side & left side alike shaped (except in their bowells) & just two eyes & no more on either side the face & just two ears on either side the head & a nose with two holes & no more between the eyes & one mouth under the nose & either two fore leggs or two wings or two arms on the sholders & two leggs on the hipps one on either side & no more? Whence arises this uniformity in all their outward shapes but from the counsel & contrivance of an Author? Whence is it that the eyes of all sorts of living creatures are transparent to the very bottom & the only transparent members in the body, having on the outside an hard transparent skin, & within transparent juyces with a crystalline Lens in the middle & a pupil before the Lens all of them so truly shaped & fitted for vision, that no Artist can mend them? Did blind chance know that there was light & what was its refraction & fit the eys of all creatures after the most curious manner to make use of it? These & such like considerations always have & ever will prevail with man kind to believe that there is a being who made all things & has all things in his power & who is therfore to be feared." -Sir Isaac Newton, A short Schem of the true Religion

Re: Laws of an Atheist Utopia

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 5:59 pm
by kmr
@ Cet-To:

Brave New World was an excellent book, and it made me utterly sick. It horrifies me to think that people actually can live like that in happiness (or not, if they need to use soma to be happy!).

Re: Laws of an Atheist Utopia

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:19 am
by narnia4
A Brave New World was a good one and a scary one. Stuff like that could still happen, unfortunately.

Re: Laws of an Atheist Utopia

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:55 am
by CeT-To
Yeah it is quite scary - the tribal fellow and his home tribe also made me sick with its paganism of some weird god and Jesus, not to mention how he died and stuff. It's a good book nonetheless. Any other good dystopian book?