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What if..

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 5:25 am
by ThePerverse
So i was watching tv yesterday, and i saw the programme called The Mysteries of the Bible Explained, on Channel Green.
At one point they started talking about Jesus telling a woman, Mary, that There is Another journy that the soul will take before going to an afterlife. And the apostles got mad and stuff.
That intrigued me a whole lot..
So i came up with an intersesting, yet controversial hypothesis:

What if Evolution were true, and God sends a messiah to all intelligent life forms that develop in the universe He has created. Also, what if God is hiding stuff from us? and what if the first theory is what He is hiding? what if we were Not in fact created under the image of God? What if God just created DNA and spread it in habitable planets through a physical agent (like the theory that DNA came into an Asteroid and created life)? That could easily explain why all the sightings of aliens describe entities Very similiar to Humans?

im scared this might be off-topic.. If so, i apologize

God bless

Re: What if..

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 5:46 am
by neo-x
What if Evolution were true, and God sends a messiah to all intelligent life forms that develop in the universe He has created. Also, what if God is hiding stuff from us? and what if the first theory is what He is hiding? what if we were Not in fact created under the image of God? What if God just created DNA and spread it in habitable planets through a physical agent (like the theory that DNA came into an Asteroid and created life)? That could easily explain why all the sightings of aliens describe entities Very similiar to Humans?
I'm afraid your hypothesis would fail at certain key points.

1.First not Christians believe evolution to be false.

2. God hides some "stuff" from us always, but only that which doesn't concern us or is beyond our understanding.
Proverbs 3:32
...but his secret is with the righteous.
, the book of Daniel and revelation tells us that God purposefully hid some revelations, until the appointed time.

what if we were Not in fact created under the image of God?
sorry, you would be in direct contradiction to the Word of God.

What if God just created DNA and spread it in habitable planets through a physical agent (like the theory that DNA came into an Asteroid and created life)
This is called Panspermia, but there is no hard evidence and no observations ever turned in support of the theory.

That could easily explain why all the sightings of aliens describe entities Very similiar to Humans?
Which sightings??? You mean the Hollywood type, Martian "Green men" y:-/ they are not even close to humans. on a side note, the reason people imagine aliens to be bi-pedals and with human like structure is because human on our planet are the most advanced life form, since aliens must be advanced then us, they sure should look like us or better than us, you getting my point :ewink:

Re: What if..

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 11:05 am
by ThePerverse
I see your point

Re: What if..

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 11:08 am
by PaulSacramento
I am sure that there is much that we don't know and God is NOT hiding it from Us, we are just not ready to "see it".
God is revealed to us in the written word of inspired men, the bible, in his only begotten Son and in the universe we live in.
But that revelation is personal and we only get as much "out of it" that we can "digest".
Take the bible, it is a progressive revelation of God, cumulating in Christ.
Look at the notion of death, it went from simply dying and there was nothing, to Sheol, to the different places of Sheol, to the spirit returning to God, to the bodily ressurection and even then, not all believers of the bible followed that ( the saudecees did not believe in a ressurection or angels).
Just because the bible canon is closed, doesn't mean that we are not still finding out new revelations about God.