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Start of a New Era for Haiti: Never seen before

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 9:01 pm
by FearlessLlearsy
So, a little international new for most of us in this community. May 14, 2011 marks the inauguration of a new Haitian President>However, that is not the incredible part.

The incredible part is that this president : Michel Martelly, has no political career whatsoever. Best (or worst) part is that his life career was music. Often, he would state that he is the president of Haitian Musci, i guess now he is taking this one step further by desiring the presidency.

Although he seems to have alot of Heart, will that be enough to overcome the MYRIAD of problems Haiti has?

I believe he can with God's help.
Until then, only the future will tell,

Here is an inside look for those who dont know to much about Haiti ... esidential

Re: Start of a New Era for Haiti: Never seen before

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 7:19 pm
by Jarpenguin
I love politicians that are not actually career politicians... (There aren't many :P)

I can definitely see this new guy doing well!

Re: Start of a New Era for Haiti: Never seen before

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 10:16 pm
by Hamilton
If he can avoid the temptation of prolonged power, and operate with the mind-set of a man with nothing to lose (politically), he should be able to be more productive, then not. I wish him good luck.