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Colton Burpo

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 7:32 pm
by Tevko
Has anyone been following the recent stories about Colton Burpo vs. Stephen Hawking? I haven't really looked into the theological claims the kid makes about heaven and such but it is definitely an interesting point that he was able to ask his mom about a miscarriage that the parents never told anyone about. Thoughts?

Re: Colton Burpo

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 9:02 am
by Canuckster1127
Tevko wrote:Has anyone been following the recent stories about Colton Burpo vs. Stephen Hawking? I haven't really looked into the theological claims the kid makes about heaven and such but it is definitely an interesting point that he was able to ask his mom about a miscarriage that the parents never told anyone about. Thoughts?
Don't know anything about it. Do you have a link to one of the stories?

Re: Colton Burpo

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 3:22 pm
by Tevko

Re: Colton Burpo

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 4:47 am
by Reactionary
So basically we're talking about a veridical NDE here. There have been such situations documented, but it boils down to the fact that the evidence is circumstantial, and we have to trust the person who experienced the phenomenon, and the person who documented it. In this situation, the boy knows the truth - if he was really never told that his mother had a miscarriage and he couldn't know it otherwise, that would prove there is something supernatural going on. Whether or not it's so, the "skeptics" will certainly a priori reject all such claims as a product of brain function, imagination, or conspiracy.

Re: Colton Burpo

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 10:25 am
by B. W.
Reactionary wrote:So basically we're talking about a veridical NDE here. There have been such situations documented, but it boils down to the fact that the evidence is circumstantial, and we have to trust the person who experienced the phenomenon, and the person who documented it. In this situation, the boy knows the truth - if he was really never told that his mother had a miscarriage and he couldn't know it otherwise, that would prove there is something supernatural going on. Whether or not it's so, the "skeptics" will certainly a priori reject all such claims as a product of brain function, imagination, or conspiracy.
Yep -that is a true statement Reactionary!

Re: Colton Burpo

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 10:54 am
by Reactionary
B. W. wrote:Yep -that is a true statement Reactionary!
B.W. - If I remember correctly (as I haven't been here long), you had a similar experience yourself. So how do you view NDEs generally? I've been reading a lot about that topic, I find it very intriguing but I can't form an opinion as I've never experienced anything even remotely similar. Do you think that what happens during an NDE is real and credible?

Re: Colton Burpo

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 11:22 am
by B. W.
Reactionary wrote:
B. W. wrote:Yep -that is a true statement Reactionary!
B.W. - If I remember correctly (as I haven't been here long), you had a similar experience yourself. So how do you view NDEs generally? I've been reading a lot about that topic, I find it very intriguing but I can't form an opinion as I've never experienced anything even remotely similar. Do you think that what happens during an NDE is real and credible?
Yes they are credible, but there are variations of these experiences. Most do not go beyond a certain point due to early resuscitation which interrupts the encounters. My opinion on this is that God’s Love is felt by many but many do not realize how the Love felt is judging them for their own abuses and manipulation of this love felt because they are resuscitated early and don’t fully comprehend what had happened. No real fault of their own as it is a overwhelming experience.

Others, whose lives were so warped, tend to face the judgment mentioned above differently by being directly escorted or directly deposited in various way into an awful place then realize the judgment of Love rejected, mocked, scorned by themselves alone seals them away from God’s Love forever as that is what they desired – what one sows – they reap is fully realized as the real them is exposed proving themselves eternally unfit for heaven as they live only to take advantage of love (all of God’s characteristics) for their own advantage (Isaiah 26:10)

Hope this helps. There will always be mockers and scoffers against those whom have had NDE's and they have that right to scoff and mock but it proves something which exposes something about the 'real them' and how they would treat the kind of love God displays...

…All you can do is turn the other check towards them with a profound compassion.

Re: Colton Burpo

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 11:33 am
by Reactionary
I understand. Thanks.