Dr. Jack Szostak abiogenesis video

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Dr. Jack Szostak abiogenesis video

Post by cubeus19 »

Hey everyone, I was at a Christian apologetics chatroom and a atheist there sent me a link to a video about origin of life researcher Dr. Jack Szostak and what he has done to show how probable it is for nature to create life from nonliving chemicals. Here is the link to that video.


I was wondering, want to know what the Christian apologists here think. Is this guy really onto something or is this just one of latest fad origin of life theories that may or may not hold promise? Thanks and God bless you guys.
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Re: Dr. Jack Szostak abiogenesis video

Post by eric246 »

These should help you:
http://www.godandscience.org/evolution/ ... ranes.html
http://www.godandscience.org/evolution/ ... e_lab.html

Edit: Also, going in those types of chat-rooms are usually going to get you nowhere. It's just Atheists with firm beliefs that aren't going to change arguing with Christian's who's beliefs are not going to change. It's like arguing over Youtube comments, pointless really. If someone refuses to accept something hard enough in their mind, then that will always remain false, even if proven otherwise. The best place, if you are going to argue points like that, is always a forum; It allows for time to think of responses, gather evidence you are using to back your beliefs, and is less impulsive based on your feelings.
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Re: Dr. Jack Szostak abiogenesis video

Post by drchemy »

Crick of Watson and Crick once said "Theories on the origin of Life are Long on Speculation and Short on Fact". There is certainly ample evidence that life COULD have formed from the contents of our primordial sea however we are very far from developing a precise experimentally verified model of how this could of come about. The biggest problem in my mind is making in the lab an extremely simple form of life that could have formed from less than a few dozen of the simple chemical reactions that could of taken place under primordial conditions.
A recent article appearing in Nature (Synthesis of activated pyrimidine ribonucleotides in prebiotically plausible conditions Nature Vol 459 Page 239) I think well illustrates the complex nucleotides that could have formed under primordial conditions. It is the type of work I think actually adds to the science of the field. Szostak's article is nothing more than a vague theory - a variation of which everyone has heard a hundred times before.
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Re: Dr. Jack Szostak abiogenesis video

Post by wrain62 »

I have seen that video before. I hated the begining.
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Re: Dr. Jack Szostak abiogenesis video

Post by BoniPastoris »

Sure abiogenesis is possible, but why is it possible? Why does God Have to be alive, for life to come from him?

I think the question you should ask is, did god sacrifice everything for everyone or nothing for noone? It would be funny if there was atheists out there who believed the former and not the later. But some people think it is possible that the spirit of god lives on, just as the spirit of any great person lives on. You can happily ignore what I have to say though, I am a relativist, If what is true for you is that you are going to live forever then that is fine. But I don't think one life forever is ultimately satisfying. I would rather condense many lives into my one life than live until the end of endless time.

Why can't crazy things be possible? Is the concept of absurdity too crazy? Fear must be dis-spelled, that is defeated.
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Re: Dr. Jack Szostak abiogenesis video

Post by wrain62 »

Man(woman?) of self assertions. Keeping this place an interesting mix. Do you do it for the originality or for a more tolerant future? And what are your views on accountability in law and society? I am not asking to attack.
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Re: Dr. Jack Szostak abiogenesis video

Post by BoniPastoris »

I do it for myself friend, but for my team. The people who I consider to me as team are Human beings. We are legion, we are many, we are one Even in our differences we can strive towards a common goal, I will fight for whoever is downtrodden, even if it means fighting for people who are considered by some to be vile demons, I do not really label myself as anything more than a Human being.

I exist to Be, I want to Be the best in every possible way. My view on accountability is that everyone is accountable especially those with power, those with power are the most accountable for their actions, even the highest power. Of course why would someone with such high power need to do wrong? You can lead a horse to water, but you can't force it to drink. Any law that against Freedom is a insult to Every humans dignity.

Oh and so you don't have to Ask again I am a huMan. (I hope that answers your question)
Do you do it for the originality or for a more tolerant future?
Why not both?
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Re: Dr. Jack Szostak abiogenesis video

Post by wrain62 »

HuMan. Hehe. There is no reason for me to say tolerence or originality; both is definitly a viable option. Any other reasons why you are a relativist and I do understand that you are not a complete relatavist otherwise there would be no absolute accountability. Perhaps not being a complete relativist is probably part of your goal not to suscribe yourself under any label except human?
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Re: Dr. Jack Szostak abiogenesis video

Post by BoniPastoris »

I believe that reality is relative to power. And perhaps to an Absolute Will, it is Entirely relative. To most human begins however, changing the world is an utterly futile endeavour, instead they must try and be useful in other faculties. Most people will enjoy life if you pay attention to them and freely give love, just saying hello or thanks to someone is a divinely inspired gift in my opinion. I find myself in the unique position of feeling what other people feel, when others are happy then I am happy, When others are sad then I can choose if I should be sad. I Quite literally Feel entirely centred, but it is a constant struggle to maintain that brilliant equilibrium otherwise I will fall to incredible lows. Things Either Have No interest to me or Maximum interest. I do not believe in Being disgusted, it is alien to me.

Oh and in-case anyone is wondering, I am not the messiah I am a very naughty boy. I have been so naughty, especially with you guys. You might not want Me. Even lying by omission is lying in the end, so If you ask then I will answer.
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Re: Dr. Jack Szostak abiogenesis video

Post by MarcusOfLycia »

BoniPastoris wrote:I believe that reality is relative to power. And perhaps to an Absolute Will, it is Entirely relative. To most human begins however, changing the world is an utterly futile endeavour, instead they must try and be useful in other faculties. Most people will enjoy life if you pay attention to them and freely give love, just saying hello or thanks to someone is a divinely inspired gift in my opinion. I find myself in the unique position of feeling what other people feel, when others are happy then I am happy, When others are sad then I can choose if I should be sad. I Quite literally Feel entirely centred, but it is a constant struggle to maintain that brilliant equilibrium otherwise I will fall to incredible lows. Things Either Have No interest to me or Maximum interest. I do not believe in Being disgusted, it is alien to me.

Oh and in-case anyone is wondering, I am not the messiah I am a very naughty boy. I have been so naughty, especially with you guys. You might not want Me. Even lying by omission is lying in the end, so If you ask then I will answer.
-- Josh

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Re: Dr. Jack Szostak abiogenesis video

Post by Canuckster1127 »

Boni has left the building .....
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Re: Dr. Jack Szostak abiogenesis video

Post by narnia4 »

BoniPastoris wrote:I believe that reality is relative to power. And perhaps to an Absolute Will, it is Entirely relative. To most human begins however, changing the world is an utterly futile endeavour, instead they must try and be useful in other faculties. Most people will enjoy life if you pay attention to them and freely give love, just saying hello or thanks to someone is a divinely inspired gift in my opinion. I find myself in the unique position of feeling what other people feel, when others are happy then I am happy, When others are sad then I can choose if I should be sad. I Quite literally Feel entirely centred, but it is a constant struggle to maintain that brilliant equilibrium otherwise I will fall to incredible lows. Things Either Have No interest to me or Maximum interest. I do not believe in Being disgusted, it is alien to me.

Oh and in-case anyone is wondering, I am not the messiah I am a very naughty boy. I have been so naughty, especially with you guys. You might not want Me. Even lying by omission is lying in the end, so If you ask then I will answer.
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Re: Dr. Jack Szostak abiogenesis video

Post by wrain62 »

narnia4 wrote:
BoniPastoris wrote:I believe that reality is relative to power. And perhaps to an Absolute Will, it is Entirely relative. To most human begins however, changing the world is an utterly futile endeavour, instead they must try and be useful in other faculties. Most people will enjoy life if you pay attention to them and freely give love, just saying hello or thanks to someone is a divinely inspired gift in my opinion. I find myself in the unique position of feeling what other people feel, when others are happy then I am happy, When others are sad then I can choose if I should be sad. I Quite literally Feel entirely centred, but it is a constant struggle to maintain that brilliant equilibrium otherwise I will fall to incredible lows. Things Either Have No interest to me or Maximum interest. I do not believe in Being disgusted, it is alien to me.

Oh and in-case anyone is wondering, I am not the messiah I am a very naughty boy. I have been so naughty, especially with you guys. You might not want Me. Even lying by omission is lying in the end, so If you ask then I will answer.
I think he means power of the mind. For example anything can seem real as long as someone believes it true. So then it is futile to change the world because it is hard to change the mood of the people which has so much mind power behind it. Most people will moved or touched by love and attention because it is divinely powerful in affecting the mind. He has the special gift of empathy, which can be divinly inspired. It can also effect him back in giving attention to empathize though so he has to find balance. He is either unfocused or obsessed.

But this does not make him an angel.

He is just talking about himself no shame in it.
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Re: Dr. Jack Szostak abiogenesis video

Post by Canuckster1127 »

Boni is no longer with us and cannot respond.
Dogmatism is the comfortable intellectual framework of self-righteousness. Self-righteousness is more decadent than the worst sexual sin. ~ Dan Allender
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