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What I think is going on with atheist movements today...

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 1:46 pm
Hello again, speaking about hot button issues and just pointing something out that many of you may or may not be noticing but I from what I'm seeing people like Dawkins, Hawking, the rest of the new atheists (like Dennet, Harris, Hitchens and "pop" atheists like Bill Maher), far left bible scholars (like Marcus Borg, John Crossan, and Bart Ehrman) most internet atheists that I see at various sites tend to not only want to rid the world of Christianity not solely because to them it promotes 'bad science", "irrationality" or "wishful myth thinking silliness".

No, it looks to me that one of the bulk reasons why they want to rid the world of Christianity is because of larger economic, political and social causes. Because one of the common trends I see with all or at least most of the names I mention they tend to support radical far far left things such as the legalization and promotion of gay rights, abortion, same sex marriage, and marijuana. They also tend to support things like euthanasia, eugenics, radical environmentalism (not just being good stewards but having people giving up cars, electricity and collapsing our economy). And plus many of them are big supporters of either socialism, communism or even anarchy.

Also what I find very odd and interesting is that right around the time most of us were being introduced to these people especially the new atheists and the time that this new age or era of atheism and skepticism of anything Christian happened exactly around the time the economy started to go downhill.

It's almost like the atheist and secular elites either want us to either give up our faith or at least have our faith shaken and crushed to the point we either no longer want to be politically and socially active Christians or that between the doubt they give us along with the bad economic times we will eventually go mad and end up killing ourselves. So either way they want to get the whole world away from the Christian faith and the values that our faith teaches so that we will take part in the social causes and projects that they want us to do or they will get us in a position where we are exterminated whether it be we do it to ourselves or whether the followers of the secular elites do it instead.

I also notice that these people are also anti Jewish and anti Israel. That's one of the reasons why you are also seeing many anti Jewish muslim groups locking hands with secular far left wing groups.

As far as what I can see what the top secularists and atheists want to have is a world with less people. They certainly want to see it with less Christians, no Christians would be the most preferable and they certainly want to see less people who hold to family values and right wing views. They also want rid of Jews since after all Christianity is closely linked and tied with Judaism and unlike the relationship that Jews typically have with muslims Christians from what I've seen tend to have a much more better relationship with the Jewish people.

They basically want all the Christians, Jews, and anyone with family values and right wing views eliminated, and if they have to use radical muslims for assistance so be it, in their minds I guess once that part of the goal is accomplished they will try to eliminate or convert the muslims. Either way the way I see it, the secular and atheist elites want only a small number of people like themselves populating the earth so they can have all the land, power, money, oil, food, water, and "stuff" all to themselves.

Of course there a many reasons why I believe this, but one of the bigger reasons is that, none of these top atheists try to improve our lives or the lives of humanity in any way. Like when they take God away from us by proving He doesn't exist, they don't try to comfort us, console us, or give us something better or even half better than what we had, no, they just take "our teddy bear" away from us and leave us alone in the dark room crying.

I mean if they are really for the greater good or for the betterment of the human race surely they would try to focus on ways to help us deal with the fear of death, morality and meaning in life. Where as instead, they just eliminate a good thing that humanity already has (God) and leaves us with (nothing).

One of the reasons why I know this is I've asked many atheists at various venues and even though they may give a good and sometimes outstanding performance on tearing down the arguments and evidences for God and establishing the arguments and evidences for naturalism and atheism, when you then start asking them about the implications of their view and how humanity is supposed to cope with them, they act as dumb as doorknobs. I mean, don't tell me they can't come up with some kind of way to cope, because with their brilliant minds surely they can come up with something, some kind of brain exercise or some kind of potion or drug because after all, to them, aren't we all just a complicated arrangement of chemicals?

But anyway, I certainly find it very odd, in fact I find it scary odd that during a time where people are short on jobs and money and where things like food and gas keep rising and the economy continues to go south that atheists are screaming louder than ever that God does not exist in an attempt to take away the very last thing that most hard working Americans still have and cling to in times like these.

Re: What I think is going on with atheist movements today...

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 2:56 pm
by Reactionary
An interesting analysis, which I mostly agree with.

You're right, militant atheists often talk about maximizing human happiness, but how? They can't provide an answer. An example would be those bus ads everyone's heard of - "There is probably no God - Now stop worrying and enjoy your life." This single sentence reveals that the person who wrote it is either living in a fantasy world or pushing an agenda. Since those minds are "brilliant", I suggest the latter. My belief in God gives me a sense of meaning and enables me to enjoy my life. How could I enjoy life if I believed that I'm just a part of a cosmic accident and that I'll end up as worm food when I die? Furthermore, the statement implies that religious people are "worried", which proves how prejudicial their idea of Christianity is.

But the most important question here is - Are militant atheists aware of the consequences that would ensue if their agenda succeeded? Napoleon said, "Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich." If people lost their sense of accountability, would they still tolerate the "secular elite"? Judging by what people are like, I believe that this civilization, without God, would exterminate itself in a matter of years. In a materialistic world, nobody would care anyway.
DRDS wrote:Of course there a many reasons why I believe this, but one of the bigger reasons is that, none of these top atheists try to improve our lives or the lives of humanity in any way. Like when they take God away from us by proving He doesn't exist, they don't try to comfort us, console us, or give us something better or even half better than what we had, no, they just take "our teddy bear" away from us and leave us alone in the dark room crying.
My opinion is that they want us to substitute the figure of God with - them. They want us to worship those "brilliant" minds. Totalitarian regimes of the 20th century weren't atheist for no reason. Humans are religious by nature, so when they don't have a god to worship, they often resort to worshipping the state, the dictator, or a "brilliant" mind.

For further reference, I suggest that you check this site, it offers many interesting facts:

Re: What I think is going on with atheist movements today...

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 3:23 pm
by MarcusOfLycia
Sorry I don't have time to respond more fully right now (yay summer classes), but I think you on something I've seen a lot when you drew political correlations to atheism. Most of the atheists I know fall into extreme libertarians (they remind me of Neville Chamberlin's foreign policy combined with some serious anarchy) or extreme liberals (one of which is so radical he very honestly doesn't make sense when he talks, at least to myself and a few of our mutual friends).

Its not to say Christianity restricts your political choices entirely, but if the correlation is strong, it does say something at least. I'd be interested in learning more about it.

Re: What I think is going on with atheist movements today...

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 4:37 pm
by RickD
Ephesians 6:12

Re: What I think is going on with atheist movements today...

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 6:08 pm
by dorkmaster
What's scary about your analysis is...that I believe it is true too.

Re: What I think is going on with atheist movements today...

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 12:49 am
by Silvertusk
they just take "our teddy bear" away from us and leave us alone in the dark room crying.
That comment is more powerful that you possibly intially thought - especially those of us who have children - certainly got to me. :( :(

Think you are absolutely right DRDS.


Re: Atheist movements

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 9:17 am
by DannyM
I believe DRDS is on to something very profound here. Materialists might attribute their disbelief to 'intelligent' and 'free' thought but, when analysed, it does appear to be a moral rejection of God rather than an objection based on rational thought or any kind of intelligence. Kudos, DRDS for some good insight.

Re: What I think is going on with atheist movements today...

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 6:22 pm
Hey guys, this video also goes into great detail as far as what I'm seeing. ... r_embedded