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Just blank.....

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 7:30 pm
by Murray
Had to Delete my post for a personal reason, but thank you so much for all your prayers, I honestly feel 110% better than I was a month ago

Thanks Be to God :amen:

Re: Just blank.....

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 7:53 pm
by CeT-To
No worries Murray i'll be praying for you!! y[-o<

Anything that happened in the past might be causing you to react this way? Or is it about your relationship with God?

Re: Just blank.....

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 9:16 pm
by luke-10
Hi Murray,

I have experience with depression too. I know exactly how you feel - a lot of people go through it, so you shouldn't feel alone or ashamed. Sometimes it is a chemical imbalance and sometimes it is a state of mind. You feel lost, but you shouldn't. There are many resources to help those afflicted, and however unlikely if feels now, you will get through this. Keep seeing your psychiatrist and maybe join a group; it can be very beneficial sharing your experiences with others. And I know this isn't in the books, but eat your B vitamins! Hehe. A healthy diet directly affects how you feel about yourself, especially B vitamins. B vitamins are found in whole grains such as oats, proteins such as eggs and fish, and leafy greens. Just from experience, a bowl of oatmeal is pretty effective in improving moods and decreasing anxiety.

You mentioned you feel forgotten - By God? Who are you referring to? Sorry to bring up another thread in this one, but in your other most recent post you hinted that your faith wasn't very strong right now. Maybe you should speak with a close religious leader about your faith if you have strong doubts or a friend. Usually you can make an appointment to talk with them. Otherwise keep posting here and board members will respond.

If you ever need someone to talk to you can PM me. I'd be happy to help.

You are in my prayers,

Re: Just blank.....

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 10:15 pm
by luke-10
I just thought of something else...

I forget where I heard this, but supposedly 90% of life is just showing up. If you are unmotivated, maybe think about joining some clubs or volunteering your time. You may go to the meetings feeling crummy, but just being there will get your mind off of whatever is bothering you.

Also, pick up a book from your local library on depression. Understanding what you are going through phsyically and chemically can make you feel more at ease with how you feel.

God Bless

Re: Just blank.....

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 11:54 pm
by Seraph
I'll be praying for you as well.
I know how much extreme depression can stink. :(

I think luke-10 gave good advice about watching your nutrition intake. A little hypocritical on my part since I'm still guilty of this, but I know that drinking a lot of caffiene and unhealthy food can cause you to be lethargic and depressed later in the day and not be obvious that it's the cause of it. If it's really bad you could ask your psychatrist about anti-depressants, though still be careful with those.

Get better!

Re: Just blank.....

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 11:35 am
by Murray
To be honest, the day after I posted this I had one of the best days of my life......


Amazing what prayer, faith, reading the bible, and having trust that god will guide you, can do :)

Re: Just blank.....

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:08 pm
by cypher
glad you've found hope and happiness.
best wishes for a similar future. dont ever give up.

Re: Just blank.....

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 4:32 am
by DannyM
Murray wrote:Hello,

Recently i have been experiencing severe depression. It just is like my mind goes blank, all I can think about are painful memories. I truly do pray every night for closure on these things but it never seems to come. I seem lost, No since of direction, Very little ambition. I have been to a psychiatrist and been diagnosed with depression, but honestly they really do not help, they just bring the pain of memories back.

Honestly I constantly hate my self for feeling so sorry for myself when life could be so much worse but it just never fades away, as much as I tell my self that this is made up in my head and that I am lucky just to be struggling with this instead of hunger, or thirst or disease, but no matter how much I tell myself this it just never dies away. Honestly it hurts, I cannot go a day without feeling this pain.

I feel lonely lost and forgotten

would be extremely thankful for any prayers, or advice on this matter 

God bless
I've prayed for you on this, Murray. I know what it is like to be rock bottom mentally, no drive, no goal, people saying, "Just get out there", "Why don't you just go for a'll feel better!" If only it were that simple. Prayer, I believe, can help you recover from this. Of course your medication and/or therapy are important. But, personally speaking, prayer is a wonderful tonic for this. (I suffered (still do) with agitated depression.)

Re: Just blank.....

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 9:03 pm
by ChrisB
Sorry I did'nt get to this sooner. I'm glad to hear you're fine now Murray! Thank God. :amen:

Re: Just blank.....

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 12:07 pm
by zoegirl
Will be praying for you!!