Had the flood of intellectualism finally overcome Noah's ark, more than 4,000 years after the waters receded?"
Others, through scientific dereliction, whereby the historical question would determine the facts of nature. In the latter case, Christians with scientific degrees formulated the principles of 'Flood geology' and simply reinterpreted geological and archaeological facts to concord with a multifaceted, but rigid axiom: 1) the geologic column and associated structures are the result of a catastrophic flood, ~4,500 years ago, that reshaped the face of the planet; and 2) all terrestrial life, including humans, can be traced to the ark-born survivors of that event"
These two quotes say that it was 4,000 to 4,500 years ago, the genetic evidence says 65,000 years ago, and if the bible is true that people could live to be 900 and had children when they were from 70 to as old as 187 years (at that may have been only the age of that one child, they could have had more later), then the time between generations could have been 5-10 times the 20 years we agree on today, thus, the genetic drift that they measured that 65,000 years from may actually be far older thaan that.
The 4,000 to 4.500 timeframe is from young earth creationism, which was invented by people who were ignorant of the actual languages words used in the relevent passages, and/or who were deliberatly ignorant as a reaction to the "threat" of evolution, which talked of millions of years, causing the creationists to want to eliminate those millions of years by any means nessissary, including ignoring what the bible actually said in the original language in favor of whatever intepretaion they believed would eliminate those millions. Thye were also ignorant of science, some today are still ignorant of science deliberatly, doing so because they equate scientists with "those evil, godless evolutionists". Being so ignorant, they cannot see that the science supports, rather than denies, a literal flood. The original laguage knowledge interpretaion of the geneologies that these 4,000 year or so timeframes are taken from are disccussed here
http://www.godandscience.org/youngearth ... ogies.html . This shows that it is not nessissary that they be 4,000 years, they could very well be MUCH older.
The conclusion is that this 4,000 year timeframe is false, shown so both by science and the bible. And why would this idea then persist? See the quote below.
"If modern Christians are limited only to the two options above, then we may find ourselves in trouble"
This is the idea, an idea created by Satan, to "find ourselves in trouble". Satan wants us to be in trouble, to give us only two alternatives, when in fact there are more.
Excluded Middle (False Dichotomy, Faulty Dilemma, Bifurcation): assuming there are only two alternatives when in fact there are more. For example, assuming Atheism is the only alternative to Fundamentalism, or being a traitor is the only alternative to being a loud patriot.
The whole idea of this, "the war between science and religion" (actually only versus Chrisianity) is to allow Satan to mandate that it be taught in every school that the bible is merely myth and fable and that no rational person would beleive such things, and so it is mandated. It is, I beleive, Satans most successfull tactic yet, allowing Satan to "prove" that the bible is unscientific, non factual, merely "myth" or "epic" or "litarature", something that might make you feel better, but you shouldn't actually take it seriously, especially when other religions "myths" might also make you "feel better". After all, if it is only "myth" or "epic" or "literature", why, one is a good as another, since none are proven or provable as true.
But does the bible agree with that? This is what it says about that: Rom 1:20 For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. We see here that God states that "what has been made" the world around us, ie. science, even scientific evidence back to "the creation of the world", speaks so accuratly of God that we are 'without excuse". And where do we find the bible talking about "the creation of the world", why Genesis. And thus Genesis must speak accuratly in a way that should agree totally with science, otherwise we cannot see it "clearly" and Romans is wrong. And thus Genesis is not "myth" or "epic" or "lierature", designed only to speak of "theological truths", but a factual and scientifically verifiable description of exactly what happeed. If it is not, Romans is wrong.
And if Genesis is factually and scientifically true, then the flood of Noah is also, being in Genesis. The earlier parts of Genesis have been found to be scientifically true, I see no reason to arbitrarily assign some parts of Genesis as true and other parts right after it as "myth". If one does that, one can assign any part of the bible we don't like to "myth" and thus saftly ignore it. We should only read the bible as written, the parts just before Noah have been shown to be simple factual science and history, the part about Noah and the flood is also. We should then look at the description of the flood, see exactly what the bible says about it, and also be careful to see what the bible does NOT say about it (something the young earth crowd fail to do), and then compare it with scientific evidence. If we do so, we should expect to find that the flood account matches the evidence, if Romans is true.
Thus, just at the biginning of your artical, I see that you are answering a false question, a faulty dilemma, originally invented by Satan. Since the question is a false one, there is no need to answer it. It is a lie, it should be challenged, not made excuses for or danced around.
I am still slogging through it, but this beginning does not bode well to expecting that you will actually challenge Satans lie, and expose the actual facts that show it as such.