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I found myself laughing...

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:05 pm
by kmr
So, I was bored and I decided to type in "reasons why God doesn't exist" in my google searchbar. What came up first for me was "". However, when I went on the website, I was almost laughing, because despite those peoples' valiant efforts, their arguments only pointed right to God! For instance, their main page had a list of titles and "reasons" why God doesn't exist, but going down, each topic had a title that I could use to support God, such as "Examine the Resurrection". Even going into these topics and reading the articles themselves, I was still laughing because of how empty they were... the logic was so convoluted that I was convinced for the first five minutes that this website was created by a Christian posing as an atheist. But, as it turns out, these are the arguments most atheists have. Any comments?

Re: I found myself laughing...

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 1:26 am
by neo-x
Most atheist reasoning is like so far stretched and indirectly implicated - that it sounds absurd and close to obsession of denial for the sake of nihilistic tendencies.
I often tell atheists, God exists simply because you can not dis-approve his existence, that is what makes him God, makes him above our knowledge and comprehension.

Re: I found myself laughing...

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:48 am
by SnowDrops
This site actually provides a list of things to examine. An atheist would say they point to atheism. A Christian would say they point to Christianity. Then they each have to prove their claims. I'm not sure atheists are capable of that or even bother to try.

Re: I found myself laughing...

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 10:36 am
by Reactionary
I have a better idea - that site is imaginary! People who think it was created by someone - are deluded. The fact is that the (mis)information on the site was "created" by a series of random typing errors. :pound:

I don't have to prove that statement, because it's obvious that people who disagree with me, are stupid. "Intelligence", yeah right. What kind of an intelligent agent would write such a heap of nonsense? :lol:

Now seriously, when I see a site like that one, at first I have a feeling that it was actually created by a Christian who parodies atheism. Because it shows such blatant ignorance that it looks like sarcasm. Unfortunately, too often it's not so. I stop laughing when I realize that those people are serious.

It seems that not only God is imaginary:
Both Jesus and God are imaginary.
Non-believers, in contrast, live moral and loving lives without having to resort to delusion. Non-believers are normal human beings who embrace reality rather than delusion. As a result, they live much healthier lives.
The fact that there are so many gods proves that all of these gods are imaginary. If there actually were an all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving "god" in any form, he would be obvious to everyone and we would all align on him. His existence would be undeniable and impossible to hide.
Well, if you're not all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving "god" in any form, how could you know what an all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving "god" in any form would do? :shakehead:
Jesus could have made clear statements to deter nuclear proliferation.
Did Fleming or Floring say, as a religious person would, "The death of this bacteria is a miracle! God has reached down and killed it!" Of course not. Instead, they completely ignored "God".
Someone should have told them that Fleming was a Christian. :pound:

Re: I found myself laughing...

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:27 pm
by dorkmaster
Ha, this was the first site i saw when i first doubted. Needless to say, I haven't really had any problems since... What a joke.

Re: I found myself laughing...

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:18 am
by KravMagaSelfDefense
Yeah it seems pretty silly to me as well, I think I'm going to send along an email and destroy every single one of their laughable "proofs." All 50 of them

Re: I found myself laughing...

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 6:38 pm
by Dudeacus97
I was just randomly searching for "Evidence of God" and that website was the second thing that popped up. (This is the first one.) It also had this little gem:
There is no scientific evidence of God. If there was, then every fundamentalist in the world would be clinging onto it.
That's all I remember. I didn't bother to look into it, seeing that the entire website would probably be based off of that one stupid argument, which is blatantly false. Many Christians aren't aware that God has scientific evidence, and if they do, they don't care. We should make a counter-website, but it would be a complete waste of time. It wouldn't be like hyenas tearing at an antelope. It would be like vultures on a corpse.

Re: I found myself laughing...

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 5:33 pm
by Tina
I think it's pretty sad, because I was bored one day as well, but all I typed in was "God" and that website was second in the search. In fact when I found it, I posted a link on this website asking people what they thought, not too long ago. It's just...sad..because some people almost drool over those reasons and try to disprove GOD with them, even though most can be proved false easily.