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Opinions on religious experience and hallucination

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 4:38 am
by Short1
Hi I was wondering what sort of information or studies you have come across about whether or not experiences of feeling close to God or having a spiritual experience are mere hallucinations. Any good sources/ideas?

I thought I would start here because I have trouble wading through so much atheist material out there. Bleh.

Re: Opinions on religious experience and hallucination

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 10:03 pm
by kmr
A lot of it probably is real. A lot of it is probably faked or hallucinated. I know we have at least a couple members on here who have had such experiences, or who have hallucinated them unwittingly. But I know from personal experience that you don't need to be dreaming or taking drugs to feel a true closeness to God, He comes in whenever it is a good time. I have had experiences where I suddenly can feel God, and just know that he is there... humbling experiences. But they weren't hallucinations, certain of that, because one time I was in the middle of a room filled with people and carrying out a conversation! It wasn't a vision, it was a presence. So yes, I believe in a true encounter with God. I've never had one in which I saw anything supernatural, but I can feel it. :esmile: