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Sharing the gospel at work

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:01 pm
Hey everyone, I was curious, as Christians what should be our approach about sharing the gospel at work with co-workers and customers? If the workplace has a code of conduct that forbids us from doing such should we do so anyway or should we give into political correctness and be more bolder or even confrontational Christians? What would Christ do in this situation? Thoughts?

Re: Sharing the gospel at work

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:13 pm
by neo-x
I would say, apply caution, you can do this by getting to know which people have something relevant you can share with them from your christian life. I have learnt that the best way to preach is not verbal but by actions, impress people rather than telling them alone. With time you will see some hope to share the gospel as well. When someone is at that stage where you think he will at least give you a fair shot of hearing- only then go about it. This is certainly something Jesus did.

You can see that easily, he would fed thousands, heal thousands but he didn't preach like that, when he preached he was specific, most of the times he was talking to a certain group of people and he had more than words, he had authority, life changing parables, examples, more than just a motive to preach but to actually impress and influence people around him. He would perform miracles but only where he realized people had that kind of faith. Most of the time he didn't show his power. Your christian conduct and life is far more effective and likely to get some one close to Christ than just an opportunity to preach. Plan it, organize it, be patient and then go about it. Most of all don't let go prayer and always ask the lord for help and guidance.

Re: Sharing the gospel at work

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 6:10 pm
Thank you so much, that sounds like a great plan to go by. Thanks again.

Re: Sharing the gospel at work

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:06 pm
by neo-x
no problem bro :ewink:

I used to preach in public transport. I would sit next to someone and start reading my Bible and most of the time the person siting right next would ask what I was reading or did I believe what I was reading...there, I could tell them all I could. But the most optimal results came from people who I met on a daily basis, fellow students, coworkers at office, people at my church. So with time I learned to do it like this, and honestly it works much better than just jumping on someone out of the blue (although that may work as well, sometimes, sometimes it is the only way to do it :ebiggrin: )