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The Hebrew Language and Chromosomes

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:55 pm
by rainagain
I've been following the research being done over at, and it has me interested in the number 23.
These guys assert that those that translated the Torah into English took great liberties. One Hebrew word, for example, is translated into over 80 different English words, many totally unrelated to each other. Because of this, they have taken a closer look at the Hebrew character set. (currently 22, all consonants, vowels are inferred). They have come up with something long forgotten, even by the Jews.
Unlike any other language, the letters/sounds of each Hebrew character (it's a phonetic language like ours), each have individual meanings. Each sound represents a concept. You can't simply make up a random word when you need to define something in Hebrew, the sounds/letters you use must support the meaning of the word. This means that Hebrew can't import words from any other language. It didn't evolve from the other Semitic language used back then. It also means it cannot drift with time, such as ours. Does 'cool' mean not hot, or the more modern meaning? Hebrew is tied to the Torah, anchored there. It's like a mathematical equation, if you change the placement of one letter, or the meaning of it, you negate the entire thing. Check out, I don't need to go further here, my interest is only peripherally related to it.
This means that the sum of Human thought, everything we can perceive or conceive, can be expressed by pairing/ordering the 23 'marbles' of the Human Mind. It might also give Hebrew speaking Jews a great advantage, as they're using the original computer code designed for the Human mind. (And subsequently taken away from us after that Tower of Babel incident. We will be given a new language when we're made whole again, somewhere in the OT.
What I'm interested in is the number 23. There are those that say 2 Hebrew letters 'merged' at some point. Thus, the 2 different concepts represented by the 2 letters merged, causing confusion. Which one should the word bearing that letter use?
Also, there's the lore supporting the suspicions that there is also a 24th letter. Taken from Man, along with it's concept. No longer available to the Human mind.
We also have 23 chromosome pairs. Eve was made from Adam, he being put into a deep sleep, and having a 'rib' removed. Rib=curve, shape, pattern...

So what I'm wondering is this: Did we have 24 chromosomes when we were first made "in His image"? Did man lose the 24th, perhaps the xx that defines woman. Were he perhaps once whole, balanced with both the xx and xy? After all, there is no "Mrs. God". And it says a lot about the virgin birth, and perhaps the nature of Christ. Could he, being the embodiment og God Himself, had both all 24 marbles, and all 24 chromosomes?
Gimme back the 24th marble, and I'll bet I'm able to use that 70% of my brain that's going to use.