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Practicing awareness of or with God, Jesus.

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:34 pm
by Yrreg
Right at this moment as I write this message I am aware that I am having God and Jesus in my mind and in my heart.

God and Jesus be my witness(es), God, Jesus, are You aware of me, speak then to me.


God, Jesus, You spoke and acted in times past as recorded in the Bible, what is keeping You from speaking now to me and make Yourselves present to me?

What do you think (God and Jesus, You just be aware that I am thinking or having the awareness of You in my mind and heart as I write this message, to exchange thoughts with other men who also know You, God, Jesus, to exist and to be what, occupied with us), fellow posters here who do maintain an awareness of God and Jesus in your heart and mind, what is your experience?

What about myself, what is my experience of practicing the awareness of and with God and Jesus.

How is it like?

I will say that it is like being aware of a problem that I have to solve, a trouble that I have to attend to today; it is now in my place as I write this message, 0419 hours, 8 hours in advance of Greenwich, and as my heart and mind are aware of God and Jesus by my being conscious of Them in my heart and in my mind, I am also not as strongly but still aware of the things I have to do later in the morning which however more likely than not I will not usually do anything about, because these things are what we might consider to be not immediately pressing, that if we don't get to them right away, something drastic can occur, like getting hurt, losing your home.

Okay, God, Jesus, You are my witness(es), I am conscious of You God, and of You Jesus, Son of God made man, and You also the Holy Spirit, there You are the Triune God in one.

Dear fellow posters, God and Jesus do not speak to me nor write to me, nor appear to me, as I speak to you with written words, but I am sure that They are present to me, and They be my witness(es) that I am present to them.

What else can we do, to convince God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit that we do take them to be present?

What do you say, fellow knowers of God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit?


Re: Practicing awareness of or with God, Jesus.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:48 am
by Byblos
I say emulate Christ. That's what God is asking us to do.