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Questions about Satan

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 4:39 am
by Jonouchi Katsuya
First I would like to state that I have recently read the Bible... And I just want to be clear one a few things about this fallen Angel. Be aware, I will speak of The Bible kind of how someone would speak of a literary classic...please try not to be offended. I only seek understanding.

1. Did Lucifer in trying to be a trickster, essentially give humans free will? (Genesis)


2. Did God allow Lucifer to do this because of ulterior motives? (Just because he wanted to cause suffering onto his creation?)

3. Lucifer was beautiful and incredibly intelligent correct? If he was so intelligent... well... maybe that is why he didn't agree with God? If your father was someone who ordered the slaughter of helpless children, even if they were sinners, you would desire, and maybe even try to stop him would you not? (The FAQ was not very good at answering my question) And if he is so beautiful and can take any form- Why do people depict him as being ugly in art? Why not as the most beautiful slick businessman? Or a sexy Lawyer? Or Chocolate? He should be depicted as the embodyment of temptation correct?

4. Is it OK that I identify with Satan? As a child my mother left me... and was a Catholic woman. I have not had any religious teachings since. Anyway, I know what it is like... to be cast aside for the family dog. (My mother loved her Pomeranian, her youngest child, and Jesus more than me). I feel... like I know how he feels because my mother loved things more than me... even though I was the first born... I came first. I even now... wish she would come back so that maybe she would be my mother even though I am 20 now. I yelled at her last time we spoke (I was 9). I told her a bunch of things I didn't mean... and she left forever because Jesus told her to. Least that is what I assume.

5. Is it OK to forgive Satan even though he is the bad guy? I often find myself forgiving everyone, even those who don't ask for it. Why? I just don't like to have enemies and I feel that holding grudges is not worth my time... I know Christians believe in forgiveness- but to what extent?

(Sort of answered but I am interested in hearing other opinions.- This person told me that people should not be forgiven unless they ask for it... I think I still feel I want to forgive him- because sometimes the people who need it the most are too proud to ask for it inicially. I don't know if that makes any sense to you guys.)

6. Why is Satan seemingly fighting for World Peace in Revelations? (sorry if I have completely misunderstood!)

Unrelated but- 7. My favorite book is Ezekiel! What is yours?

Re: Questions about Satan

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:33 am
by Katabole
Jonouchi Katsuya wrote:2. Did God allow Lucifer to do this because of ulterior motives? (Just because he wanted to cause suffering onto his creation?)
God gave Lucifer free will to choose in the beginning. I am an Old Earth gap creationist, so I believe God could have destroyed Lucifer and all those that rebelled against God in the first age (eon). Instead, God destroyed that age and created a new age, which I believe is the age we are presently living in.
Jonouchi Katsuya wrote:3. Lucifer was beautiful and incredibly intelligent correct? If he was so intelligent... well... maybe that is why he didn't agree with God?
The Bible claims in Isaiah that Lucifer wanted to be God.

Isa 14:14 (KJV) I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
Jonouchi Katsuya wrote:If your father was someone who ordered the slaughter of helpless children, even if they were sinners, you would desire, and maybe even try to stop him would you not?
It seems that you are eluding to the destruction of the Canaanite peoples by the hand of the Israelites in the book of Numbers. What is not understood by many is that there was a second influx of fallen angels that corrupted the peoples, including children and the animals of that land. God ordered their complete destruction. They were not helpless. They had been completely corrupted. This corruption led to their nations being inherntly evil. This corruption was one of Lucifer's devices.
Jonouchi Katsuya wrote:And if he is so beautiful and can take any form- Why do people depict him as being ugly in art? Why not as the most beautiful slick businessman? Or a sexy Lawyer? Or Chocolate? He should be depicted as the embodyment of temptation correct?
According to Ezekiel ch 28, he certainly was the most beautiful of God's creations. His depiction as being ugly in art originated in the Middle Ages. If you look at the art of the painter Hieronymus Bosch or read the Divine Comedy by Dante, I believe they were trying to paint and describe the evil of his character and not necessarily the way the Bible describes his attributes.
Jonouchi Katsuya wrote:4. Is it OK that I identify with Satan?
If you are not a Christian, than why would it matter who or what you identify with? He is the last thing I would identify with for I consider him to be an abomination.
Jonouchi Katsuya wrote:5. Is it OK to forgive Satan even though he is the bad guy?
God didn't forgive him. God sentenced Lucifer to death in Eze 28. God just hasn't executed him yet. God cursed him in Gen ch 3. If God didn't forgive him, why would you?
Jonouchi Katsuya wrote:6. Why is Satan seemingly fighting for World Peace in Revelations?
So that he can deceive the world population into believing he is God. If he came here as a murdering psychopath he wouldn't be able to deceive. Lucifer will use peace to destroy not war. That's why it says in the book of Daniel:

Dan 8:25 (KJV) And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

Years ago at university, I wrote a paper on Lucifer. As a Christian I thought it important enough to know who your enemy is and Lucifer is certainly the enemy of Christians. This is a little of what I said about him:

The greatest of God's creations was Lucifer, the morning star. Of all His creations, Lucifer was given the greatest gifts of power and knowledge. He was obedient to God and worked his way to the position of walking upon the holy stones of fire until the time arose that he spied the mercy seat and coveted it. But when he realized that in attempting to become God he simply became an instrument in God's overall theme in the devising of things which he had not imagined, then his power and knowledge were turned to evil purposes and he squandered his strength in violence and tyranny. From splendour he fell through arrogance to contempt for all things save himself, a spirit wasteful and pitiless. Understanding he turned to subtlety in perverting to his own will all that he would use, until he became a liar without shame. He began with the desire of light but when he realized he could not become God nor possess the Earth for himself he descended into darkness and the darkness of deception he used most in his evil works upon Earth.
Jonouchi Katsuya wrote:As a child my mother left me... and was a Catholic woman.
I am sorry about the personal pain you have had in your life. That never happened to be so I can only imagine it was and still is hard to deal with since you are only 20. Remember this line of scripture:

Psalm 27:10 When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up.

I will say a prayer for you and ask God to reveal Himself to you.

Re: Questions about Satan

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:36 pm
by Jonouchi Katsuya
Katabole! I adore your post! Thank you so much!