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Please help

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:38 pm
by Big Al
Have any of you ever lost your faith for a period of time? That is what I'm going through. I can't bring myself to believe in Jesus. I really want to but it's just too hard. If you could just answer I would really appreciate it. Also has God ever answered your prayers and you have no doubt that it had to be God like it was obvious and close to a miracle? I have never had a prayer answered that was obvious to me that it was God. I have been a Christian for almost two years and completely changed my life around but now I'm wondering if that was all in vain. At least pray for me. Thank you.

Re: Please help

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:37 pm
by PostScript
Thanks for posting before me!
I am afraid that the same is happening to me. More often and often through the day I am having thoughts that He doesn't exist. I don't pray anymore and I don't know why. It might be that I am angry at Him. It might be that I don't trust Him anymore. It might be that He isn't answering my prayers (at least like I want Him to...and yes, He has in the past so I can't see how this is happening). It might be that I don't believe anymore and I'm hoping I still do.

Re: Please help

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 7:33 pm
by CeT-To
You guys read The Screwtape Letters before by C.S. Lewis? If you haven't i highly recommend it - it sounds like its irrelevant to what you guys are asking for but i wouldn't be so quick to judge. Give it a go, you'll see what i mean! :esmile:

God bless!!

Re: Please help

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:10 pm
by neo-x

what seems to be the problem, please share, if not here then you can pm me. But I would humbly suggest you do not lose hope. we all have high and low times. and there is a lot in the bible that you can find resembles to such a feeling.

remember as long as you have that voice, even a weak one that points to a God and your logic or experience tells you otherwise, rest assured all is not lost. Answered prayers are no sign of God being there or with you. Please that is just not the right yardstick to measure faith, as a matter of fact it is quite the opposite. It is in the greatest denial that I always found God tugging me back, and it was not because I was steadfast in my believe that there is no God, but because I was struggling in my self, of what I expected and what was happening. So I would humbly ask you to reconsider a lot of biblical stories of faith.

King David was promised the throne, yet even after God's appointment he had to run for almost 13 years to save his life from Saul. he would have had every opportunity to think that God was not there or it was a fake promise, I mean 13 years is a huge period. He must have prayed thousands of times in those 13 years without an answer yet in the end God rewarded him for his faith and the hope that he never let go.

There are countless examples of faith.

please share, if you can. God bless you.

Re: Please help

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 6:02 pm
by PostScript
Read the ScrewTape Letters a long time ago. Maybe I'll look through it again. Thanks for the suggestion.

Re: Please help

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 6:47 pm
by forgiven1
Charles Stanley -- In -- has awesome materials on his website. I saved a transcript & study lesson on When God is silent. I posted a little of it here:
Have you ever felt abandoned by God? If so, you’ll relate to Psalm 22. There, we can learn how to respond when our heavenly Father is silent in the midst of our adversity. Begin by reading the chapter. In the psalm, King David wonders why the Lord stopped helping him as He once did. Jesus also quoted this psalm from the cross: “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” (Matt. 27:46).
Despite David’s frustration and discouragement, what does he affirm about the Lord (v. 3)?
If you are waiting through a time of silence or hardship, consider asking the Lord these questions:
Are You trying to get my attention to tell me something
How are You preparing me for Your purposes?
B. Remember His great works of deliverance (vv. 4-10).
How does Psalm 105 show that the Almighty was gracious to Jacob’s descendants (Israel)?
C. Remember His faithfulness to you (vv. 9-10).
For what does David thank the Lord? Paraphrase these verses. ... lent_study
From these two examples, it’s clear that our heavenly Father allows us to ask “why” during difficulty, although we shouldn’t expect Him to answer immediately every time. We must also be careful to maintain an attitude of humility and reverence for our Maker.

I am also going through a difficult point & have been for a while. I never doubt my salvation but I don't always feel His presence. In fact, I feel extremely isolated at the present time. I'm sure there is a purpose & I should stay steady & praise Him & have faith. That's what keeps me going really. Not my feelings, my knowledge of God's character. That and claiming scriptures Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,"Declares the Lord. "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Hang in there!

Re: Please help

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 4:38 am
by Silvertusk
Big Al wrote:Have any of you ever lost your faith for a period of time? That is what I'm going through. I can't bring myself to believe in Jesus. I really want to but it's just too hard. If you could just answer I would really appreciate it. Also has God ever answered your prayers and you have no doubt that it had to be God like it was obvious and close to a miracle? I have never had a prayer answered that was obvious to me that it was God. I have been a Christian for almost two years and completely changed my life around but now I'm wondering if that was all in vain. At least pray for me. Thank you.

Hi Big Al.

Welcome to the forum.

I don't know if this helps - but I have never been 100% sure that God has answered my prayers because honestly I do not not what Gods voice is or sounds like. However I do believe that he answers my prayers - but never in the ways I think. A great quote from the film Evan Almighty (i know I know - not a great biblical source I know!!) was that if you pray for endurance and strength - does God just give it you or put you in a situation where you can learn it. If you pray for patient - does God just give it to you - or does he put in a situation where you can learn patient. (Like being a teacher for example.... :ewink: )

Also when I have my deserts of doubts I think back to key apologetic reasons for my faith - With Jesus it is the transformation on the disciples from fearful, scattered and lost men to people who spread the faith of a risen messiah that eventually changed the religion of the greatest empire that ever existed. And all but one was brutally martyred for their belief.

With God - it is the fact that there is something rather than nothing.

Hope that helps.

God Bless


Re: Please help

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:40 pm
by zoegirl
For me, what helps is just stepping back and reading His word. Not with any pressure to find some hidden magic bullet that will suddenly cement everythign for me, but just with quietness and stillness. "Be still and know that I am God" I think sometimes we are fast and furious and often quietness is what is needed.

Just send a quick prayer for God to be there with you and simply read. Don't try to argue and set up "Tests". Just read.

If you had to reread anything, I find Mere Christianity to be a good "whack upside the head"