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Should we worship Him?

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:45 am
by 1over137
That is a question posted by one atheist on one forum. He wrote:

"if god revealed himself to me, and told me how to worship him, i would then consider if he was worthy of worship before doing anything. I find that is a question that isn't asked enough about god "should we worship him?"

The old testament god doesn't strike me as a very nice fellow, even if i was put in hell for eternity, I don't like the idea of worshiping a cruel despot."


I know that there is a book by P. Copan: Is God a moral monster. I wil mention that. But I wonder about your comments. Thanks a lot.

Re: Should we worship Him?

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 8:46 am
by PaulSacramento
If one believes God to be immoral then NO God is not deserving of worship.
But what is the source of that belief?
What makes one think that God is immoral? what is that view based on?
Yes, it is true that certain passages make God seem genocidal and immoral, but is that the view of the writer of those passages? or Our view base don how WE INTERPRET those passages in light of what we THINK we know?
How many of us play moral judge to a person we have never met, based solely on something that was written years ago by an unknow author? much less 1000 of years ago? in particular when we have OTHER writings showing Him to be very different?
If we don't do that with people, why do that with God?

Re: Should we worship Him?

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 4:43 pm
by MarcusOfLycia
That's interesting to me. So, what he's saying is that even if the God of the Universe approached him and said "Okay, I'm God", it wouldn't be enough for worship? The created thing that is sustained by the will of the Creator is arrogant enough, even with 100% confirmation and evidence, to say he knows better? Such arrogance shouldn't be allowed to be the arbiter of what is truly worthy of worship.

Re: Should we worship Him?

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 6:35 pm
by Echoside
MarcusOfLycia wrote:That's interesting to me. So, what he's saying is that even if the God of the Universe approached him and said "Okay, I'm God", it wouldn't be enough for worship? The created thing that is sustained by the will of the Creator is arrogant enough, even with 100% confirmation and evidence, to say he knows better? Such arrogance shouldn't be allowed to be the arbiter of what is truly worthy of worship.

I'd consider what is worthy of worship to be an opinion in the above scenario, I don't think that any more arrogant than disagreeing with god as to what flavor topping I would like on my ice cream.

Re: Should we worship Him?

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:13 pm
by MarcusOfLycia
Echoside wrote:
MarcusOfLycia wrote:That's interesting to me. So, what he's saying is that even if the God of the Universe approached him and said "Okay, I'm God", it wouldn't be enough for worship? The created thing that is sustained by the will of the Creator is arrogant enough, even with 100% confirmation and evidence, to say he knows better? Such arrogance shouldn't be allowed to be the arbiter of what is truly worthy of worship.

I'd consider what is worthy of worship to be an opinion in the above scenario, I don't think that any more arrogant than disagreeing with god as to what flavor topping I would like on my ice cream.
But how can human beings decide 'what is worthy of worship'. Clearly it implies some sort of standard, and like all standards, we human beings can't be the creator of it. What bugs me is that this guy has already demonstrated that he is opposed to God not based on the merits of any evidence but on his own dislike for who God is in the first place.

Re: Should we worship Him?

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:20 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
MarcusOfLycia wrote:
Echoside wrote:
MarcusOfLycia wrote:That's interesting to me. So, what he's saying is that even if the God of the Universe approached him and said "Okay, I'm God", it wouldn't be enough for worship? The created thing that is sustained by the will of the Creator is arrogant enough, even with 100% confirmation and evidence, to say he knows better? Such arrogance shouldn't be allowed to be the arbiter of what is truly worthy of worship.

I'd consider what is worthy of worship to be an opinion in the above scenario, I don't think that any more arrogant than disagreeing with god as to what flavor topping I would like on my ice cream.
But how can human beings decide 'what is worthy of worship'. Clearly it implies some sort of standard, and like all standards, we human beings can't be the creator of it. What bugs me is that this guy has already demonstrated that he is opposed to God not based on the merits of any evidence but on his own dislike for who God is in the first place.
"opposed to God not based on the merits of any evidence but on his own dislike for who God is in the first place" Souds like somthing Lucifer thought before he rebelled ^^ y/:)

Re: Should we worship Him?

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:48 pm
by Echoside
MarcusOfLycia wrote: But how can human beings decide 'what is worthy of worship'. Clearly it implies some sort of standard, and like all standards, we human beings can't be the creator of it. What bugs me is that this guy has already demonstrated that he is opposed to God not based on the merits of any evidence but on his own dislike for who God is in the first place.
Replace "what is worthy of worship" with "what ice cream flavor is the best", and my point would be that no matter how powerful the god in question is, if it's not the Christian God (or extremely similar) there's no apparent reason to go along with it. We might not be the creator of the standard, but for things like morality don't you think the standard would have to be instilled in us to make them more than subjective? If we are created in God's image then the objective standard of morality is without excuse, otherwise the concept seems to be meaningless no matter how ultra powerful the god in question is

Re: Should we worship Him?

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 7:40 pm
by MarcusOfLycia
I can see what you're saying. And I agree that it isn't power that makes God worthy of worship. I guess what got me uptight about the question was the presumption inherent in it. The presumption being that 'even if God exists, I already reject Him'. It seems like a justification to be an atheist regardless of the truthfulness of God's existence.

I think you're onto something when you reference how God is also the moral standard Creator. If He is, then our temporary feelings, when opposed to Him, must be based on our incomplete understanding of what He is really doing. I think that happens a lot, to be honest, regardless of who we are.

Re: Should we worship Him?

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 7:46 pm
by CeT-To

Re: Should we worship Him?

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:39 pm
by neo-x
1over137 on Thu Aug 25, 2011 8:45 pm

That is a question posted by one atheist on one forum. He wrote:

"if god revealed himself to me, and told me how to worship him, i would then consider if he was worthy of worship before doing anything. I find that is a question that isn't asked enough about god "should we worship him?"

The old testament god doesn't strike me as a very nice fellow, even if i was put in hell for eternity, I don't like the idea of worshiping a cruel despot."


I know that there is a book by P. Copan: Is God a moral monster. I wil mention that. But I wonder about your comments. Thanks a lot.
This is just sad. I can assure you that whoever said that does not have an iota of the idea of the person of God. To him he is a tyrant, which is far from the truth.

When an evil heart turns from God, he makes for himself all kinds of idols or things that he may rejoice in.

But when a heart which is honest in itself, turns from God, it does not make for itself idols or anything to replace it, instead it imagines a God that is so pure and so right that he is above things like justice, punishment & reward. A God that would forgive about everyone, that can make this world overnight into a utopia. But in reality this is also a trap-concept, no matter how simple or noble it sounds. Human beings tend to be cruel, injustice happens in this world and God justifies it in the end.

I would have actually asked this man, what kind of a nice-fellow-God you would like to worship? And I can assure you his answer would be, one that can be buddies with me OR the one who never punishes or does anything that he considers bad.