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Presidential Election 2012

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:47 pm
by Seraph
The election for the next President of the Unided States is creeping up.

Who are YOU rooting for?

Re: Presidential Election 2012

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:57 pm
by RickD
Seraph wrote:The election for the next President of the Unided States is creeping up.

Who are YOU rooting for?
If I vote, I'll vote for Herman Cain because he's black.
A lot of people voted for Obama because he's black. And, he got elected. Maybe it'll work for Herman Cain too. :ewink:

Re: Presidential Election 2012

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 3:45 pm
by Murray
As much as I would love hermain cain to get the nomination, he won't, because he gets no media coverage. It's a shame because I always think he's got the best ideas and generally I think he does pretty well in the debates.

So realistically I'm goin for Rick Perry, maybe Cain as VP ;)

Perry Cain 2012 :swoot:

Re: Presidential Election 2012

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:41 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
I wish we were having an election in 2012, we have a hung parliament with an atheist at the helm. Most of the nation thinks she is the worst P.M. in history lol, so much for atheism. :pound:

Re: Presidential Election 2012

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:42 pm
by Johnny916
I lost my interest for voting. But I know a lot of people love Ron Paul for some reason.

Re: Presidential Election 2012

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 7:11 pm
by Murray
Your prime minister is an atheist?

Re: Presidential Election 2012

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:43 pm
by narnia4
You're probably in Australia talking about Julia Gillard, right? She has a man as a "domestic partner" instead of a husband and she doesn't believe in God... that certainly wouldn't fly in America (of course judging by her comments that I read you still have to be careful what you say).

I was actually more interested in politics in my mid-teens, some of these people are so self-serving that the belief that they profess doesn't really seem to make any difference.

Re: Presidential Election 2012

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:14 pm
by kmr
To be honest, I am not satisfied with, really, any of the major candidates running at this time. Everyone seems to like to make the game of politicking far more complicated than it should be... trying to outsmart their opponents and the like. I tend to adopt conservative values in favor of liberal ones (by their warped definitions in the United States :roll: ), but I suppose that I will wait and see who seems the most firm and decisive....

Re: Presidential Election 2012

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:03 am
by Murray
Perry created the best economy in the united states, created 40% of americas jobs in the last 10 years, Will pass a Federal bill blocking gay marriage, maybe even restore some of the christian values this country is loosing.

Re: Presidential Election 2012

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 9:04 am
by Seraph
What might some of those values be that we are losing?

I'll be voting for Obama, unless one of the republican canidates manages to impress me somehow. He is blamed for many things that are beyond the realm of the president and I think he is overall a fine president, much better than any of the republican candidates. I do not agree with republican economics or their other ideologies. And despite how much pandering they do to Christians, I do not think they are by any means the "Christian" party as they would like you to think.

Re: Presidential Election 2012

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 9:42 am
by Byblos
Seraph wrote:What might some of those values be that we are losing?

I'll be voting for Obama, unless one of the republican canidates manages to impress me somehow. He is blamed for many things that are beyond the realm of the president and I think he is overall a fine president, much better than any of the republican candidates. I do not agree with republican economics or their other ideologies. And despite how much pandering they do to Christians, I do not think they are by any means the "Christian" party as they would like you to think.
You have got to be kidding me. Two stimulus packages and a 3rd one on the way that will put our great grandchildren in debt is not enough? He prints money faster than the printers can churn them out. The effects of his (dire) fiscal policies will be felt for generations to come.

Re: Presidential Election 2012

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 9:50 am
by Canuckster1127
I haven't decided yet and probably won't until much later in the process.

I'm not happy with the choices I see presented so far. I'm an independent. I didn't vote for Obama last time. I'm open to it this time, if for no other reason than to maintain some balance. I'm not a teapartier and I'm not impressed with that they've done so far. They're obstructionists and have presented no viable plan, nor demonstrated the ability to negotiate with others who don't agree 100% with them. Just breaking government without a plan is a large part of the reason the US credit rating was down-graded (Credit worthiness is based in large part in the perception of trustworthiness of a country's leadership. The Tea-Party demonstrated they're willing to reneg on obligations to make a point.)

I strongly suspect the Senate will go Republican in 2012. If that happens and the house remains Republican I don't see it being a healthy thing for there to be a Republican President, especially if that president is just a populist rubber stamp with no real plan to address our problems.

Divided government isn't always a bad thing. I'm actually going to take a closer look at Ron Paul. I think the media is doing him and the country a great disservice by treating his candidacy as a joke.

Re: Presidential Election 2012

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 9:57 am
by Seraph
You have got to be kidding me. Two stimulus packages and a 3rd one on the way that will put our great grandchildren in debt is not enough? He prints money faster than the printers can churn them out. The effects of his (dire) fiscal policies will be felt for generations to come.
The way I see it, there was already enough debt to last until our great grandchildren prior to Obama's presidency thanks to George W Bush and his strategy to enter two wars without raising taxes to pay for it. The republican solution was to basically not raise taxes and pretend to want spending cuts without actually following through with them and that is still their solution. At the very least, Obama is the lesser of several evils. Solutions to saving the economy are going to require a lot of spending no matter what it is, as it seems just cutting spending until we're able to repay the debt and generate significant revenue would require an extreme amount of sacrifices.

Also, thanks for the great post Bart. Ron Paul actually slipped my mind, he would probably be the republican choice for me if I were to vote for one. Mitt Romney isn't an impossible choice but it isn't likely. Newt Gingrich or Michelle Bachman, probably not. Sarah

Re: Presidential Election 2012

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:48 am
by kmr

This is the reason I want to wait and see. The conservative economic ideology, in my opinion, is all about spending less money. That's the only possible way that we can get out of our debt. However, we can't spend MORE money to spend LESS, and I an frustrated with "Republicans" who like spending all this money. I don't want to raise taxes... that would freeze our economy and would be a huge gamble, because it still may not pay for our debt. Lowering spending is the only way, not the liberal idea of "Borrow money to stop our debt! Yay!" y:-?

Re: Presidential Election 2012

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:50 am
by kmr
That last sentence was a bit of an exaggeration, haha, but you get the idea!