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My faith has dwindled down to almost nothing.

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:25 pm
Over the past 3-4 years my faith has been very slowing dying. I feel like I've reached a dead end. I've searched and searched and searched for things to help me. But the stuff that used to give me temporary faith doesn't work anymore. I feel absolutely nothing when I pray. I have spent so many nights just laying in bed crying (literally) out to God, but... nothing. I don't feel anything when I read the Bible. I try really hard to make connections when I'm reading it, but I just doesn't do anything for me. I pray to God to help me find inspiration while I'm reading it, but that doesn't seem to work.

I didn't think I could ever be in this position. My faith was ok, but it wasn't good enough anymore. I started to look into things a little more because I wanted more. I didn't like just calling myself a Christian and leaving it at that. I've spent the last 3 or so years just doing whatever I could to try and strengthen my faith, but it's a losing battle. One thing I liked doing was watching miracle testimonies and near-death experiences videos. Those actually boosted my faith at first, but as I've come to find out those were just temporary relief. I have now gotten to a point that I never thought I would be in... I'm seriously considering the possibility that God doesn't exist.

I don't mean this in an antagonistic or mean way, but I feel like there is nothing you could say that would help me. I really really want to be proven wrong.

Sorry if I'm all over the place. I'm just kind of letting my thoughts spill out. This is pretty much the first time that I've opened up about it. I'm actually tearing up a little bit right now.

Advice, prayers, or whatever... anything would be appreciated at this point.

Re: My faith has dwindled down to almost nothing.

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 12:02 am
by Silvertusk
Hi Bob. Welcome to the board.

Have you tried reading some good apologetic books? Are you in a church? How active are you in that church? Sometimes when I feel my faith is dwindling I go back to my books and try be more active as a Christian and then I feel the presence of God more. Sometime just doing kingdom work really helps. Remember God does a lot of his work through other people and sometimes a lot of prayers are answered through other people.

I just did this 75 mile walk for my church from Southwark Cathedral to Canterbury and that was a enriching experience and there were certainly moments on that that I felt the presence of God.

So maybe just get out there and be the Gospel more. Hope that helps.

God Bless


Re: My faith has dwindled down to almost nothing.

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:45 am
by 1over137

Once I asked my wise friend:"Maybe for some answers you have to wait for a very long time."
He answered:"Yes, and I think that is part of how God teaches us and improves on our faith and dependence upon him."

Sometimes, we just have to hold on.

Re: My faith has dwindled down to almost nothing.

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:16 pm
by narnia4
One thing I've found is that sometimes you just have to live the Christian life and just make a decision to trust God. You might not always feel anything right away, you may never hear some audible voice or anything like that, but that's not what a relationship with God is ultimately about. There have been times where I've read the Bible or prayed just to try to "trigger something" or something like that instead of making it a habit and part of a daily routine of trying to grow in Christ in a positive way. If you make the decision, Christ will do the rest.

You might not feel ANYTHING sometimes, but what does that really prove? Absolutely nothing. Feelings and emotions go both ways, as you pointed out when talking about the "temporary relief" of listening or reading about miraculous testimonies and NDEs. Sometimes NOT hearing something goes in the opposite direction, but again, that's often just emotion. Its possible that putting faith in those things instead of Christ can be part of the problem. Sometimes its work and just a grind, but if you make the commitment and put your faith in God you can grow in absolutely amazing ways. Just don't give up.

I don't know if it would make you feel any better, some (probably all) of the strongest and/or most famous Christians in history have gone through these things. Its been called "the dark night of the soul", you hear people talk about "spiritual dryness". There's been extended writings on this subject, people like Mother Teresa have had these experiences (something that was misrepresented by some like Christopher Hitchens). The dark night of the soul can be a very deep and hard test of true faith.

Its a tough road but there are many good options before you and I hope that someone here can help you.

Re: My faith has dwindled down to almost nothing.

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:28 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
I will pray for you.

Re: My faith has dwindled down to almost nothing.

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 6:14 pm
Thanks for all the responses, guys.

narnia4 wrote:One thing I've found is that sometimes you just have to live the Christian life and just make a decision to trust God. You might not always feel anything right away, you may never hear some audible voice or anything like that, but that's not what a relationship with God is ultimately about. There have been times where I've read the Bible or prayed just to try to "trigger something" or something like that instead of making it a habit and part of a daily routine of trying to grow in Christ in a positive way. If you make the decision, Christ will do the rest.

You might not feel ANYTHING sometimes, but what does that really prove? Absolutely nothing. Feelings and emotions go both ways, as you pointed out when talking about the "temporary relief" of listening or reading about miraculous testimonies and NDEs. Sometimes NOT hearing something goes in the opposite direction, but again, that's often just emotion. Its possible that putting faith in those things instead of Christ can be part of the problem. Sometimes its work and just a grind, but if you make the commitment and put your faith in God you can grow in absolutely amazing ways. Just don't give up.

I don't know if it would make you feel any better, some (probably all) of the strongest and/or most famous Christians in history have gone through these things. Its been called "the dark night of the soul", you hear people talk about "spiritual dryness". There's been extended writings on this subject, people like Mother Teresa have had these experiences (something that was misrepresented by some like Christopher Hitchens). The dark night of the soul can be a very deep and hard test of true faith.

Its a tough road but there are many good options before you and I hope that someone here can help you.
You actually made a few good points. Sometimes I have tried to "go back to basics" and just put my faith in Christ, but I don't feel like I know or understand Him. I have a hard enough time showing love for people I actually know. How do I make a real emotional connection with someone that I've never seen or heard and only read about in a book? I'm supposed to love God more than my family, but I just don't know how to do that.

I don't think I could ever actually allow myself to give up... even if it drove me insane. Sometimes I just find myself entertaining thoughts that... disturb and depress me.

This may seem weird but it helps more when I am actually personally being addressed rather than simply reading advice second-hand.

Don't worry, I didn't ignore the rest of you. I just haven't had time to respond in detail yet. I'll respond more in detail later.
Danieltwotwenty wrote:I will pray for you.
Thank you.

It really means a lot to me.

Re: My faith has dwindled down to almost nothing.

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 6:44 pm
by narnia4
Good to hear you won't give up, I feel down when I read about spiritual struggles like this and hope and pray that you will feel the Spirit and grow in your walk.

So on the question of "the basics". Is there something in your life that you had before but now are missing, or did you see that there was a problem being maybe "Christian in name only" and wanted to fix it? Maybe you had your parents' faith and were never saved? Have you felt God's presence before these past few years? Part of the reason I'm asking is because Scripture is filled with examples of people who were blessed by God and they just fell in love with Him... but then time passes and these people just "move on" until another reminder from God comes up. Like the Israelites' in the wilderness.

I don't really know your situation, but it seems like such a common thread that even if lip service is given to Christ, Christians still compartmentalize their lives with a little "religion" corner or else put faith in "stuff". I'm interested in NDEs and miraculous testimonies, but that can't be the basis of our faith. Christian apologists have done substantial work and have very persuasive arguments... but that still can't be the basis of our faith. When I look at people who give up and become deists, agnostics, atheists, or whatever... I very often see that these people have put faith in other things rather than building up their relationship themselves.

Just trying to talk different scenarios here, not imply that you must not be saved or anything. Because Christianity is often compartmentalized, things like the dark night of the soul are often ignored. When people think of religion and God, they probably don't think about a grind... something you have to work on day in and day out.

I think your question about how you can have a relationship with Christ is very interesting and very pertinent. I'm sure someone will want to address it, if not when I have more time there are many resources about that topic and I can try to look up some or come up with something myself. To be honest I'm not the most qualified here and I feel pretty nervous giving you advice. One of the fears I have always had posting on a forum like this is misrepresenting Christianity or saying something stupid and turning somebody off. When I think of all the issues I have it feels silly giving you or others advice like I'm some expert.

Re: My faith has dwindled down to almost nothing.

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:36 pm
by B. W.
Hi Bob, no trying to sound or be sarcastic nor imply anything negative but need to ask you question: Why did you chose the user name BOBtheMASTER?

That username may reflect why you feel the way you do. The Lord often uses the drought of the soul to gain our attention about something we may be blind too that needs attending too. Your choice of username may reflect that something to you. Something to ponder…

Re: My faith has dwindled down to almost nothing.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:17 am
B. W. wrote:Hi Bob, no trying to sound or be sarcastic nor imply anything negative but need to ask you question: Why did you chose the user name BOBtheMASTER?

That username may reflect why you feel the way you do. The Lord often uses the drought of the soul to gain our attention about something we may be blind too that needs attending too. Your choice of username may reflect that something to you. Something to ponder…
My name isn't even bob. It's an inside joke.

Re: My faith has dwindled down to almost nothing.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:50 am
by rodyshusband
Hi, Bob.
When I went through something similar to what you are going through about 10 years ago, I restarted my relationship with God by looking at the sky and decided to find out how it got there.
Origin, meaning, morality and destiny.

Re: My faith has dwindled down to almost nothing.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 7:03 am
by jlay
You actually made a few good points. Sometimes I have tried to "go back to basics" and just put my faith in Christ, but I don't feel like I know or understand Him. I have a hard enough time showing love for people I actually know. How do I make a real emotional connection with someone that I've never seen or heard and only read about in a book? I'm supposed to love God more than my family, but I just don't know how to do that.
Bob, thanks for sharing. Prayers for you. (Eph 3:14-21) I'm very interested in learning more, and seeing if we can help. this may require some real soul searching and even some uncomfortable critique. But knowing this crew it will always be done in truth and love. If you are up for it, let's do it.

How do you love God? Simple. Love is expressed toward God in two ways. Trust and Obey. John 14.
As far as an emotional connection. I'm not sure there is a direct biblical defense for such a thing. Knowing Christ can be real and intimate. But God will not feed a false desire, or build a true faith on it. If you are seeking truth, God will confirm it. If not, it will be a dead end. Thank God for the dead ends.

a few questions.
1. What is your testimony? (Be as detailed as you can)
2. What are the specific ways you have sought Christian growth and accountability over these three years?

Re: My faith has dwindled down to almost nothing.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 8:57 am
by B. W.
BOBtheMASTER wrote:
B. W. wrote:Hi Bob, no trying to sound or be sarcastic nor imply anything negative but need to ask you question: Why did you chose the user name BOBtheMASTER?

That username may reflect why you feel the way you do. The Lord often uses the drought of the soul to gain our attention about something we may be blind too that needs attending too. Your choice of username may reflect that something to you. Something to ponder…
My name isn't even bob. It's an inside joke.
Please enlighten us...

Re: My faith has dwindled down to almost nothing.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:21 am
by saint
Pray to God.

Re: My faith has dwindled down to almost nothing.

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 1:54 pm
by Suzie5000
Your post resounded in my heart and soul to the point I took the time to register. I have been a believer and a self-taught student of the Word for 37 years and for the past year my faith in the Bible has dwindled down to almost nothing. Those were my words when searching the Internet for help and that's why your post caught my eye. Your emotional plea sounds so much like I feel. I have not lost belief in God but in the Bible. Quickly I am finding out that without His Word, I have nothing to go on. I feel lost and alone. it all started with a woman who back in the 70's came to belief and received Christ with me. We made that journey together and she was special to me. She recently renounced Christ and has converted to Karaite. I politely read all the literature she sent me. There began my fall. This is the hardest thing I've ever had to go through. I find myself hiding from it all because it is so painful. There are things of a personal nature that have occurred in my life that have, in my mind and heart, no explanation but divine intervention. No one can convince me God does not exist. But this Bible we preach has, to my dismay, become a very huge problem for me. I don't know where to turn. I don't know what to do. I just keep begging Him to return my faith.

Re: My faith has dwindled down to almost nothing.

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 2:39 pm
by Storyteller
But you haven't lost your faith in Him. Hold on to that.

I came to know Christ without reading any of the Bible and I still know little but my faith in Him is absolute. So is yours by the sound of it.

I am sure someone better qualified than me can advise you, I just wanted to say stay strong, doubt is just the other side of faith.

And welcome xoxox