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Unclean Spirits

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 1:09 pm
by Rob
Hey everyone. Someone asked me if I'd be willing to post the incident I had with a demonic entity around ten years ago, so here it goes. Sorry if it's too long or posted in the wrong place. Feel free to move it to wherever you feel is necessary.

It happened in the summer. I don’t recall the year, but I was probably around 14 or so- maybe a little older- possibly 15. Anyway, I had left home for a week to visit some old family friends in Missouri. Our families had lived in the country on a gravel road on the outskirts of a small town and shared a driveway. At the time they had two sons (for the purpose of anonymity I’ll call them Isaac and Jacob) who were both around my age.
My earliest memories involve being outside playing with them all day long. We’d get into all sorts of trouble regularly, as boys will. We pretended to be dinosaurs and ate leaves and grass and drank out of mud puddles. It was all great fun! Soon the younger one, Isaac, (who was only a year older than me) and I became best friends. I was of course good friends with Jacob as well, but- either due to age or something else- was never quite as close with him as I was with Isaac. But after a few years, before I’d turned 5, my parents bought 40 acres and a farm house a few miles down the road so that my dad could start farming. Our friends also moved to a different house out on the country in the opposite direction. We all went to the same school, so I still saw them quite regularly for a couple more years before job opportunities led their father to move their family down to Missouri about half an hour outside of Kansas City.

I was pretty devastated. Issac, Jacob and I (especially Isaac and I) had become such close, close friends that we were like brothers. From then on I was lucky to see my friends once or twice a year. Usually Issac, Jacob, and their younger brother Eddie would come to stay with us for a whole week every summer and usually for at least a few days in the winter too. Those were probably the happiest weeks of my young life! Getting to see my friends again!
Gradually over the years that followed, Jacob slowly changed. His life goal for a long time was to grow up and be a soldier- to fight for the country he loves- but over the years he began to lose interest in that. I suppose that’s normal, most kids end up changing what they want to be as they grow older. Little by little, Jacob began to grow darker. Both in style and personality. Many teenagers go through a ‘goth-phase’ growing up, but for him it was more than just the clothes. He became very interested in darker spirituality- was positively fascinated by it! Gradually he moved from simply wearing all black to decking himself out with all kinds of gothic attire from spiked bracelets to collars. I always figured he’d simply grow out of it- heck even I had a mesh shirt that I wore on occasion that I thought was pretty cool. (It looked horrible on me, by the way!)
Anyway, Jacob and I grew further and further apart as I just didn’t share the same interests as him. I won’t lie- I’ve also always been fascinated by the dark side of things such as demons, etc., but mostly out of an awareness and sometimes fear-I didn’t want to be a part of it as he seemed to want!

The incident occurred the last time I went to stay with them in Missouri. Isaac and Jacob weren't really around much that week, so I just sort of hung out with Eddie and their mother Marilyn- who was a second mom to me anyway. I didn’t mind so much. House rules were quite different than my own, but I found some things to be quite refreshing. I stayed in Isaac’s room that week, and did end up talking with Jacob here and there. Usually just polite conversation though, nothing like our past.
It saddened me greatly to see him this way and it wasn't the gothic style- many of my friends dressed that way too. It felt like I just didn’t know him at all anymore. It was like he was a complete stranger.
One day I was alone in the house after Marilyn and Eddie went somewhere (I don’t recall where).
I was sitting in Isaac’s room thinking to myself about Jacob. Both his and Isaac’s rooms were on the second floor of the house and Jacob’s was down the hall. I didn’t know why, but I always got this really, really creepy feeling whenever I walked down the hall upstairs. It wasn’t so bad in Isaac’s room, but whenever I stepped into that hall I always felt like I was being watched. And Jacob’s door was always shut.
Since I was there alone, curiosity got the best of me and I decided to peek into Jacob’s room.
It actually wasn’t so bad in there visually, but I couldn’t help but shake the feeling that I was unwelcome- that something in the room did not want me to be there. One thing stuck out to me.
On Jacob’s bed was a sketch book.
Dabbling in drawing and the arts myself, I was very sure that Jacob wouldn’t mind if I took a peek inside. I always appreciated good art.
I took a seat on the floor and opened it up. If I recall, the drawings in the beginning were fairly tame. To be honest, none of them were particularly good, but there was a definite theme going.
Being alone or in despair.
As I flipped further in, they got quite a bit more sinister.
Dark figures wandering through dark, ruined cities. A man- possibly Jacob- curled up in the fetal position in some dark corner with a look of complete terror on his face. Some pictures were just faces with frightened looks on them.
There was one particular drawing that I thought was especially disturbing. It showed a man being executed. The man had some sort of collar around his neck, with chains tightly drawn to hold him in place. Some sort of bladed weapon held by a shrouded executioner was halfway through the man’s neck and he was crying out in pain. Again, the artistry itself really wasn’t very good- I’d seen much, much better before…
But there was something more to this picture. I couldn’t help but feel that it was somehow real. Like a drawing of something Jacob actually witnessed. I cannot really explain why I felt that- I am sorry for that. I quickly turned the page and saw something that disturbed me even more.
It was a mask.
I cannot remember any of the details, but I do remember that IT was very detailed. Mostly I can just remember the eye-holes. The feeling I had felt about not being wanted in that room increased ten-fold when I looked into them and I began to get very scared. Suddenly I felt a very strong presence of something standing behind me. I didn’t bother looking or going through the rest of the sketch book.
I snapped it shut, put it back on the bed, and got out there!
The panic continued down the hallway until I retreated to the relative safety of Isaac’s room. I felt better in here, but the drawings in that book were still fresh in my mind so I just sort of sat there and shook. I should let you know that this was a very odd thing to me. I was no stranger to disturbing imagery. I think the reason this bothered me most profoundly was because it reminded me of nighttime terrors I had as young child. I don’t really remember the rest of my stay there, but I do remember how relieved I was to leave! I didn’t tell my parents about the drawings, but I did express sadness at how much Jacob and, to an extent Isaac, had changed and how much I missed how things used to be.
Over the next few days back home, I grew very, very depressed, sometimes spending the entire evening crying. This was very unlike me. I’m definitely the kind of person who is sad about something for a short time before accepting it, coping, and moving on. But the feelings of sadness just wouldn’t leave me this time and I didn’t know why. Also, my nights were almost sleepless. I was filled with fear. Fear that there were things with me in my room. Fear that if I opened my eyes I’d see terrifying creatures and demonic entities standing at the foot of my bed. I would lay and toss and turn and sweat all night long and would only be able to sleep in the daylight when others were around. My mother began to worry as this was so unlike me. I’d always had night terrors and have always been sensitive, but it had never carried on like this. One night it got really bad. I was trying to sleep on the couch in the living room (Was too scared to sleep in my room) and those damn drawings kept popping into my head. I’d try and force them out and think about other things, but the other things that would replace them were worse.
Suddenly I felt an unmistakable presence in the room with me. It felt like it was hovering directly above me and breathing in my face. It was suffocating! I could barely breathe. I began to panic and cry out.
My mother, who was having problems sleeping that night, heard me, and rushed out of her room to where I was laying. She knelt beside me with wide eyes and asked me what was wrong, but I couldn’t find the words to answer- my breath was coming in gasps. I got the feeling that something was talking to me in my head and saying “Would you like to see my face?”

An image popped into my mind then.
Imagine a big man with a face so deformed that it’s monstrous in appearance. It is really difficult for me to describe, but it was like someone took his face and warped the flesh and bone in his mouth and nose and sculpted it into some sort of huge snout filled with jagged, broken teeth. His skin was white, as if it were powdered or covered in makeup. I honestly do not remember the other features, the only thing that stuck out was the face, which I found so revolting that I nearly vomited. Every time I closed my eyes that face was there waiting, though I never actually saw anything manifest in physical form in front of me.
I began to trash around in a hysterical panic now, but I could hear the voice of my mother praying in the distance and could feel her hand on my shoulder. This too is really difficult to describe, but just before she reached the climax of her prayer, I felt something on the inside. It felt like a hand grabbed my guts and was twisting. The closest thing I’ve ever felt to that was the butterflies you feel during a sudden drop on a roller coaster, except it felt like it lasted for longer, boosting my panic to a fever pitch. I began to scream “No!” and “Help me!”
Then I heard my mother in a voice stern with authority bordering on anger command the unclean spirit to leave me alone in the name of Jesus. As soon as the word “Jesus” left her lips I felt the most extraordinary thing.
Have you ever been lifting something really, really heavy and your body is at the point of collapse when suddenly your burden is lifted? The relief you feel flood through every one of your limbs.
Or when your fever breaks and you’re suddenly aware that you’re covered in cold sweat? The combination of those feelings is the best way I can describe what I felt.
It wasn’t a gradual peace that came over me. It was instant!
I felt a warmth enter my stomach like I’d just drank hot tea. It settled there like some sort of heavenly honey. It was absolute relief and bliss and, well, love. I felt such love from not only my mother, but someone I hadn’t felt in a while that was clearly not my mother. I still tear up talking about it and am currently. That warm peace stayed with me for quite some time and I was able to almost instantly drift off into one of the best sleeps I’ve ever had.

Well, that was it. Again, sorry if it was long, but I felt it would be best if I explained things the way I did.

Re: Unclean Spirits

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 6:54 pm
by CeT-To
God bless bro ! :) Amazing story!! Praise God for his saving power :clap:

Re: Unclean Spirits

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 7:13 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Thank you for sharing

Re: Unclean Spirits

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:31 pm
by neo-x
I almost had some similar experiences...thank God for his saving power. When I thought I was done for, HE always stepped in.

Re: Unclean Spirits

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:53 pm
by B. W.
neo-x wrote:I almost had some similar experiences...thank God for his saving power. When I thought I was done for, HE always stepped in.
Amen -neo-x! feel free to share as well.

Thank you very much Rob for your willingness to share on your deliverence thru the power of Christ!

John 8:36, Acts 26:18

Re: Unclean Spirits

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 3:06 am
by Silvertusk
Truely amazing testimony - thank you for sharing. The name of Jesus is truely above all other names.

Would you mind at all if I shared your story with my home group. I will keep the annonimity of the the people of course.

God Bless


Re: Unclean Spirits

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 7:41 am
by Rob
Silvertusk wrote:Truely amazing testimony - thank you for sharing. The name of Jesus is truely above all other names.

Would you mind at all if I shared your story with my home group. I will keep the annonimity of the the people of course.

God Bless

Yes of course you can use it!

There are a few things I'd like to add in followup on it.

My mother told me afterwards that that was probably the strongest and most sickening demonic force she's ever experienced. She told me "That thing that was on you was...horrible and sick."

After my experience I told my mother all about the creepy drawings in Jacob's room and how much they bothered me. She then told me all about all sorts of problems that Marilyn and her husband had been having with their son. She never told Marilyn about my experience, but I guess she didn't really need to. Sometime later, I don't recall if it was a couple days or a week, Marilyn called my mother.
She told my mom that she had been alone at home cleaning the house. As she was carrying a laundry basket through the living area she saw a shadowy humanoid shape standing at the foot of the stairs to the boys' rooms. She stopped dead and, presumably because it realized she could see it, the thing flitted up the stairs as quick as a blink.
She thought to herself "No. I did not just see that!"
Then she felt an answer of "Yes you did. Now go deal with it."

Some personal guesswork:
Since the thing ran after it realized she could see it, I am of the opinion that the veil between the natural and spiritual realm was temporarily lifted from her eyes to show her what was in her house. I can't say for certain, of course- but that's my theory.

Also, I have a pretty good feeling that the face that I saw was not really at all what the face of the entity actually looked like. I'm of the opinion that it wanted me to think that in order to produce fear, which it likely feeds on.