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Gods Language

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:31 pm
by Murray
In psychology today we discussed the origins of language and how humans learn language. We also touched on the 2 views on which humans behave, humanism and behaviorism.

one of the experiments (aside from victor and genie) that we looked at was when the holy roman emperor made a feral child to try to figure out what language Adam and eve spoke. Now the children ended up making up their own language of babbles which I’m not sure Adam and eve spoke :lol: . So what was Adam’s language, was it Hebrew, Greek, Latin. what?

And my 2nd question, which is kind of on this topic is feral children. The actions of feral children seem to support the atheist base that we are wild animals tamed by society. These children use the bathroom wherever and whenever they want, they scream and yell randomly, sometimes walk on all limbs, swing from trees like MONKEYS, mainly eat roots and leaves and other vegitation (like monkeys) rarley eating meats from frogs and brids and rabbits , ect…

Re: Gods Language

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:54 pm
by BGoodForGoodSake
Murray wrote:In psychology today we discussed the origins of language and how humans learn language. We also touched on the 2 views on which humans behave, humanism and behaviorism.

one of the experiments (aside from victor and genie) that we looked at was when the holy roman emperor made a feral child to try to figure out what language Adam and eve spoke. Now the children ended up making up their own language of babbles which I’m not sure Adam and eve spoke :lol: . So what was Adam’s language, was it Hebrew, Greek, Latin. what?

And my 2nd question, which is kind of on this topic is feral children. The actions of feral children seem to support the atheist base that we are wild animals tamed by society. These children use the bathroom wherever and whenever they want, they scream and yell randomly, sometimes walk on all limbs, swing from trees like MONKEYS, mainly eat roots and leaves and other vegitation (like monkeys) rarley eating meats from frogs and brids and rabbits , ect…
All the examples you have are not traits of wild animals per se. The using of bathrooms, not yelling, and eating habits are all cultural behaviours. These behaviours are learned. Some societies today still go wherever is convinient, yell and scream, and eat roots and leaves. I am not sure where the walking on all limbs comes from, as I am pretty sure even if they did it would not be their primary method of locomotion.

Re: Gods Language

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 3:22 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Interesting question, i have no idea of the answer but hey i made a post :mrgreen:
Did God have a language that he used before we were created??

Re: Gods Language

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 4:13 pm
by Murray
Maybe it was the random rambling of the feral children the holy roman emporer made ;)