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Can't we all get along?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 9:30 am
by Johnny916
Hello everyone. I'm curious as to how Christians, Jews, and Muslims can along better? Recently I was invited to a few different events at a Church and a Mosque. I have decided to get in touch with my Jewish roots and become more religious. I want to bridge the gaps the best way I can. Any opinions from other users?

Re: Can't we all get along?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 9:53 am
by Seraph
I think the best way would be to stress in our respective churches/synagouges/mosques that even though we don't agree with other ideologies and theologies, we shouldn't view people themselves who follow other religions as our enemies. It seems so easy for people to treat people as enemies if they're in the other camp, but I think all three religions (ideally) would agree that it isn't our place to hate a person based on whether they truely have a relationship with God or not.

Easier said than done I know...

Re: Can't we all get along?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:10 am
by jlay
Harmony will only be found when all turn and submit their minds to God in Christ. Period. We can 'tolerate' one another in the mean time.

Living in the US I see Christians, Jews, and Muslims getting along (tolerating) all the time.

Radical Islam has no desire to get along. Their idea of peace is the extermination of infidels. When a radical Muslim says they want peace, do not be deceived. Peace is either you converting, or dead. End of story.

Christianity is to love our enemy. To pray for them. This of course will foster relational peace. But in the end, what does it matter if they are cast into Hell because they have no peace with God. What drives us is bringing men to find peace with God though Christ.

Re: Can't we all get along?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:32 am
by Johnny916
Well I do not believe in Jesus. But I have to respect the right of others to worship as they please.

Re: Can't we all get along?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:41 am
by Proinsias
Karen Armstong has been advocating a charter for compassion within the major world religions for a few years, via TED, which might be of interest:

Re: Can't we all get along?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:03 am
by Silvertusk
Johnny916 wrote:Hello everyone. I'm curious as to how Christians, Jews, and Muslims can along better? Recently I was invited to a few different events at a Church and a Mosque. I have decided to get in touch with my Jewish roots and become more religious. I want to bridge the gaps the best way I can. Any opinions from other users?

"Become more religious" - what exactly does that mean? - what is it that you are really looking for Johnny?

Re: Can't we all get along?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:07 am
by Johnny916
Silvertusk wrote:
Johnny916 wrote:Hello everyone. I'm curious as to how Christians, Jews, and Muslims can along better? Recently I was invited to a few different events at a Church and a Mosque. I have decided to get in touch with my Jewish roots and become more religious. I want to bridge the gaps the best way I can. Any opinions from other users?

"Become more religious" - what exactly does that mean? - what is it that you are really looking for Johnny?
I grow up as a secular Jew. Basically my parents never raised my sisters and myself to be religious Jews. So, I would really like to become more spiritual towards Judaism.

Re: Can't we all get along?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:38 am
by Gman
Johnny916 wrote:Hello everyone. I'm curious as to how Christians, Jews, and Muslims can along better? Recently I was invited to a few different events at a Church and a Mosque. I have decided to get in touch with my Jewish roots and become more religious. I want to bridge the gaps the best way I can. Any opinions from other users?
Hi Johnny.. Glad to see you back and that you are recognizing your Jewish roots. You should never give up on your roots Johnny. Jews have a special calling under G-d that is unbreakable. Please understand your place.. Judaism means love and peace, in fact it is COMMANDED to love.

As for peace, unfortunately there is no way for peace unless it is ordained of G-d so the battles we see today will keep going unless mankind submits to G-d. Until then there will be no peace. For groups like the U.N. to declare it is wrong since they do not understand the condition of man.

Re: Can't we all get along?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:42 am
by DannyM
We are not the same. The disparities between us are glaring. It is Christian or other. Come to Christ, those of you being called! y>:D<

Re: Can't we all get along?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 12:20 pm
by Gman
DannyM wrote:We are not the same. The disparities between us are glaring. It is Christian or other. Come to Christ, those of you being called! y>:D<
Actually Christianity is just another form of Judaism. Jesus or Yeshua (his hebrew name) was a Jew as well as all the other first followers of Him. It wasn't really until some 30 years later that Gentiles starting moving into it with all their pagan holidays and stuff.. No offense. ;)

Therefore you can still practice Judaism with Yeshua as the head like me and not give up your Jewish roots. In fact under Yeshua Judaism is augmented.

Re: Can't we all get along?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:11 pm
by DannyM
Gman wrote:
DannyM wrote:We are not the same. The disparities between us are glaring. It is Christian or other. Come to Christ, those of you being called! y>:D<
Actually Christianity is just another form of Judaism. Jesus or Yeshua (his hebrew name) was a Jew as well as all the other first followers of Him. It wasn't really until some 30 years later that Gentiles starting moving into it with all their pagan holidays and stuff.. No offense. ;)

Therefore you can still practice Judaism with Yeshua as the head like me and not give up your Jewish roots. In fact under Yeshua Judaism is augmented.
I stand corrected - Don't come to Christ! :pound:

Re: Can't we all get along?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:54 pm
by Seraph
Isn't it possible to encourage people to come to Christ without creating a Christian vs Everybody Else paradigm?

I fear that one reason the younger generation has more people that reject Christianity than previous ones in both the US and Europe is because they view Christians as people who like to feel smug and secure in their superior status over everyone else. It's an opinion I've heard many times. Perhaps the number of conversions to Christianity would rise if we focused on excercising humility in our worldview.

Re: Can't we all get along?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:17 pm
by jlay
Christians who act all high and mighty certainly do a great disservice to the name of Christ.
But I have to respect the right of others to worship as they please.
What if one's worship is to exterminate you? Do you HAVE to respect that?

Re: Can't we all get along?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:18 pm
by Silvertusk
Humility and love. :amen:

Re: Can't we all get along?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:55 pm
by DannyM
Seraph wrote:Isn't it possible to encourage people to come to Christ without creating a Christian vs Everybody Else paradigm?
When it comes to world-view it is a choice: be Christian (in) or non-Christian (out).
I fear that one reason the younger generation has more people that reject Christianity than previous ones in both the US and Europe is because they view Christians as people who like to feel smug and secure in their superior status over everyone else. It's an opinion I've heard many times. Perhaps the number of conversions to Christianity would rise if we focused on excercising humility in our worldview.
It's always lovely to get such a tirade from a 'liberal' Christian. Confidence in Christ, confidence in one's security, these things are quite often looked down upon by the so-called liberal side of Christianity. Trouble is, the 'all-inclusive' 'liberal' Christians have no comfort for you; they won't tell you you're lost.

I know where my money is when spotting the smug ones ... ;)