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Need some advice

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:14 pm
by Murray
As some of you know my family is an extreme military family with almost every male serving since the civil war. I plan to serve in either the army or coast guard (but most likely army).

Right now, I have 2 options which I am discussing with my family and my brother (current officer and soon to be ranger in the army)

I could enlist, join as a airborne chaplain assistant, who's main task is to protect the chaplain (the chaplain does not carry a weapon) and do small things like prepare service, help with sermons, kind of like an associate pastor.

Or I could go to the citadel which I have been pretty much accepted to in which I could become a chaplain.

With enlistment I could also get an education, and through OCS eventually become an officer, or as I wanted to do become a career NCO, nut again I'm kind of torn between the 2 options.

With the citadel I get college education and a degree and get commissioned as an officer, but as enlisted I get marks for deployment and combat the help to advance my career in the military and would help if I ever did decide to become an officer and I get a lot more assistance from the gov. for my living expenses which might be good for a 18 year old out of high school

Thought you wonderful people could give me insight on what you think is wisest as I value you opinion close to that of my families

Re: Need some advice

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 8:06 pm
by Gman
Murray wrote:As some of you know my family is an extreme military family with almost every male serving since the civil war. I plan to serve in either the army or coast guard (but most likely army).

Right now, I have 2 options which I am discussing with my family and my brother (current officer and soon to be ranger in the army)

I could enlist, join as a airborne chaplain assistant, who's main task is to protect the chaplain (the chaplain does not carry a weapon) and do small things like prepare service, help with sermons, kind of like an associate pastor.

Or I could go to the citadel which I have been pretty much accepted to in which I could become a chaplain.

With enlistment I could also get an education, and through OCS eventually become an officer, or as I wanted to do become a career NCO, nut again I'm kind of torn between the 2 options.

With the citadel I get college education and a degree and get commissioned as an officer, but as enlisted I get marks for deployment and combat the help to advance my career in the military and would help if I ever did decide to become an officer and I get a lot more assistance from the gov. for my living expenses which might be good for a 18 year old out of high school

Thought you wonderful people could give me insight on what you think is wisest as I value you opinion close to that of my families
What do you think G-d wants for your life Murry?

Re: Need some advice

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 12:16 pm
by Murray
I'm not sure gman.....

Re: Need some advice

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:30 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Maybe you need to pray and ask for guidance.

Re: Need some advice

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:59 am
by Silvertusk

Both of those choices seems an worthy and honourable vocation. And prayer is definately the answer. But you could also ask yourself which position would allow you to better serve God. It sounds like you already have your answer by saying you pretty much accepted to be a chaplain. Maybe God has already answered your prayers by opening up those doors. Either way I wish you all the best in your choice and may God's utimate wisdom be in that decision.

God Bless

Re: Need some advice

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 5:55 pm
by Murray
Coming very close to signing those papers soon,

My new plan which I thought about for a past couple months was this

- Enlist as a cav scout, go to leadership schools, get deployment stripes, deployment medals ect.. then after 3 years, take the GI bill, go to college, join up ROTC, study theology and history, then be a commissioned officer as a chaplain,

What do you guys think about that :)

My brother got his regiment chaplain to talk to me and it's kind of similar to what he did, he even managed to get a ranger tab in his enlisted years as a infantryman. Seems that alot of chaplain actually have ranger and sappers tabs from what he told me, so i'm thinkin this is what a hefty amount of some chaplain do..