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Trip to israel

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 10:51 am
by Murray
As a graduation gift my dad promised to pay for me to take trip to israel with a christian group. Knowing many of you have gone to israel I was wondering if you guys know a good program/site/group to go with.

Thanks :esmile:

Re: Trip to israel

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:12 pm
by RickD
Murray wrote:As a graduation gift my dad promised to pay for me to take trip to israel with a christian group. Knowing many of you have gone to israel I was wondering if you guys know a good program/site/group to go with.

Thanks :esmile:
Congratulations murray, you finally spelled Israel correctly. :lol:
Everybody here loves Isreal.....

What makes you think we don't?

I'm really not as worried about the Big bad u.n being mean to poor isreal. The U.N cannot do anything, what are they going to do, send peacekeepers to make isreal do it's will? No.

And Iran, even if they nuclearize (which they will), the cannot weaponize it, they have no ICBMs.

And the iranians are not stupid, what do you think isreal would do if they knew a warhead was going to wipe them out? They would emty their arsinal in a second, Iran knows this, they are not stupid.

Unless imawackjob wants to become a pile of goop then he will not bother isreal.

Re: Trip to israel

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:51 pm
by Murray

Re: Trip to israel

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 3:04 pm
by Gman
Murray wrote:As a graduation gift my dad promised to pay for me to take trip to israel with a christian group. Knowing many of you have gone to israel I was wondering if you guys know a good program/site/group to go with.

Thanks :esmile:
Smart man!!! You will be forever changed... There are many programs out there to go with. Some of the bigger ones are the following. I went just a few months ago with my church but I've heard that these are great too..

This will be the MOST important trip you will ever take in your life... I have been to many countries in my life but ISRAEL is the best. There is so much history there too.. We almost had a heart attack when we saw the temple mount.. Simply AWESOME!


Re: Trip to israel

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 3:10 pm
by RickD
Murray wrote:Thanks for the info rick.

Am I supposed to take my words back?

I love Israel, I can't wait to go there, I respect almost every claim that they make.

I do not think saying that Israel is a fierce fighting force makes me anti Israel.....
Sorry Murray. My joke went missing when I posted . It's fixed now.

Re: Trip to israel

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 3:20 pm
by Gman

Here is a recent picture I took of the temple mount from the mount of olives where Christ will descend to shortly .. Just to get your appetite wet... Again I've been all over the world and Israel takes the cake.


Re: Trip to israel

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 3:25 pm
by Murray
That picture is jaw dropping gman, I can't wait to see it in person :ebiggrin:

Thanks for the links as well, gonna look through all of them with my dad later tonight :ebiggrin: :ebiggrin:

Re: Trip to israel

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 3:34 pm
by Gman
Murray wrote:That picture is jaw dropping gman, I can't wait to see it in person :ebiggrin:

Thanks for the links as well, gonna look through all of them with my dad later tonight :ebiggrin: :ebiggrin:
If you are being pulled to Israel I believe God is behind it.. It is also possible that you are a true descendant of Israel possibly thousands of years ago. That is what I found about myself. People are being drawn to it and are fascinated with it and they don't even know why..

God is calling you back... Sound like he wants you to aliyah...

Re: Trip to israel

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:44 am
by Silvertusk
Murray wrote:As a graduation gift my dad promised to pay for me to take trip to israel with a christian group. Knowing many of you have gone to israel I was wondering if you guys know a good program/site/group to go with.

Thanks :esmile:

You lucky lucky lucky.............

I have always wanted to visit the Holy Land.


Re: Trip to israel

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:56 am
by Byblos
Silvertusk wrote:
Murray wrote:As a graduation gift my dad promised to pay for me to take trip to israel with a christian group. Knowing many of you have gone to israel I was wondering if you guys know a good program/site/group to go with.

Thanks :esmile:

You lucky lucky lucky.............

I have always wanted to visit the Holy Land.

Me too, it has been a life long dream to visit the Christian holy sites. I was supposed to go this summer but time, finances and logistics did not permit (although I was about 20 miles from the Israeli boarder and could actually see it, so does that count?). I did go to Israel more than 30 years ago but that was, shall we say, under rather covert conditions and only to areas designated by the Israeli army (for military training).