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If Christs bones were found (hypothetically of course)

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 3:48 pm
by spartanII
How would you react? My friend asked me this today. If it could be proven beyond a reasonable doubt...
Of course, I believe He rose to heaven, but still... just a hypothetical.

Also, just for fun, did Muhammad rise to heaven within the Islamic faith, if so, if we found the bones of Muhammad, how would you react/do you think Muslims would go crazy and riot?

Re: If Christs bones were found (hypothetically of course)

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 6:07 pm
by Murray
If his bones were found we would really have no way of knowing if they were his or not lol.
But I guess if it was insanely conclusive that they were his then I assume most Christians would just convert to Judaism.

And if Muhammads were found, they would blame the jews for planting them or something.

Re: If Christs bones were found (hypothetically of course)

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:09 am
by Silvertusk
Muhammad died though didn't he? Are his bones in Mecca or something?

Re: If Christs bones were found (hypothetically of course)

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:26 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Silvertusk wrote:Muhammad died though didn't he? Are his bones in Mecca or something?
He didn't die. He rode on a flying horse from Mecca to Jerusalem where he ascended to heaven. The Dome of the Rock is on the site of this ascension.


Re: If Christs bones were found (hypothetically of course)

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:57 am
by Silvertusk
I thought that was the site of Jesus's ascension?

Re: If Christs bones were found (hypothetically of course)

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:04 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Silvertusk wrote:I thought that was the site of Jesus's ascension?
Not quite, but Muhammad copied Jesus in that he took off like a helicopter...from our perspective. (The Hadith isn't clear on what happened to the flying horse after The Prophet* ascended...I think the Greek myth of Pegasus may come from Muhammad's abandoned horse flying around Athens.) From the Muslim perspective Jesus didn't die on the cross, an imposter did. Jesus rose bodily to Allah and will return to give you a thrashing.


*(Peace be unto him) :pound:

Re: If Christs bones were found (hypothetically of course)

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:17 pm
by Byblos
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:(Peace be unto him) :pound:
Upon him, FL, upon him, get it right please, otherwise you will bring the wrath of the flying horse upon us.

Re: If Christs bones were found (hypothetically of course)

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 10:19 pm
by neo-x
Not quite, but Muhammad copied Jesus in that he took off like a helicopter...from our perspective. (The Hadith isn't clear on what happened to the flying horse after The Prophet* ascended...I think the Greek myth of Pegasus may come from Muhammad's abandoned horse flying around Athens.) From the Muslim perspective Jesus didn't die on the cross, an imposter did. Jesus rose bodily to Allah and will return to give you a thrashing.


*(Peace be unto him)
The concept of the flying horse is in fact older then the obvious Greek. it is also present in the medo-persian mythologies as well and probably was borrowed into the Greek myths from there. Muhammad had close ties to the Iranian subculture as most of his associates were from that region and probably from there they copied the winged creatures ascent into the heavens.

Also just as a point to ponder, do you guys know that the reason there always is a tower in a mosque - is because the ancient Persians mythologies concluded that the higher you are from the ground the closer you are to God. Hence the concept of ascension was one with a psychological effect. Muhammad successfully copied that, so when he preached the ascension incident to his followers the next day, he was not just describing a tour, he was implying, second-ness to God, which in his opinion would be even higher than that of Moses account on mount sanai. So he was establishing himself as the highest person to claim such a feat. And when he told people of it, a lot of people turned away from his discipleship, as he had claimed to seen God but was without a miracle or a sign, or even unlike Moses, whose face shone after he had been in the presence of God. Muhammad had no such signs and so initially he had a hard time selling his story.
He borrowed extensively from Jews, Christians and Persian customs, including Zoroastrianism and the magi cults. That is also the reason that the Islamic calender follows the lunar calendar and the moon crescent is always present on the mosques. That symbolism has gotten so much infused that hardly anyone notices it anymore, but it is there if you look closely.